Turning 40 in only a few days worries



  • Smeltzer2
    Smeltzer2 Posts: 210 Member
    I would give my grandchildren you if i child be 40 again. I will be 71 in February. I actually feel better most days tgsn i did at 45. Lost 80 lbs when i was 60. My son is 45 and his friends kid him. Your Mom looks better tgan you. You look great.
  • TXEXrunner
    TXEXrunner Posts: 178 Member
    Think of it as not even being half way through life yet. This is time for new starts (I trained for and ran a marathon for my 40th). My attitude is to get better with age. You've worked hard to get this far, it's time to capitalize on what you've earned. From a physical perspective, you have proven you can set goals and accomplish them. As with many of the other comments, congratulations on what you have achieved so far! I am certain you will reach your goal in 2014. Jan 5th will be another day on the calendar - or it can be the start of the next chapter in life! Make the most of every day - then your age doesn't matter (says the guy who's 50!). Go out and do something for yourself and fun on the 5th, and maybe the 6th! Congrats again on your accomplishments!
  • Primeval_Princess
    The worry leading up to it. the reality is I've only had prob 15yrs of what I consider adult life experience under my belt and I'm now maybe 1/2 way through .... but the latter half, I get 40 years of adult life (God willing). I imagine the butt I can kick!
  • queenstl
    queenstl Posts: 64 Member
    :drinker: Nothing bad about 40. I just turned 42 on december 30th, and i feel good. Its all about what you think and feel. I never dreaded getting older.
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    True! I walk longer and have more energy than ever before, I hate thinking 30-35 is the retirement age from fitness!

    I didn't start until I was 45. It saved my life.
  • Spiderkeys
    Spiderkeys Posts: 338 Member
    Im 40 years old now as today, but now im already thinking about 50, and looking at it that when I turn 50, I gonna wish i'm 40 again, I hope my 40s don't fly as fast as my 30s did, and my 20s?, I barely remember them anymore.
  • SCV34
    SCV34 Posts: 2,048 Member
    Happy 40th birthday! Embrace it, seize the day and enjoy it with no dread. Don't overthink it just be awesome with no worries:happy:
  • rusnak48
    Happy 40th!! In a few days I will be 48. I would say it gets harder to stay motivated after 40 but not impossible. Compared to when I was 40 I think I need to push myself more and I think my metabolism has slowed way down. Nothing is impossible with determination though. Enjoy your birthday!!
  • Machdude
    Machdude Posts: 136 Member
    My life began at 40 (actually 42). Met my current wife and am more active than I ever was prior to that. Your age is a number. I am in better shape now at 61 than I was in my 40''s and feel pretty good.
  • olehcat
    olehcat Posts: 92 Member
    Turning 40 was a milestone for me, the moment I realized I was no longer "young" technically. That was kind of a shock to my system, but inside I feel like I'm about 28! I have decided now (at the age of 43) that I may not be technically young anymore, but I don't have to look middle-aged! Age is only a number if you keep yourself in good shape and "think" young! :).
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    First of all, Happy Birthday. Instead of dreading it, celebrate the fact that you've improved your health and are taking 40 on with renewed purpose! It's all in the mind!

    Personally, when I turned 40 I was surprised how I didn't feel any "older"! And my friends made sure I knew I was "over the hill" with all kinds of funny messages, etc. But I continued to yoyo with my weight so I wasn't as smart as you are! A couple years ago I decided it was the last time I would lose weight and this time I'd keep it off! And so far I'm doing great. AND I just turned 64 two days ago and feel better now than I have in many years. So...if you let an age freak you out, you can also turn that attitude around and celebrate how you're now healthier and continue to set goals for the things you want to do and accomplish in the next year or so. Putting a goal out there will let you look forward to each day you're here.
  • fiestabev
    Happy birthday...welcome to the forty something stages of your life. Embrace them. You're fitter than you were in your thirties...and I bet there's lots of things in your life that you still haven't done. I suggest that you sit down today and write a list of things you've never seen or experienced. Then over the next ten years, get out and do them. Make amazing memories....then when you are sat in your old persons chair later in life...you'll look back and think...yes...I did that. That's my plan anyway....47 and loving life.
  • JONZ64
    JONZ64 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Its just a number, goals shouldn't be set or limited by our age (timelines yes, age not so much). You had a goal and you've been working on it, so you're 40? Just be the best 40 you can be and don't judge your 40 on other people at 40, it is a set up for failure.
    My 40's sucked NOT because I was 40, but I had let myself go and got out of shape, heading into 50 I feel much better than I did in my mid-late 40's

    I will be 50 in a few weeks, hence my screen name...wait, will I have to change it to "In50'sdoor"? anyway... I have had people tell me "50 is the new 40!" I always say BS! I will be 50 I will be the best 50 I can be and it is just a number. I have felt this way my whole life. The only important Birthdays to me were; 21-legal to drink, 25- my insurance went down and now 62- I can retire:smile:
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    40 didn't bother me at all but turning 50 had a big mental impact. Not so much that "life is over" but more "if not now, when?".
    Now a month from 54 (in my mind moving from early 50's to middle 50's !!) I'm in better shape than I've been since I was 31.

    Age does change things but it should never be an excuse not to challenge yourself to be the best you can. I still feel I'm too young to take up golf so I'm making a squash comeback instead. :smile:
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I'll be 59 in a week, and I'll say that my 50's have been the best decade of my life. I've achieved success and recognition in my career, my adult daughters are educated and successful in their careers and personal lives, I have a strong relationship, and good friends. Many things come much more easily than they did decades ago. I'm grateful for wisdom and experience. My life is much easier than it used to be. I hope to make the most of every age as it comes my way. I don't want the alternative.
  • Leaping_Lemur
    Leaping_Lemur Posts: 121 Member
    I never had any dread coming up to 40, so it was never a big deal. I had a few friends say 41/42 is when you begin to decline, and indeed I find that I'm now more likely to need bright light to read small print, for example. However, 42 is when I joined MFP and started lifting weights, and I am in much better shape now (at 43) than I was at 30. I weigh less, I'm stronger and have more endurance. So for me, my 40s are going to be much better than my 30s!
  • zornig
    zornig Posts: 336 Member
    Happy birthday to you! I turned 40 exactly one month ago today, and so far so good. I also didn't want to turn 40 at my fat girl size, and managed to drop 25 lbs in time for the big day.

    There's a lot about aging that is scary and maybe even sad, but there's also a lot that's exciting and satisfying. Think of all the amazing things you've accomplished, things you've learned, people you've known, skills you've acquired. In many ways it's really true what they say: you're not getting older, you're getting better!
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'm the type that announces my birthday, actually i skip around Singing 'it's my birthday, it's my birthday' Why not celebrate, life is hard enough anytime you can celebrate, take the chance!

    I'm 38 and hope to be fabulous 40! Be proud and have some laughs.

    Also isn't 40 the new 20?! lol
  • Trisha_Williams
    Trisha_Williams Posts: 33 Member
    l really enjoyed my forties, life is what you make it, l will be 67 this year, quite a lot of health problems but i still
    enjoy my life. .Age is all in the mind.
    By the way Happy Birthday.