Starting my diet again..

Hello, this is my first post to MyFitnessPal.

Last November, I started going to the gym regularly say 3/4 times a week and drank plenty of water quite a lot. My start weight was roughly 224lbs. I got down to around 197 for about May 2013 then I stopped going as often as I did. Recently I noticed that my jackets were feeling a little bit tighter etc. so again, I started up doing the gym and weighed myself.. I was 212 (I am hugely disappointed) it seems to me that, I only notice that I'm putting on the weight if clothes seem tighter and stuff.

I want to be able at least 168 lbs so a target of 48 lbs I think? But also, I want to tone. I don't want to have flabby leftover skin and stuff. I find it embarrassing to look at myself with flabby skin as it is :(

I mainly need tips on what to eat, when to eat it, what to exercise (which ways), what to use at the gym etc.

I need motivational friends!!!

I've looked at some of the posts on the success stories on this board and I have to say, its unbelievable and one day I would like to post something along the same lines.

So I hope with a bit of help from you all, I can achieve this!!

Thanks a lot!


  • Bump
  • HI Jamie,
    I too am starting again today!!!
    I lost 2 1/2 stone a couple of years ago and like oyurself i have crept up the scales again. :(
    I have tos ay if I fill in the tracker everyday it does help me an awful lot.
    I have been to Holland and Barratt today and bought some Slim Rice and pastas.
    These are only 6 calories per 100g so 12 calories a bag and filling.
    My friend put me onto them and I have just had a lovely meal of stirfry pepers, Mange tout, chicken, slim noodles and a tin of chopped tomatos. It only came to 228 calories and i had a mountain of food.

    So I am happy to 'friends' if you would like.
    I need someone to nudge me a long and cheer me up when i feel like knawing the table leg!

    Kind regards

  • giddysd
    giddysd Posts: 5 Member
    I too have the same issue. I stopped exercising and didn't even notice I ballooned back up. I was down to 188 and went back up to 213. I am not comfortable going to the gym and the winter in Cleveland is making it difficult for me to feel any motivation to exercise. I am sick of having to buy plus size clothes and seeing myself in pictures, so it is time that I get on track.
  • Giddysd and Jamie,

    I am going to send you both friends requests and how about we check back in next Monday.
    I am going to try stay clear of the scales until each monday morning :)

    If you like accept the invitation if not then no harm no foul.

    Anita :)
  • Fatsotubs
    Fatsotubs Posts: 93 Member
    Hiya. I'm starting again too. I am going to Australia in August and want to feel thin and healthy. Can I join you ? I weigh in on a Sunday though but can come on here on Monday. :)
  • I too started last week.. I am at my heaviest (which I hate to put in print) but I am bound and determined not to go to Florida this year as big as I was last year. Unfortunately I am a junk-food junkie. I would rather have a Reese Cup than a meal but I haven't had one in a week and it feels pretty good. Maybe this week I might reward myself with a regular size one instead of the king size one. This tool is really great, I look forward to seeing some positive results. Good luck everyone!
  • The more the merrier, just motivates each other to achieve our goals :)
  • My first week on MyFitness Pal and 3lbs. Feel pretty good! But I struggle with the exercise. I try to walk 2 mile a day on the treadmill and some days are good and then there are other days.
  • Fatsotubs
    Fatsotubs Posts: 93 Member
    Only lost .8lb this week. I'm disappointed but I only put on 2lbs over the holidays (which should have been a lot more). Hoping for a bigger loss this week.
  • Fk1437
    Fk1437 Posts: 16
    i need a lot of motivation n partners who can share stories n can motivate i need to lose 30kgs by June. i lost 15kgs last year. add me in i jus started getting back on my health regime i have been eating unhealthy for the past 2 months...
  • chandra2802
    chandra2802 Posts: 29 Member
    Welcome to MFP!!

    I started also recently (about 2 weeks ago) and i am still feeling confident. Although seeing the scale go backwards is always nice.. what i want to feel good about myself. Because of schedules i am not able to hit the gym.. so i do all my workouts at home. I even looked up some beginners 30 day challenges. Push up will kill me but i am going to try. My biggest issue is figuring out meal. Mother of 2 with a type 1 diabetic. I work nights so figuring out meals is a challenge.
  • Fatsotubs
    Fatsotubs Posts: 93 Member
    I'm doing the 30 day squat challenge. Did it last year and lost 2 inches off my hips :)
  • daimere
    daimere Posts: 31 Member
    I've restarted multiple times. But you are smaller than last time. I feel like that is a success! I restarted in the end of November. You can do this!
  • toovodz
    toovodz Posts: 50 Member
    Hi I'm starting again too...2 weeks in. Last time I was eating the calories I'd burned back to stick to the calorie goal but that didn't seem to work for me. Over time I ended up putting more weighg on than when I started and never reached my goals. I'm doing it differently this time and so far so good!

    I'm looking for friends too so if anyone would like to add me that would be great.

    I failed miserably trying to get to thr gym or classes havkng a my hubby has bought me an exercise bike and it's in my living room so that's my fitness plan. Nk escaping it now lol

    Good luck everyone!

    Sarah x
  • toovodz
    toovodz Posts: 50 Member
    Excuse my typo's lol...these buttons are way too small!