I need some quick low calorie breakfast ideas!



  • Snowbarrr
    Snowbarrr Posts: 8 Member
    I second Erinup with the egg. Pretty quick to cook one up, and I just cook it with water so no extra calories. I like to put it on a bagel thin or sandwhich thin with a slice of fat free cheese and 1/2 tbs of texas petes honey mustard (I love texas pete's honey mustard! Only 14 calories a TBs!)

    Another frequent one for me is an ego whole grain waffle (80 cal) and a morningstar farm veggie sausage pattie (70 cal) and 1/4 cup of sugar free syrup (20 cal). Higher in sodium than I like, but low-ish calorie, quick, and delicious.

    I also really love Kashi Golean crunch with some fat free milk.
  • sgeorgia
    sgeorgia Posts: 66 Member
    my staple is a homemade egg mcmuffin sandwich:

    All Whites - 100 % Liquid Egg Whites, 1/3 cup (75 gm)
    Thomasas - English Muffin Whole Grain Lite, 1 muffin
    Hormel - Bacon - Fully Cooked, 1 slices
    Sharp Cheddar cheese .5oz (not processed)

    comes to about 220-ish calories and keeps me full for a bit.
  • I posted this in another thread, but since I can't link to it, I'll just copy and paste it here:
    I'm on a pretty strict diet since I'm type-2 diabetic and trying to lose weight. I've recently started getting involved with Cross-fit training and the Paleo diet. GREAT combination of exercise and diet! So here's what I've been eating, as recommended by my doctor and nutritionist / trainer:

    - Eggs, no dairy added (whole eggs are fine on occasion or with regular exercise since your body needs some cholesterol). If you want to add a bit of 'pizazz' to it, toss in some salsa, onions, peppers, or some lean meat. I personally like my eggs scrambled with lots of pepper, salsa (or diced peppers), and cottage cheese with some ground beef added.

    - Fresh Fruit. I love to make assorted fruit mixes. Berries are especially good because of the anti-oxidants. Melons are fantastic too, and for me are the perfect breakfast food (taste-wise). It's a great side-dish to go with your eggs, too ;) Also, tomatoes and avocados are GREAT in eggs!

    - Yogurt. Now this is a tricky one because most yogurt is TERRIBLE. It's also kind of a 'cheat' food in a way because of the dairy. But if you have a Kroger or Fred-Meyer near you, pick up the CARBMaster yogurt. It only has 80 calories, it has a good amount of protein, and is low(ish) in sugar. But the sugar is natural and therefor easier for your body to process. For an extra treat, add some fresh fruit to it. The CARBMaster yogurt tastes awesome by itself even. I never add anything to mine.

    - Cottage Cheese. Another "cheat" food because of the dairy and high sodium, but if you get the nonfat it's great to add to your eggs and/or fruit (and even yogurt if you're feeling adventurous!)

    - Lean Meat. Ground beef or turkey (<7% fat) is great to mix in with your eggs. Not traditionally a breakfast item, but it sure is good with a bit of onion and garlic! I like to freeze pre-measured amounts of meat so they're ready to fry up with my eggs. With meat in the morning, I tend to feel more fuller (excuse my grammar, lol). Steak and eggs are an awesome way to start the day too. Just keep it lean. ;)

    - Protein drinks. These can be good for some people, but I tend to become hungry again soon after. The nutrients are quickly absorbed and processed by the body, which is perfect for a post-workout meal. For breakfast though, my personal opinion (which is not based on any medical facts) is that they're good in a pinch, certainly better than skipping, but you're better off with a 'balanced' meal of lean proteins and natural carbs (like those found in fruits and veggies).

    - Fresh Veggies. Try adding some spinach (or kale) to your eggs, or even some asparagus. You just might be surprised! If you chop up the spinach and add it to your eggs just before you pull 'em off the grill, it adds a nice flavor. Same with green onions (or any other onions for that matter). Mushrooms are also terrific in eggs and/or on your breakfast meats.

    When cooking, use olive oil and cook on a low heat!

    For more information about the Paleo diet, go to: http://www.paleodiet.com
    I actually follow more on http://www.marksdailyapple.com - which is based on the Paleo diet, called The Primal Blueprint. Lots of terrific resources and tons of recipes.

    Bon appetit!

  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Thanks so much everyone!!!!!!!!!!!
  • gypsyjacquelina
    gypsyjacquelina Posts: 19 Member
    -Kellogs All Bran Strawberry Medley cereal with non-fat milk (has the fiber & protein to keep you feeling full for the morning)

    -egg white omlette with veggies, a bodywise wrap & salsa
  • On Sundays, I'll make a frittata using whatever I have in the fridge and slice it up so that I have a slice for breakfast during the week.

    Saute any veggies you have on hand in an oven-safe pan, I usually have mushrooms, zucchini, onion and sometimes I'll add spinach or broccoli or cubed sweet potatoes if I have to get rid of stuff. While the veggies are cooking, whisk together a couple of eggs (or about 4 egg whites if not using whole eggs) with a couple of tbsp of milk, garlic powder, oregano, black pepper and a pinch of sea salt and pour over veggies in pan. Top w/ crumbled goat cheese or a little shredded low-fat cheese and cook until the egg is set and the edges get a bit crisp. FInish the frittata in the oven under the broiler to brown the top and melt the cheese.

    I wrap each slice and just heat it in the microwave during the week.
  • Try this

    Bagel Thins - 110 calories (toasted of course)
    Philadelphia Fat Free Cream Cheese - 30 calories per 1 oz
    total is 140 calories

    or you can try

    Assuming you are using a nonstick pan and nonstick spray. Also assuming you drain the fat from the bacon.
    Bagel Thins - 110 calories (toasted of course)
    2 egg whites - 30 calories
    1 slice of thin/small (15g) of tomato - 3 calories
    2 Pan Friend Bacon Slices - 80 calories
    total is 223 calories

    or you can try

    Bagel Thins - 110 calories (toasted of course)
    1 slice of thin/small (15g) of tomato - 3 calories
    1 lettuce leaf (assumption) - 1 calorie
    6 slice of Plumrose Deli Ultra Thin (variety, I prefer honey) -- 45 calories
    1 tbsp of kraft fat free mayo (yes it taste good) -- 11 calories
    total is 170 calories

    Now if you want a drink with that

    Try the sugar free drinks that ranges from 0 to 15 calories per serving

    or make a smoothy

    I like to use

    1 cup of carrot juice -- 90 calories (varies)
    6 strawberries -- 12 calories
    1/2 of a small banana -- 36 calories
    total is 138 calories

    There are some delicious options out there, you need to be prepared -- which is the hardest part :-/
  • gypsyjacquelina
    gypsyjacquelina Posts: 19 Member
    Detour bar if you don't have time to make a breakfast, grab it & head out the door. They are from 170-190 cals.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Greek yogurt, protein bar... if I want to be really full though, it's 2 eggs with ham or turkey sausage, or an egg/turkey sausage burrito (I just buy precooked sausages and nuke them for 20 seconds, then nuke an egg for 40 seconds, put in a tortilla, add cheese (if you want), it takes 2 minutes, 270 calories (220 without cheese) and very filling.
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    Porridge with a teaspoon of honey or cinnamon.


    Roughly chop up 2 slices of your favourite salami. Cook on a high heat until it starts to go crispy (you will not need any oil to do this). Whilst the salami is cooking, beat 2 eggs. When the salami is crispy, remove the pan from the heat and pour in the egg, stirring with a wooden spoon. There should be enough heat in the pan to cook the egg. Voila!

    For a variation, skip the salami and add some of your favourite cheese as the eggs are cooking so it is just starting to melt when the eggs are cooked


    Wholemeal toast with Marmite! Can't beat it!
  • oc1timoco
    oc1timoco Posts: 272 Member
    on high carb. mornings I start out with a serving of Honey Bunches of Oats, 6 oz. of yogurt, blueberries and craisens
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    Go continental.
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    pad thai!

    By which I mean, why think only of "breakfast foods"? Just 'cause it's morning doesn't mean you can't have fish or salad or whatever.
  • TemikaThompson
    TemikaThompson Posts: 222 Member
    breakfast on the go, very filling
  • prosperkat
    prosperkat Posts: 59 Member
    My go-to breakfast is:

    100g Low-fat yoghurt (I love Rachel's Organic Rhubarb)
    1 c. blueberries
    25g granola (Tesco Nut Granola)
  • bernied262
    bernied262 Posts: 882 Member
    overnight oats. Make them the night before, I use 40grm of oats, 100 mls of almond milk and halfl a teaspoon of cinnamon. Stick it all in a bowl, mix it up and pop it in the fridge til morning. About 170 cals.
    Sometimes I add raisins, or chopped apple (add that in the morning)
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    -I love 1 c cheerios with 1/2 c skim milk and some fruit (1/2 c berries, 1 banana, fresh peach, or 1/4 c craisins if I don't have fresh fruit). It's about 220 calories, more or less depending on the fruit.
    -Also Frosted Mini Wheats, 1 c + 1/2 c skim milk is about 250 calories (or plain shredded wheat with fruit).
    -Instant oatmeal is less than 200 calories per packet. I often add 1-2 Tbsp powdered milk before stirring in the water. 1min in the microwave :)
    -Boil eggs in advance and keep them in the fridge. 2 eggs are about 150 calories. Grab a Greek 100 Yoplait and you are at 250.

    If you're following "clean eating" or Paleo, these may not fit your ideals. But if you're going from a SlimFast shake, they are good alternatives :wink:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    overnight oats. Make them the night before, I use 40grm of oats, 100 mls of almond milk and halfl a teaspoon of cinnamon. Stick it all in a bowl, mix it up and pop it in the fridge til morning. About 170 cals.
    Sometimes I add raisins, or chopped apple (add that in the morning)

    Can do this with greek yogurt instead of the milk too for more protein.
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    The OP has had 3 years to figure out what to eat for breakfast, so it's probably not helping at this point.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    The OP has had 3 years to figure out what to eat for breakfast, so it's probably not helping at this point.

    Doh! I hate it when I miss that it's a lazarus thread :(
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