New to the boards with 100lbs to lose!

Hi there! I am pretty new to the boards, I posted an introduction in the Introduce Yourself board but I thought I would post here as well. As my title says, I have 100 pounds to lose. My short term goal is 50. A little background on my weight loss journey and how I ended up here...2 years ago I came to the realization that I needed to change my lifestyle or I was going to be missing out on a lot of what life has to offer. I had already had gallbladder surgery and was on high blood pressure medication. So there I sat late one night after hubby and kiddos were asleep just thinking all these thoughts about how I wasn't really living. I had no energy for playing with my kids. So I knew I needed to change and that night I signed up for Nutrisystem. Even before my food came I got myself on track with eating better, drinking more water, and working out. Once the food came, I got even more motivated. I do really well with eating right when I am eating on a schedule and NS was good for that. Basically it was telling me what to eat, how much to eat, etc and as someone who like to JUST EAT for no reason, that was super helpful. I was working out every morning and making sure to get plenty of walking in during the day (thanks to my FitBit for keeping me motivated with that!). In 6 months I had gone from 260 to 205. I felt great, I looked better, my energy level was great! Then, life happened. I lost my job and was at home for a month looking for work. I found a job but with a totally different schedule that was ever changing, making it hard for me to stay on track with working out. Then the food. I just started snacking on the wrong things because my work environment was so much more different than the last one. There was never time to sit and eat a normal meal so I just snacked all the time and slowly the weight came back. Then I lost that job and spent 2 months at home. Anyway, you get the picture, lol. I have gained all but 10 of those pounds back and when I saw that I was angry at myself for letting it get this far. I have no one to blame but myself for it.
So that's what brings me here. I have started over. I am counting calories thanks to the MFP app on my phone and have begun working out again. 5 days in and I have lost 2 pounds! It's small but hey I have to start somewhere, right? I just know I have to get there again and then surpass that and get to my BIG goal. Last time when I was on NS I became a big part of their online community and the support and motivation from people going through similar journeys really helped me stay successful so I am hoping that I can find that here as well as support others on their journeys!


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Welcome back.

    The best thing I can say to you, is to read this thread:

    There's awesome stuff to be had there.

    Good luck.
  • LanaeCarol
    LanaeCarol Posts: 158 Member
    You are right. Having friends who are dealing with similar things and want to accomplish the same thing - getting healthier - makes all the difference in the world. I get a lot of "lip service" support in my family but the support and encouragement from my MFP family is just awesome. I am sending you a FR.
  • The two pounds is awesome! Congrats! Gradual weight loss is the way to go.
    I was on here a year ago and was doing okay but then my 5 yr old son was diagnosed with Diabetes. He will be on insulin the rest of his life....of course i blamed myself, got super depressed, and found comfort in food. I realithat's need to fix my bad habits and start living how my family should be.... and thats healthy. Keep up the good work!
  • karak80
    karak80 Posts: 19
    Reading your intro was like looking in the mirror! Your journey is almost identical to mine. I'm also looking for support, so feel free to add me as a friend :-). Congrats on the 2 lb loss!
  • bobbijodmb
    bobbijodmb Posts: 463 Member
    welcome back =) there is a lot of support here and you can do it =)
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    Welcome!!! We are all here for the same reason ... to be healthier !