Am I they only one who struggles to stay UNDER Calorie?



  • I some times have trouble staying under my calorie goal too. My schedule is pretty wacky so I am having breakfast when others are having either lunch or dinner. I try to get my 64 oz of water every day. I have kept a container from my grape juice that is 64 oz. I fill it up in the morning and don't go to bed unless I have finished it all. That helps me stay hydrated and helps curb some of those cravings I have. I also try to keep finger foods that are quick but healthy around. I have a really bad sweet tooth so I found that there are 47 mini Teddy Grahams for a serving. This is 130 calories. I take the time to count them out of the box, then as I eat them I count them again (eating them one at a time). This expands the time in which I eat them and some times after counting them the first time and piling them up it seems like there is a mountain of them! Some times I even realize that I'm full after eating only half of them so I hold the rest for the next time I get a snack attack. Then you would only be consuming 130 calories possibly over 2 times that you feel hungry.

    I have also read that your body sends you signs for when it is hungry and full. One of the books I read said that your mind gives you a signal for being full by having a pause when you are eating. I know until recently I hadn't noticed it but now I have. I'll be eating a meal and then all of a sudden without paying any attention I realize that I have set down my fork/spoon. This is your subconscious telling you that there is enough in your stomach to be full. The books say stop right there and clear the table from in front of you so you don't consume the rest of the calories. What I end up doing is taking what is left and putting it away for eating later. This means that you could possibly (ONCE AGAIN) eat twice off the original amount of calories that you had put on your plate.

    These are just a few of the little things that I have found that help me stay in my calorie count. Just set little goals for yourself and then you will go far. Don't overwhelm yourself with trying to do too much at once. Set a small weekly goal of getting under your calorie goal 7 days. Then, treat yourself with something small like a new shirt or going to see that movie you wanted (minus the fattening popcorn that is). Baby steps may take longer, but in the end you will be further in the race than if you would have tried to sprint to the end.
  • biglazydog
    biglazydog Posts: 15 Member
    I am with you on this one. At this point I only work out so I can eat more. I am hoping to eventually just love working out and not do it to eat more food, but one day at a time. I am so hungry at the moment I could eat one of my pets!!! The people who complain about how hard it is to eat enough food to make calorie goals, I just don't get that. I can only eat 1350 a day and it makes me nuts.
  • Your calories are based on your starting weight, your weight loss goal per week, and your daily activities. A person that has a desk job doesn't burn as many calories daily as say a waitress does every day. Then if you want to lose 2 pounds a week you would have less calories to consume than someone that set their goal to 1 pound a week.
  • tpycha126
    tpycha126 Posts: 217 Member
    I know what you mean. It put my calories at 1220 when I registered ad I thought there was no way that I could eat that little and not be hungry all the time. So I upped it to 1800 and I'm still hungry at that.
  • brookeybaby_00
    brookeybaby_00 Posts: 142 Member
    Girl you are not the only one! If I let myself, I would fall off this wagon and eat it! I don't understand how ANYONE who is TRYING to lose weight would not be HUNGRY! I feel like I drink more than my weight in water daily to help stay full.
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    No, you are not the only one. Some days are easier than others...
  • kithacrash
    kithacrash Posts: 6 Member
    Nooo - you are NOT alone in this!! In fact, you are probably more like the majority that you realize!!! I know that I have to force myself to get extra calories with exercise, just to feel full. They talk about water intake - but I can't stand water - I'm a coke gal myself. I have added (low sodium) club soda to my day - the bubbles make the water bearable!! And I hold onto the hope that I'll get used to less calories in a week or two.... maybe. Just use whatever tricks you have to and do NOT beat yourself up about wanting your food. We udnerstand - we feel the same way - we just have to get thru it one day at a time!
  • tulaniq
    tulaniq Posts: 46 Member
    lol I am here because I love to eat...I have NO problem eating my calories.
  • I think it's the difference between 'grazers' and 'bingers'. Grazers mentally need to eat all day. Doesn't have to be a ton of food or a lot but they need a bite of something every couple minutes. If you are one of these people then you need to adjust your eating to reflect that. You need to eat more zero calorie foods so your body works processing them but you also get your mind stimulated by your grazing. Carrots and other raw verggies available all day long so when you walk by you can grab one and crunch away. These will result in no calories but you will get added benefits and feel satisfied.

    Bingers, like myself, want to eat all calories ONE time a day. So yes, it has been dificult for me to make my calorie goal. If I eat the heavier foods I'm trying to stay away from then I can meet my goals. I hate eating all day long...I am constantly full. I hate to say that but it's a problem as much as yours is. ;) I think my tummy processes slow because it seems to still have all contents from the previous meal in it. hahaha. I can't not eat though because then I'd be under 1000 cals with exercise.

    I am a fast food junkie and believe me.....I feel better eating these foods: (I feel full) Oatmeal (gag it down if you have to...make it soupier), eggs, tuna with salsa tiny mayo, carrots, cucumbers, tomatos, milk (choco too), chicken.

    Some of you are also eating within calorie range but I believe you are hungry because of the type of food. Go as natural as you can and I believe you will feel fuller. All those chips and stuff (even 100 cal versions) are just air to your body during your lifestyle change. They are empty. They don't run the machine. You are putting rubbing alcohol in your car and expecting it to get to the corner store.

    I have learned the difference my body feels from going from two large fast food meals a day down to food that is more natural in design. Or even just cooked at home. I can still eat the best freakin burger...I just make it at home and that is difference enough in our bodies.

    UH OH...**off soapbox**. ;)

    My jist for the type of eater you are and you might feel more full. Just be sure it's zero cal foods so you don't add to your calories. ;)

    Love ya all....doing great job. It was a SLOW FREAKIN process for me to get here. Just keep thinking along the way and you will change your mind with your body and you will be happy. ;)
  • PS>... lots of exercise makes you hungry too. Try a shot of protein powder in water after a major workout. Fills you up, low cals but repairs your muscles. I tried the other day and actually felt better after workout.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Lol me too! I could much all day given the chance!
  • The suggestions that everyone else has made are all great ways to help curb you stay under calories. Exercising, drinking more water (did you know that your body can actually confuse dehydration with hunger?), eat more protein and veggies. One other thought that I had is that you may be cutting your calories too much. I don't know what you set your weight loss goal to, but if it's set to lose 2 pounds a week, then maybe that's too much calorie cutting for you at this time. Remember that the goal is not to lose as much as you can as quickly as you can. It takes time and discipline to reach your weight loss goals. In fact, you could start off with a goal of 1 pound a week and then as it gets easier, move up to 1.5 pounds a week and then 2 pounds a week. Slow and steady wins the race! Best of luck! :)
  • Mookz0r
    Mookz0r Posts: 143
    I couldn't imagine eating less that 1200 cals a day... it doesn't seem physically possible... let alone "not being hungry" at under 1200... I mean, what on earth are you eating, polystyrene?!

    I come in under my cals possibly 30-40% of the time (goal is 1400) and if I've over it's by 50-250... if I'm under, it's by less than 50! This isn't counting exercise cals - if I add them, it's cake time! :-D
  • prov31ms
    prov31ms Posts: 62
    I'm glad the I am not the only one who exercises to earn more calories! =0)

    I wish I loved exercise, and I am trying to learn to love it, but it is definitely a work in progress...

    I am struggling quite a bit lately to stay within my daily calorie limit, and have gone over too many times. My weight has stayed at 172-174 for a month now because of this, but at least I am not gaining weight!

    I also do not understand those folks on here who post about having a hard time eating enough calories (how do you get overweight if you are not eating too much???) - I wish I had that problem!!!

    Hopefully I will get back on track with my calorie limit soon, and best of luck to everyone else on here who is working at it as well!!!
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