I am not dropping any friggin weight!!

For the first time in my life I'm eating right, working out at least 5 times a week. I quit smoking and gained back all the weight eventhough I've been working out!! I don't know what to do anymore the scale isn't changing yet I'm stronger and the stair master don't have nothing on me!! I'm so confused and frustrated right now! And I think I need some encouragement, cause what do I need to do, starve myself!!!


  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    If you open your food journal to the public we would be able to give you a hand with suggestions on what you're eating or not eating.
  • lukasmac
    lukasmac Posts: 216 Member
    you may have answered your own question... you feel stronger... you may have transfered your fat into muscle... which is a good thing. the more muscle you have the more calories you burn... keep at it and the scales will reward you. maybe try measuring your body (hips, chest, neck, thighs)... you may be losing there and toning up, but the scales stay or go the other way.
  • kvns83
    kvns83 Posts: 29
    I've been there. Try shocking your sytem. Switch up the workout, do a cleanse and follow the suggested diet, try something new. Out bodies can be trained, which means they get use to what we do. That's what I try and do, it helps me focus on something new that way I can fight the disgouragement.

    Or take a hard look, with me sometimes I'm not being as good with my eating or hard core about my workouts as I think, thus no results. Just deceiving myself!!!
  • crystalm363
    I would suggest measuring yourself. You may not see the scale number drop because you are actually gaining muscle which weighs more than fat. I've found that the best way to track your progress when you are working out as much as you are is to take weekly or bi-weekly measurements and watch those inches drop. I usually measure my neck, right under my armpits, my chest., waist, hips, etc. The number on the scale may increase or stay the same but you are actually converting that fat in to muscle and loosing inches. Keep your head up and try to measure instead of watching the scale. You may end up feeling better with these results. Good luck!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,045 Member
    you may have answered your own question... you feel stronger... you may have transfered your fat into muscle... which is a good thing. the more muscle you have the more calories you burn... keep at it and the scales will reward you. maybe try measuring your body (hips, chest, neck, thighs)... you may be losing there and toning up, but the scales stay or go the other way.

    It is extremely difficult for a woman to gain even one pound of muscle. I doubt she is working that hard at weight lifting or protein intake.

    To the OP....how much weight have you gained? It could be a combination of water retention, time of the month, dehydration......

  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    with your food diary closed it's hard to tell what you are doing

    Questions for you :

    Are you drinking your water? At least 1/2 your body weight in water
    Are you tracking your sodium? If you think you are doing well by eating at places like subway you may be over eating sodium (even if you don't add it to food)
    Are you eating your exercise calories? Or are you starving yourself thereby shutting down your metabolism.

    All factors to consider :)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,045 Member
    Are you drinking your water? At least 1/2 your body weight in ounces ofwater

    There. Fixed that for ya. :flowerforyou:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Also, make sure that you are honestly and accurately logging your food and perhaps get a heart rate monitor.

    if you eat back your calories, but are basing it on what the machine says you burned - you may be over eating. My gym's machines regularly tell me I burned 200-300 more calories than my HRM (which I have found to be very accurate) tells me I have. Were I eating that back (accidentally eating more than I really burned) and only on a 500 cal deficit, that would mean I was now at a 200 cal deficit and if I forgot that mini snickers and took a bit off my son's McDonald's hamburger because I didn't want to eat a whole one myself... well... then I wouldn't be losing at all!
  • kianaj
    kianaj Posts: 22 Member
    I had slacked on the food logging and started back very recently, because I thought I was eating right. After speaking with the dietician she said that I may be putting too much in, in the form of peanut butter, jelly, and shredded wheat. I seem to get hungry more often and try to snack at the right times, but what I love right now is peanut butter. So, for the last two days I haven't had any and I'm going to see how that goes. After logging the peanut butter a couple of days ago, I was eating almost 600 calories alone in that.

    I'll have to do better with water, I've been drinking about 2 liters a day, that may not be enough. I want to let you all know that you've helped me and I won't stop, but some days I sure want to!!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Good luck and stick with it!
  • kianaj
    kianaj Posts: 22 Member
    Just today I gained 3 lbs overnite, so I thought it might be bloating. So, I don't really know right now. Question can someone break down this half my body weight water intake. So 2 liters is not enough?
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Just today I gained 3 lbs overnite, so I thought it might be bloating. So, I don't really know right now. Question can someone break down this half my body weight water intake. So 2 liters is not enough?

    You can't gain 3 lbs overnight (meaning "gain" is the wrong word to use). To do so, you would have to have eaten 105,000 calories yesterday and not excreted ANY of it (rather ALL of it gone to muscle and/or fat. It's likely water weight or other ... um... excrements... still in your body that are not really part of your "weight".

    Your weight will fluctuate day to day just based on what you ate, when you last peed, how much salt is in your body, TOM, etc. That's why, "they" say not to weigh yourself daily or if you do, to take it with a grain of salt as not your "weight" necessarily, but rather pick a weekly time that is consistent (ie, Tuesday mornings after using the bathroom, but before showering) to have a better picture.

    Regarding the water - "they" also say 1oz per 2lbs of weight. Or, take your weight and divide by 2 and that's the # of ounces you should drink. 2L would be about 134lb person. So it might not be enough (at least for maximum flushing and weight loss). Plus, drink more if it's hot or your are exercising. I don't get nearly as much water as I should in the winter because my house is cold and I dont like to drink it because it makes me colder, plus, it's freezing to go to the bathroom :laugh: but I should drink more. I usually only drink about 6 cups in the winter which is pretty awful. Even though I am thirsty. I should be drinking closer to 10 cups.
  • kianaj
    kianaj Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you for your words, so I definitely need to drink more water and just keep at it!!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    FYI, that should have ready 10500 calories not 105000, "that's a big twinkie".:wink:
  • ChristaS
    ChristaS Posts: 49 Member
    how long ago did you quit smoking?(Congrats on that!) that can really mess with the way your body works and you may just need some time to adjust. keep at it!
  • Steph_Anie
    Steph_Anie Posts: 82 Member
    I have weight twice one morning just a hour or so apart and my first weight was 2 pounds heavier than my second.... the scale will drive you nuts--- I'm a little obsessive about it, so I have made a rule that I will only do an official weigh in once a week at the most and that it will be at the same time/same conditions each time-- that may help you.
  • kianaj
    kianaj Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you!! I quit smoking three weeks ago and have been snacking away, but it was all healthy stuff so I thought. I still feel the need to snack at work, usually when I come home it's not so bad.
  • kianaj
    kianaj Posts: 22 Member
    I too am a scale junkie, and after the day I had yesterday; I kind of had given up for like three hours. I will try your suggestion and try to only count the weight on Huuuummmpppp Day!!!