Help me quit Diet coke!

For almost all my adult life, I have had diet coke with my evening meal. So much so, that I now enjoy my food better with it. I really don't think it has a huge detrimental impact on my body, but occasionally I do tend to snack because my diet coke glass isn't empty!!! i hear you all gasping, but I'm working on throwing any leftover drink down the sink, it's purely psychological. Any tips to ditch this habit?! I tried fizzy water for a while. It's ok. Someone tell me it's going to kill me, and I'll stop ;)


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    diet coke os gross and will kill you.

    coke zero on the other hand will make all your dreams come true :drinker:
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Meh. I don't think there's anything wrong with a diet coke a day. I would just try to cut the snacking habit if you're just snacking to snack. Seems you're aware of the habit, so it won't be that bad to curtail.
  • christa96
    christa96 Posts: 153 Member
    If you really want to stop drinking it, you just have to stop. As you said, it's all mental. After a while the cravings will go away and you probably won't even miss it. I found it didn't even taste the same after not having it for a period of time. It's all up to you! Good luck.

    Reasons for cutting- I mainly cut my soda habit to save $$. It adds up after a while. Also, it was nice not feeling so full and bloated from the carbonation. Makes a difference.
  • MurrayElliot
    MurrayElliot Posts: 17 Member
    Smaller glasses if you're snacking because of it. The sweetners in diet coke aren't the best for your body, so try just water with a little unsweetened fruit juice to flavour.
  • Laura_Ezzat
    Laura_Ezzat Posts: 1 Member
    I had a diet coke addiction for years and had a horrible time quitting. The way I did was to replace it with with iced coffee. It's got the caffeine and the cold. When I finally quit diet coke, my skin got better, and I didn't feel the need to snack. It's been scientifically proven that diet coke damages your brain cells and makes you crave carbs.
    I've been a lot happier since I quit.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    It's been scientifically proven that diet coke damages your brain cells and makes you crave carbs.
    I've been a lot happier since I quit.

    Not being a "hater", not being "mean" - just totally curious if you have links to back that up? I enjoy diet pop and most of the research I have done has shown it is fine in moderation. If you have a link to the study that proves it damages brain cells - please link! I need to read it.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    diet coke os gross and will kill you.

    coke zero on the other hand will make all your dreams come true :drinker:
    She's on the money - switch to coke zero and you're sorted :).
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    It's been scientifically proven that diet coke damages your brain cells and makes you crave carbs.
    I've been a lot happier since I quit.

    Not being a "hater", not being "mean" - just totally curious if you have links to back that up? I enjoy diet pop and most of the research I have done has shown it is fine in moderation. If you have a link to the study that proves it damages brain cells - please link! I need to read it.
    I'll be fascinated to see the science behind this one.
  • carolhama
    Aspartme studies from 50's and 60's show it will kill you, by causing tumors. Also increases unhealthy gut bacteria, which causes belly fat (increases in Candida - a bacterial parasite which makes you crave crabs, sugar etc)
  • djxil
    djxil Posts: 357
    If you seriously want to rid yourself of it.

    Either go cold turkey and replace it with water but be ready, your body is a chemical factory and it will go haywire without that chemical, headaches will most likely ensue and food will taste far different. You will have to be resolute and be vigilant to stay the course.


    Gradually, ween yourself, if you normally drink 12 oz, drink 11 oz for a week, then 10, 9, 8 and you will get to those mini cans, take it from there to zero (all the time, replacing it with twice as much water). After a few months, you will have trained your body and taste buds to be ok without it.

    Good Luck.
  • RachyLovesRattys
    RachyLovesRattys Posts: 143 Member
    I never had a diet coke addiction---but I most certainly had a Regular Coke addiction. One year ago, I was drinking several liters a day--waking up nauseous EVERY morning, usually puking, never associating the two--and then I found out a girl that was only in her early 30's died from drinking the amount of Coke I did. They said it wasn't just the usual caffeine and copious amounts of sugar that caused her body to malfunction--but the incredible amounts of phosphoric acid and other chemicals in it. There's a reason it can clean toilets and rust off of boats (and make pennies all shiny again--those things are gross but it ALWAYS cleans em!)

    I didn't want to die--I don't even want to shorten my life for that--and the side effects were horrendous. Obviously I consumed a lot more than you are doing, but I needed to quit. Had my last Coke on January 3rd of 2013---haven't really touched it since. When I was on vacation- I allowed myself to have Coke again if I wanted it (this was in August of 2013). Well, it tasted like CRAP! I hated it! I took like 4 sips and tossed it out. Now, I truly don't even want it anymore. My cravings and addiction to it are completely gone and I'd prefer just about anything else over it. I'm a huge seltzer freak now, but largely it's just plain ol' water for me.

    One diet soda a day won't cause all the problems I have--but when a substance can cause problems like that at ALL--it really makes you question!
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Aspartme studies from 50's and 60's show it will kill you, by causing tumors. Also increases unhealthy gut bacteria, which causes belly fat (increases in Candida - a bacterial parasite which makes you crave crabs, sugar etc)
    Aspartame studies from the 50s would be difficult, since it was first discovered in 1965.

    On the safety of aspartame:

    From the first link: "the totality of research, reviewed by many independent agencies and expert panels, supports the safety of aspartame."

    From the second: "Most studies in people have not found that aspartame use is linked to an increased risk of cancer."

    From the third: "The legitimate attempts that have been made to confirm and replicate allegations of adverse reactions from aspartame ingestion have not been successful"
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member

    I've yet to read anything that convinced me that diet soda, consumed in moderation, is unsafe.

    That said, if you have certain medical conditions or if diet soda makes you crave more sweets, then cutting it out might be best.

    Since it doesn't seem like that your issue so much, then just try not putting so much in your glass at the beginning of your meal.
  • FitnSassy
    FitnSassy Posts: 263 Member
    Diet Coke used to be my go to drink. However, when I made a decision to stop artificial sweeteners, I cut it out. Occasionally, I will have a some Classic Coke in a small amount. When I eat out, I have unsweetened iced tea (but I had to get there). I don't have any scientific proof, but my cravings for sweets have lessened a lot. I've even cut out sugar in my coffee, which I never thought I could do. I'm working on my thing for sweets. My new go to drink is Perrier, and sometimes it tastes as good as a soda when it's cold and I need some fizz. It's all a process.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Aspartme studies from 50's and 60's show it will kill you, by causing tumors. Also increases unhealthy gut bacteria, which causes belly fat (increases in Candida - a bacterial parasite which makes you crave crabs, sugar etc)
    From the last I saw, those studies showed that it would kill rats if they ingested massive amounts of it.

    If you had a similar dose per body weight by drinking coke the water would have killed you a long, long, long time before the Aspartame did.

    From that we can see that actually this nasty water, or 'DHMO' is much more dangerous than Aspartame and should be avoided at all costs.

    Other studies I believe HAVE shown that for SOME people it can increase cravings for simple carbs.
    It does not for me, so that does not bother you.
    If it does for an individual and they don't want that behaviour, then certainly stop.
    For me, if anything it has the opposite effect.
    There's a reason it can clean toilets and rust off of boats (and make pennies all shiny again--those things are gross but it ALWAYS cleans em!)
    Because it's reasonably acidic. Just like your stomach, actually. So you're putting something reasonably acidic in to a bit of your body that is.... already reasonably acidic. That doesn't sound like a recipe for disaster to me :).

    I've kicked the coke zero habit before (like when I got made redundant, so didn't need to be alert at a specific time etc) - just went cold turkey. It's the caffeine not the coke, of course, it's just that I don't drink coffee or tea, so this is my normal method for getting the drug.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Water cleans toilets, carves canyons, and kills people annually. Down with water.

    That said diet coke is gross. Come to the Pepsi side.
  • ayalowich
    ayalowich Posts: 242 Member
    For almost all my adult life, I have had diet coke with my evening meal. So much so, that I now enjoy my food better with it. I really don't think it has a huge detrimental impact on my body, but occasionally I do tend to snack because my diet coke glass isn't empty!!! i hear you all gasping, but I'm working on throwing any leftover drink down the sink, it's purely psychological. Any tips to ditch this habit?! I tried fizzy water for a while. It's ok. Someone tell me it's going to kill me, and I'll stop ;)

    I am 2 years 7 months with no Coke/Diet Coke/Pepsi etc.. I had a kidney stone that nearly went into kidney failure. My urologist told me no diet restrictions other than soda/tea/coffee were non starters from this point forward. When I protested he told me to drink all I want b/c 'I've got 4 kids to put through school'. I admired his candor and that ended the discussion. I drink water, gatorade when I need it, beer when I want it and wine/liquor as well. It was tough for a few months, but now is a breeze and I don't miss it.

    So just realize that besides that stuff being awful for you, you may save yourself from getting kidney stones which anyone can tell you are no fun
  • JSUGamecockFan
    JSUGamecockFan Posts: 17 Member
    If you like sparkling water, try that - I've replaced a lot of my diet drinks with sparkling water and I get the fizzy feeling I like and best of all - it's just water.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Come to the Pepsi side.
    Too hardcore for me - can't handle that level of caffeine!

    (Seriously - despite having 'dablled' in all sorts years ago and generally having reasonable tolerance, after getting a pack of Pepsi Max because it was cheaper, I had a can then another a bit over an hour later as was still a bit tired and that left me 'buzzing'!... turns out 2 cans of pepsi is over 4 cans of Coke Zero worth of caffeine - 'extreme!!!!')