Help me quit Diet coke!



  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    I drank coke for a whole summer when taking classes in college...first time addicted to sodas, and did not realize it.
    I quit drinking it when the classes were done, and found myself laying around for a week with a headache.
    Quitting cold-turkey is one option.
    I think sodas are better replaced with cultured fizzy drinks....kombucha is an example. GT Dave's Synergy is an example, I love those! They're actually really good for you, give you a sense of well-being and have vitamins and other factors in them.
    That "sense of well-being" could easily be related to Kombucha's alcohol content.
    NO, the alcohol content is monitored. It is, apparently, the acids...they relax the gut muscles. Also contains vitamin b12.
    It has an alcohol content, though, does it not? It's also not calorie-free like a Diet Coke, I believe.
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    I like diet coke. Sorry, I have no tips for you.
  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    I feel your pain. Diet Dr. Pepper, Coke Zero, Sprite Zero, Diet A&W Root Beer
    I LOVE THEM ALL! I am trying desparately to wean off of them with a variety of different drinks. We drink alot of sugar-free Kool Aid and different teas. As far as I am concerned, Lipton is the king of teas.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    Diet coke will give you gonorrhea...its true I read it in Men's health!

    but i had it before i started drinking diet coke...


    and i guess it's a good time to apologize to Beta_Ray_Bill and Reality_Is_Harsh.
  • FitMomOK
    FitMomOK Posts: 66 Member
    I drank cans per day for years. Plus 32 oz drinks, several per day. So did my sister.
    Her bones have issues and she has horrible teeth. It does leech the calcium out of teeth and bones.
    It is highly addictive. My body actually will itch now when I drink it. (I really really hoped I wasn't allergic to something in it, because I loved it so. But I was. )

    so. You can give it up. We both did. But it will be hard. You will want it for months or years.
    I firmly believe you are healthier without it, but you have to be convinced. Just know it is super hard to give it up. Plan for it. Attack it like you would smoking. Have a plan. Make sure you really want to do it. I don't know that it will make you lose weight though.

    If you decide you are up for the battle, maybe wait until you are at a weight you like. It's hard to be disciplined about everything at once. But if you are relatively healthy other than that, and you feel ready to do battle with it, do it! You can do it!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    I had a diet coke addiction for years and had a horrible time quitting. The way I did was to replace it with with iced coffee. It's got the caffeine and the cold. When I finally quit diet coke, my skin got better, and I didn't feel the need to snack. It's been scientifically proven that diet coke damages your brain cells and makes you crave carbs.
    I've been a lot happier since I quit.


    oh. is that what's wrong with me?

    I think so.
  • Jade0529
    Jade0529 Posts: 213 Member
    Just my 2 cents from a recovering Coca Cola addict:

    either water it down, gradually adding less soda to the point where you don't need the soda anymore or try incorporating juicing into your diet. I found when I juice more, cravings for all sorts of foods are eliminated or cut way back.

    This sounds awful. Going from zero calorie diet soda to lotsa calories of juice. If I'm going to add calories, I better damn well be eating them!
  • Jade0529
    Jade0529 Posts: 213 Member
    Just my 2 cents from a recovering Coca Cola addict:

    either water it down, gradually adding less soda to the point where you don't need the soda anymore or try incorporating juicing into your diet. I found when I juice more, cravings for all sorts of foods are eliminated or cut way back.

    This sounds awful. Going from zero calorie diet soda to lotsa calories of juice. If I'm going to add calories, I better damn well be eating them!

    Not store bought juice! That is just sugar water. I mean real juice using vegetables and fruit and a good quality juicer. Sorry I am new to this so I didn't do the quote thing right
  • FitMomOK
    FitMomOK Posts: 66 Member
    Oh yes, the money! I forgot that aspect. My sister estimated she's saving $200 a month now that she quit. I didn't estimate mine, but I'd guess I spent at least $3/day, so that would be about $90 at least.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Just my 2 cents from a recovering Coca Cola addict:

    either water it down, gradually adding less soda to the point where you don't need the soda anymore or try incorporating juicing into your diet. I found when I juice more, cravings for all sorts of foods are eliminated or cut way back.

    This sounds awful. Going from zero calorie diet soda to lotsa calories of juice. If I'm going to add calories, I better damn well be eating them!

    Not store bought juice! That is just sugar water. I mean real juice using vegetables and fruit and a good quality juicer. Sorry I am new to this so I didn't do the quote thing right
    Juice is caloric, mostly from sugars, with some micronutrients in it that, for most eating reasonably and/or taking a widely-available supplement, are likely to be surplus to requirements. By juicing the fruits/vegetables, you're eliminating the fiber that is oftentimes the biggest benefit to the fruits or vegetables used.

    Diet sodas are non-caloric; for many of us, choosing a non-caloric beverage is a simple way to ensure that we're slaking our thirst without using up calories better served by more macronutrient-dense choices.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I used to LOVE Cherry Coke Zero. I gave it up while I was pregnant. After 9 months of no diet drinks whatsoever, I took a sip of my beloved Cherry Coke Zero. It tasted like battery acid. I haven't had a diet drink in now over 6 years.

    Try going cold turkey on the diet coke for a week, and then try it again to see if you even still like it.

    If you want something sweet (I can't believe I ever thought Cherry Coke Zero was sweet), try tea with honey or even stevia would be better. If you want something fizzy, try tonic water (preferably with gin) and some lime.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    I used to LOVE Cherry Coke Zero. I gave it up while I was pregnant. After 9 months of no diet drinks whatsoever, I took a sip of my beloved Cherry Coke Zero. It tasted like battery acid. I haven't had a diet drink in now over 6 years.

    Try going cold turkey on the diet coke for a week, and then try it again to see if you even still like it.

    If you want something sweet (I can't believe I ever thought Cherry Coke Zero was sweet), try tea with honey or even stevia would be better. If you want something fizzy, try tonic water (preferably with gin) and some lime.
    Nothing wrong with a gin and tonic, but remember that tonic water is a caloric beverage (there are 'diet tonic water' options).
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Juice is caloric, mostly from sugars, with some micronutrients in it that, for most eating reasonably and/or taking a widely-available supplement, are likely to be surplus to requirements. By juicing the fruits/vegetables, you're eliminating the fiber that is oftentimes the biggest benefit to the fruits or vegetables used.

    Well if you use a blender to make your own juice (like a Vitamix) you don't remove fibre. It is broken down but there is no less.
  • SlimSumday
    SlimSumday Posts: 379 Member
    I love Diet Coke. I was in my twenties when it came on the market with ther slogan "Just for the taste of it -- Diet Coke!" Haven't looked back since. Actually, I am sipping a can as I type this. The thing is, I drink it INSTEAD of snacking. My heart was giving me problems 1/2 a year ago, so to be safe I have cut down from about 5/6 cans a day to only about 2/3. I don't like coffee or tea and don't smoke so this is my vice and until I am told by a medical professional that I have to give that up, it always will be.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Aspartme studies from 50's and 60's show it will kill you, by causing tumors. Also increases unhealthy gut bacteria, which causes belly fat (increases in Candida - a bacterial parasite which makes you crave crabs, sugar etc)

    If that were indeed the case, it would not be approved by the FDA. That is a very broad statement. I have yet to see an obituary that listed cause of death as "aspartame poisoning." Cite your sources.
  • SlimSumday
    SlimSumday Posts: 379 Member
    I had a diet coke addiction for years and had a horrible time quitting. The way I did was to replace it with with iced coffee. It's got the caffeine and the cold. When I finally quit diet coke, my skin got better, and I didn't feel the need to snack. It's been scientifically proven that diet coke damages your brain cells and makes you crave carbs.
    I've been a lot happier since I quit.
    *cough* crap *cough*

    My brain cells are still alive and functioning after 30 years of constant 'Diet Coke Abuse' and I in no way crave carbs. I actually have a glass INSTEAD of eating something. :tongue:
  • GCLyds
    GCLyds Posts: 206 Member
    My husband and I cut out daily soda when we moved in together. We drink club soda with a little bit of fruit juice when we want something fizzy. Add a little vodka if you want a low cal alcoholic beverage.
  • pps7
    pps7 Posts: 46
    I decided to quit diet coke a month ago. I've slowly weaning off of it. I bought 8 oz cans for a while, slowly cut down from 2 per day to one then none. I replaced it with a small cup of coffee in the morning. I feel a lot better- less dehydrated, less hungry, drinking a lot more water. And my migraines are all but gone. It's still a work in progress. Right now, I'm allowing myself one a week and am hoping I will crave it less and less.
  • DanielleWatson83
    DanielleWatson83 Posts: 139 Member
    Just my 2 cents from a recovering Coca Cola addict:

    either water it down, gradually adding less soda to the point where you don't need the soda anymore or try incorporating juicing into your diet. I found when I juice more, cravings for all sorts of foods are eliminated or cut way back.

    This sounds awful. Going from zero calorie diet soda to lotsa calories of juice. If I'm going to add calories, I better damn well be eating them!

    you sait it clearly-jucing not juice

    Not store bought juice! That is just sugar water. I mean real juice using vegetables and fruit and a good quality juicer. Sorry I am new to this so I didn't do the quote thing right
  • kamyers1289
    kamyers1289 Posts: 129 Member
    I just stopped drinking Diet Coke as one of my new year's resolutions. I bought a water infuser pitcher and that satisfies my urge for a sweet beverage. So far, so good :)