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Anybody LOST a lot of weight then GAINED it all back?



  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    I lost 30 lbs and then got pregnant. Husband moved to Korea. Sad and sleep deprived I gave it no thought to continue working out. Now I am at my lowest adult weight and I hope to never have to get back to this point again.
  • cng31183
    cng31183 Posts: 126 Member
    Yup, I lost 20 something pounds in the first half of 2013, then in October got a new job... I don't know what happened. It's like my food brains just turned off. I don't know if it was the stress of getting/learning a new job, or the new environment and the feeling of lonliness from working with new people and my husband going to nights... but either way, the lb's started flying back on. 20 pounds in 3 months. :P But, that's okay. I've got a routine again, and all I can do is just start over.
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    I love food and love to eat. So I've struggled with managing my weight for my entire adult life.

    In 2006 I had ballooned up to 220 lbs (I was in an abusive marriage and was coping with wine and cheese). My ex-H had also gotten huge, so we did the Bernstein diet together. I lost 70 lbs in 5 months and was down to 150 lbs. And I HATED my body. I had no boobs and no butt, and the staff were pressuring me to continue losing another 5-10 lbs. So, I just stopped the diet cold and went back to how I'd been eating and drinking before.

    I gained 10 lbs back within a few months, and another 10 within another few months. I was pretty stable around 170 for a couple of years, and then the weight started creeping back on.

    In 2009 I started a new relationship, and all we did was cook, eat and drink together. Weight started creeping back on. And then in 2012, I had a crazy rough year at work and found myself up to 240 lbs. Last Jan 1st, I made a resolution to change my lifestyle rather than "diet". I started eating less, and lighter, and increased my exercise to daily. Since then, I've lost 70 lbs and have another 10-15 to go. My resolution this year, is to keep up the good work I've done so far.

    This time, the weight loss will stick, as I have changed my patterns and habits. I have already decided that I will keep logging and counting until I get the hang of maintaining my weight. But after then? Hard to say. I'll probably try to go off the logging and see what happens, and if I start gaining, then I'll know I need to keep logging.
  • This is my second go on MFP, first time worked really well last year probably to well it wasn't easy lots of gym and logging everything including weighing portions helped me get to where I needed to be.

    I was happy with what I saw in the mirror so stopped logging and dropped off the exercise, I thought I was eating well but you never really know if you aren't logging daily do you, you can only assume.

    This time I am a bit wiser and I think I'm in the same boat as others I need to keep logging so that I stay within the parameters but also so that if I see my self slipping I can readjust straight away rather than wait to get to the 10kg and have to drop weight again.

    Some people might think ohhhhh no logging for the rest of your days how sad for you but the difference is I am not in a diet, in just tracking what I eat and making sure it balances out for where I need to be. I still eat great food I am a Pastry Chef after all but now I can stop the blow out or recognize earlier enough if I want that slice of cake it's going to cost me 30 mins on elliptical which I am quite happy to do.

    I think a lot of us have problems when it comes to maintaining the weight, gaining weight and losing weight we have got pretty much organized. Just need to focus on keeping it up once I get there and logging is really the only choice for myself.
  • redrose129
    redrose129 Posts: 57 Member
    For me, this has been the most therapeutic post this website has posted in my years of being an on again off again member, thank you, op.

    I have been on this journey many years but finally at the end of 2010, I made a decision. I lost almost 100lbs by summer of 2011. I was riding high with having new experiences, like skiing, and decided I wanted a change for the rest of my life. In 2011, started dating my gf and we went on hiking and outdoor adventures, ran my first half marathon, and I decided to quit my job, of 3 years, to go back to school. I enrolled full time in a college 1.5 hrs from my house, started working as a private nanny FULL TIME for 3 children of various ages, and my own daughter. I maintained a 3.8-4.0 gpa for the fall, went to school 6 days a week, worked as a nanny from 6:30a-9:30p (breakfast/dinner/snacks/running the baby to daycare/getting off the bus/homework/cooking dinner/cleaning/assisting with other errands, etc) then I would come home, put my daughter to bed, do my homework until about 1-2a. Fall asleep, wake up at 5 to start again. It was a 3 hr round trip commute to school and I often found myself falling asleep driving etc. At any rate, working with allll the stress I dealt with was having a toll on me and I slowly, at first, started gaining weight. To compensate for sleep deprevation, I would eat 1 donut starting on my trip, one half way to school, one right before class, and 3 on the way back as well...and a coffee to accompany. The lady I worked for had tons of snacks and I started snacking as well. I was too tired to get up to do my 5:30a workouts. The sunday after the spring semester concluded, I layed on my couch, 2012, mothers day and took a nap. 4 1/2 hrs later I woke up and was stuck. I couldn't move, I couldn't talk, I was trapped in my own body. My husband was walking around my house talking to his mother and friends wishing them a happy mother's day...and I was crying (with no sound and stuck. I could see him peek down the hall at me but because I was in the same position he thought i was sleep.) after about 1/5 hrs I pried my mouth open and was able to say help. I spent three days in the hospital...they determined my central nervous system shut down due to stress and extreme exhaustion. I spend 3 weeks relearning how to walk. Due to a prior knee injury and this, It had not been good.

    I was so fit, they had my pictures on the gym walk, I was studying to be a personal trainer and going to school to become a dietitian.

    Now, Here I am, and I constantly feel like a failure. I'm embarrassed, and do not know how to cycle my emotions: I should be able to do 50 burpees with my eyes closed yet I cant walk 10 min without being winded. I battle myself all the time; thus, I have been cycling weight gain and weight loss. I'm sad about the break up with my gf, although we remain friends...and most people couldn't understand my life and would judge the crap out of me, if I told them the entire story, and I sometimes just feel alone. I work at a gym....at the front desk and I go to work feeling like a failure and disgusting. I try to smile so people will be happy but I wish I could hide. I have worked out before and after my shift and I work out on days I don't work. I realize my problem is dietary...but its because of my emotional struggles.

    I am still in school and I currently have a 3.91 gpa :) (i'll be grad this spring...with just my AS...hopefully in the top of my class) then I'll be moving on to the next degree. Dealing with the thought of just getting an AS and I'm in the class with 18 year olds....is kinda something I battle with as well. I understand why I am on the path I'm on, BUT it still hurts.

    At this point, I have gained the weight I recently lost...and the "you're looking good" comments stopped and the "when are you coming back to class" comments started. (I stopped classes recently after a really badly sprained mcl had me out a few weeks)

    Ty for listening, hopefully I can get myself out of this and back on the up swing. To all of us who struggle, our success will come, so I keep trying to convince myself. <3
  • a778c466
    a778c466 Posts: 141 Member
    I lost a little over 50 lbs a few years ago very quickly. I probably ate about 600-800 calories a day plus I lifted weights and did cardio. I also drank over 100 ounces of water a day. I lost over 50 lbs from January to May. I stopped the diet, got pregnant, stopped exercising and started eating exactly as I did before and gained it all back. I keep telling friends that I will probably have to log my food the rest of my life in order to keep the weight off this time. I really think that is what I will have to do, although if it keeps me at a healthy weight I will do it.
  • I lost 53lbs and gained it all back....and then some......then I lost it all again.... :)
    Moral of the story is you will gain it all back if you go back to eating the wrong crap...but once you know how to lose, you can do it whenever you want
  • I lost 150 pounds and kept it off for several years but I lost it very unhealthy having an eating disorder. Even when I lost the weight I didn't see myself as thin. Should have gotten the therapy I needed but I didn't . Wish I would have :)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I lost 53lbs and gained it all back....and then some......then I lost it all again.... :)
    Moral of the story is you will gain it all back if you go back to eating the wrong crap...but once you know how to lose, you can do it whenever you want
    Well put. Often here folks who give something up (bread, whatever) are told they'll "gain it all back and then some" as though the calories in calories out thing doesn't apply when one gives something up and then resumed eating it.

    Going back to eating all the stuff you ate, ate the calories you used to eat them (AKA more calories than you burn), causes there weight gain
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I lost about 50 pounds when I was in college and felt amazing. I kept trying to lose more but I didn't know much about weight loss and hit a wall, so I was eating like 1000 calories a day only to take off the last 10 pounds. Of course I couldn't maintain that and started slipping a bit into old habits, but still maintained a decent weight. Then went to grad school, which was stressful, late nights, no time to exercise. Then got pregnant and have had 3 kids so I'm probably 10 pounds higher now than I was in college when I first started trying to lose weight. This was over several years though so the weight was put on slowly. I find it really hard to stick with this for more than a couple weeks at a time, even though it was really easy when I was in college to lose the weight.
  • briana12077
    briana12077 Posts: 128 Member
    I lost 20 and then gained back 50. It was horribly depressing but here I am trying to lose that 50 again plus another 50
  • drummer_lady
    drummer_lady Posts: 150 Member
    I lost about 60 pounds a few years ago but gained it all back plus more. It was mostly because things in my life changed and I no longer had the time or the money to continue the eating and exercise habits I had built. My priorities shifted and I stopped focusing on taking care of myself which was a huge mistake.
  • xstarxdustx
    xstarxdustx Posts: 591 Member
    Never all of it. Half of it once. Less than that a couple of times after that. You have to determine what set you back to the eating habits that caused weight gain. Boredom eating? Stress eating? Feeling deprived? Identifying these factors will be a great step in overcoming regain.
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    Between 2009 - 2012 I lost nearly 100 pounds eating mostly vegan and sugar free. In October of 2012 I happily gave away all my fat clothes. Then from Nov 2012 - Dec. 2013, I gained back 50. Fifty!! I'm so ashamed and angry at myself.

    What first threw me off in Nov 2012 was hosting Thanksgiving dinner. Early in the month, I began experimenting with recipes that were high in carbs and fat. I intended to only taste and not eat my cooking, but it was honestly more than my willpower could handle. I had spent a long time cultivating a palate for healthy foods, and was very happy eating healthy foods -- until I began sampling my cooking for that Thanksgiving dinner. Then I foolishly made the promise that I would be good again after Thanksgiving, but I did a lot of damage during that three week period, becoming addicted to sugar and high fat food again. Then in December, everyone kept giving me boxes of chocolates. :noway:

    I tried many times over the last year to clean up my act, but my attempts never lasted long enough for me to really feel like I was on solid ground again, happy to be eating healthy the way I used to be.

    Here I am again, on day four, determined once more to embrace a healthy lifestyle. What worries me is that I continually have to prepare dinner for my hungry teenage boy and husband who eat differently than I do. I think one of the reasons I gradually gave up on my healthy eating was that it took so much effort to prepare two different meals every day.

    I remember some days when I'd put a meal on the table for the family, and there wasn't much there I could eat. I'd have some green beans, grab an apple and a grapefruit and call it dinner. I remember other days when I put a healthy dinner on the table and got angry glares from my husband, and groans from my son. Obviously, good planning is key, but life comes at you fast some days. I know I have to be willing to spend more time in the kitchen, which is not something I enjoy EVERY day. But if that's what it takes, I need to embrace it, put on some good music, decide to be happy about it, and start losing again. :smile:
  • I have over the past two years rapidly gained and lost weight. I have lost thirty lbs. then gained 50 then lost 20 then gained 30. Everytime i take a step forward, i take 3 steps back. At my smallest, I weighed 135, now I weigh 209. This is crazy to me that I have allowed myself to yoyo so much, allowing all the hard work to go to waste by eating terribly after i reach my goal weight. This time, I want to make a lifestyle change. I want to live like this forever. Does anyone have any tips on how to ease my habits from bad to good? If y'all could help that would be awesome!
  • I've been up and downer too. After high school I gained 30 pounds, lost it, gained back about 15, lost that x 2. Then in the past year I gained all 30 back, but I've made the commitment to change my lifestyle. I eat just because I can - bored, happy, sad, anxious. It's a cycle I need to break.
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I lost 10-15 pounds and gained it back several times over the years before I got serious about this. I failed before because I was doing low-calorie diets for a while and the going back to my previous habits. I suspect that's why most people fail.
  • nkeklund
    nkeklund Posts: 35 Member
    My wife has lost weight and gained it back. She gets so upset with herself. I too have lost a lot and gained it back. I expected such as eating bad and not exercising enough. It requires serious concentration to change your eating habits - I've found logging things at this site makes the world of difference; at least for me.
  • Cpr67
    Cpr67 Posts: 4 Member
    Dropped 252 lbs. As of last Thursday I gained 102 of that back.
    Turning that around NOW, and have lost 6 lbs since Thursday AM.
    I realize that's all water, and now the tough part starts.
    Saddens me that I have to do this all over again, but I happy I put an end to this before I am 502 lbs again.