End the Cleavage Hypocrisy!



  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    You get what you put out.

    Sure, because women who are dressed modestly are never ogled, harassed, or hit on. If that's what they got, then it doesn't matter how modestly they were dressed....they were putting it out there.

    I think thats a stretch to assume that was implied. I believe the point is Pam Anderson can't ***** because she's seen as eye candy. Intent, it's intent.

    Actually no, it's the assumption of intent, and the strict application of that assumption across all contexts with blanket statements. To see a woman dressed a certain way and to assume that she's intending something without any knowledge of context is what is so annoying about posts like this. There are likely some contexts where the OP's point is legitimate, but it doesn't apply to every instance. Nobody likes to clarify though because it's more fun to be uppity and judgmental when you can feel superior to the largest possible number of people.

    At any point, regardless of context, it doesn't make it okay or any less douchey for someone to leer, or comment in a way that makes her feel uncomfortable.
  • erulasse
    erulasse Posts: 141 Member
    Ok. Was going to stay out this here post but I am a DD and able to cover up.

    I don't really consider DD to be so big to a point where they're uncoverable... I'm talking about the women with F cups and more.

    Even a standard t-shirt shows cleavage a lot of the time with me and I've actually been commented about because of it... I didn't wear it for attention; I wore it because it was an awesome shirt and the fact someone actually thought me an attention seeker because I dared to wear a shirt that would be 100% covered on anyone with smaller boobs than myself is frankly ****e.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Tch. Women always tossing their boobs around and expecting guys not to catch them.
  • frood
    frood Posts: 295 Member
    Show boobs, don't show boobs. whatever. Do what makes you happy. Quit being jerks to one another. The end.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Ok. Was going to stay out this here post but I am a DD and able to cover up. I do not normally wear button up shirts but if you look at my profile pic, I have a regular T-Shirt on and yes my boobs are prominent but hey, can I help I'm so damn sexy? LMAO!!!

    All jokes aside. Now that my daughter is older I do not present cleavage that much and been working fine this way. I can wear tank tops, shirts, dresses, etc, size L in shirts, M in dresses and I'm fine.

    Now ofcourse there will be occasions that my girls will creep out a little but its my responsibility to buy clothes that cover up. If I do not then yes I will get more stares.

    I do not have the problem of people being disrespectful and blatantly rude because well, I have a strong personality and aint going for it and all who meet me know that. So it depends on you as a person as well.

    It is what it is. You go out showing all your goods be prepared for looks, stares, and possibly unwanted comments. Yes, guys are still looking even if I cover up but that is expected.

    It is what it is. lol

    You know, this "it is what it is" attitude is the problem.
    It shouldn't be "what it is". You shouldn't be able to make rude comments to someone because of what they are wearing. We should't brush it off as "it is what it is".

    And with that, i'm out.

    Are you speaking about some stupid online rude comments? Or in person? As you see above I do not have those face to face problems lady.

    As far as online do not present yourself in a certain way and you will be ok.

    I'm not condoning rude comments. But, it is what it is and I'm not in control over anyone but myself.

    And I do not have those rude comment problems. So, maybe if did I would have another attitude about it. I do apologize if you are offended.
  • theoncomingstorm2
    Was expecting more pictures in this post.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Ok. Was going to stay out this here post but I am a DD and able to cover up. I do not normally wear button up shirts but if you look at my profile pic, I have a regular T-Shirt on and yes my boobs are prominent but hey, can I help I'm so damn sexy? LMAO!!!

    All jokes aside. Now that my daughter is older I do not present cleavage that much and been working fine this way. I can wear tank tops, shirts, dresses, etc, size L in shirts, M in dresses and I'm fine.

    Now ofcourse there will be occasions that my girls will creep out a little but its my responsibility to buy clothes that cover up. If I do not then yes I will get more stares.

    I do not have the problem of people being disrespectful and blatantly rude because well, I have a strong personality and aint going for it and all who meet me know that. So it depends on you as a person as well.

    It is what it is. You go out showing all your goods be prepared for looks, stares, and possibly unwanted comments. Yes, guys are still looking even if I cover up but that is expected.

    It is what it is. lol

    Now you ruined it by being all reasonable.

  • Codilee87
    Codilee87 Posts: 509 Member
    I can't stand high collars, turtlenecks or even a basic crew neck - they make me feel claustrophobic and restricted. So that's why I personally wear V-necks and scoop necks. I don't care if people look, or comment but some guys are completely pathetic about it.
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    So, how many of the profiles got clicked on to see what pic's were there...hmmm
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    whoa dude, went to make a batch of cookies and yer thread went from page 1-6. Way to go on the insta roll. Better not take a potty break or we'll be on part 2!

  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Ok. Was going to stay out this here post but I am a DD and able to cover up.

    I don't really consider DD to be so big to a point where they're uncoverable... I'm talking about the women with F cups and more.

    Even a standard t-shirt shows cleavage a lot of the time with me and I've actually been commented about because of it... I didn't wear it for attention; I wore it because it was an awesome shirt and the fact someone actually thought me an attention seeker because I dared to wear a shirt that would be 100% covered on anyone with smaller boobs than myself is frankly ****e.

    Okay fair enough.

    I knew I should have provided another example as soon as I hit the post reply! lol
  • erulasse
    erulasse Posts: 141 Member
    Hopefully this will work...

    This is the SAME dress, one on a smaller bust, the other not.
    It's not always deliberate... Sometimes we just like that particular item of clothing! Back off.


    that did not work ^^
  • Derp_Diggler
    Derp_Diggler Posts: 1,456 Member
    You get what you put out.

    Sure, because women who are dressed modestly are never ogled, harassed, or hit on. If that's what they got, then it doesn't matter how modestly they were dressed....they were putting it out there.

    I think thats a stretch to assume that was implied. I believe the point is Pam Anderson can't ***** because she's seen as eye candy. Intent, it's intent.

    Actually no, it's the assumption of intent, and the strict application of that assumption across all contexts with blanket statements. To see a woman dressed a certain way and to assume that she's intending something without any knowledge of context is what is so annoying about posts like this. There are likely some contexts where the OP's point is legitimate, but it doesn't apply to every instance. Nobody likes to clarify though because it's more fun to be uppity and judgmental when you can feel superior to the largest possible number of people.

    At any point, regardless of context, it doesn't make it okay or any less douchey for someone to leer, or comment in a way that makes her feel uncomfortable.

    Just stop it. You'll never get anywhere in here making sense and stuff.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Personally I'm getting real sick of guys looking me In the eyes all the time. I have great boobs dangit! Give them some respect and take a gander.
    It's probably been posted and I've missed it, but, yes...
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Yes, there are women out there who show off their cleavage for attention and then complain about it and "don't understand why" they're getting comments. They're jerks and everyone knows it. However, you're generalizing comment annoys me and here are my reasons:

    1. Regardless of whatever the chick is wearing, covered up from head to toe or looking like a 2 dollar *kitten*, she's going to get comments from men and women, especially online since we call all hide behind our computer screens and let our remarks-without-consequences fly - comments that are flattering, sketchy, insulting and sometimes with oppressive language.

    2. Now on the topic of busty girls: For bustier chicks, it is just plain difficult to look presentable, when you're covered up it's still a lot of boob, you show a little cleavage and it's magnified 10x smaller breasted women - and no this is not always (closer to hardly ever) a good thing.

    3. Crew neck shirts (t-shirts) on busty chicks does not work most of the time, they ride up (because of boobs), they make you look like a block (because of boobs), they make your boobs look bigger in a way that will, once again, cause stupid reactions from men (because of boobs).

    So my point is this: She sounds like a jerk but so do you. Thought you should know.

    Somehow, I've made it 47 years without being a victim of my breasts. Maybe I should give a How To Wrangle Your Boobs course because it's really just not that hard.

    It is fine if you prefer a modest look, but not every woman does.

    Oh, no you are totally not understanding me and why that's SO far beyond how you'd define me. My point is you can 'help' showing or not showing and how it shows. It's just dressing. Frankly, I take exception with the idea that it's hard for us to look presentable, WTF?

    You'd think we have a third eye or something. I have big boobs, not a friggin unicorn horn.
    so since i was the original one who posted the comment about not always being able to help showing boob and cleavage i will be the one to reply:
    some of what you're saying is simply FOS or just based on YOUR experience. there's big boobs and there's HUGE boobs. and yes, having HUGE boobs is pretty much like having a figgin unicorn horn.

    i'm about 70 pounds heavier than i should be, but there was a time in my life for about a decade when i was a size 4 on the bottom and 28JJ on top and even that was a bit too small. just to give an idea of how much volume that is i was able to put my entire head in the cup of one of the bras and it came down to just under my nose. i also have a short waist and long legs which means that everything on the front of from below my shoulder to the start of my pelvis bone was breast. everything i wore either displayed cleavage OR highlighted my shape.

    even now, being overweight (an after a breast reduction) i still have a relatively small ribcage (34) and breasts that are well over G cups. i know quite a few people in the same boat (small ribcage, large breasts) and we all have the same issue in terms of not having a choice BUT to have your boobs on display. for the most part, the choices are
    - wear a top that's highcut, but if it fits you then you'll display boob shape
    - wear a loose top, but if you bend over with anything more than a 15% angle you're going to flash cleavage
    - wear a v neck and show cleavage.

    and trust me, if you have a the combo of small ribcage+large breasts+wearing an appropriately fitting bra, you will have the girls on display
  • jpads1234
    jpads1234 Posts: 95 Member
    agree lol great
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Hopefully this will work...

    This is the SAME dress, one on a smaller bust, the other not.
    It's not always deliberate... Sometimes we just like that particular item of clothing! Back off.


    that works now...because jof is awesome ^^

    Close. You just needed lowercase tags.

  • cheryl2926
    cheryl2926 Posts: 36 Member
    hahahahahahahahahaha yuuuuup
  • erulasse
    erulasse Posts: 141 Member
    Thanks ;)
  • AllieBear88
    AllieBear88 Posts: 170 Member
    LOL Same here, in regard to showing them off in hopes of getting attention!

    What kills me is why people get upset anyways. Geez. Boobs are beautiful!
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