needing some friends for motivation

Hi I joined this a while back but didn't use it much, now after Christmas I really need to get back into losing weight and need some friends to give me a little bit of motivation :-)


  • Ruth4111gut
    Ruth4111gut Posts: 289 Member
    I am looking for motivated friends so feel free to add me :)
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    addme :D
  • So am I :) Add me if you like
  • Codilee87
    Codilee87 Posts: 509 Member
    Always looking for positive-minded people to befriend :smile:
  • cecilycaster
    cecilycaster Posts: 1 Member
    I'm more than happy to help.
  • hey, i am looking for some friends. i need some motivation. I have lost 124lbs so far.. add me ;)
  • MacroMiranda
    MacroMiranda Posts: 78 Member
    Request sent! Anyone else feel free to add, I'm in need of more friends too. :)
  • cheryl2926
    cheryl2926 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi Danni
    Me too... friend me and we will keep each other on track! I am Cheryl and I have never made a new years resolution.. so instead I am making a life resolution.....
    so What are you doing to change your lifestyle and body?
    I am doing the Venus program.
    Just upping my exercise and lessening my food consumption... the basics.

    Be Well
  • iamliamsmom
    iamliamsmom Posts: 3 Member
    Well, tomorrow's my official start (or re-start) of my new healthy lifestyle. Tired of being sluggish and eating crappy food... Gonna try my best to get to a point where I'm comfortable in my swimsuit in Cuba!! Only 94 days!! Could make some serious changes to my body in that time!!
    I'm also looking for people to keep me motivated! Feel free to add me and we can do this together!!
  • DanniiMitch
    DanniiMitch Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Cheryl im not doing g anything in particular except for cutting out all the crap, less portions and more exercise :-)
  • Madragoa
    Madragoa Posts: 6 Member
    Feel free to add me. After wedding + honeymoon + holidays I am needing help getting back on track!