Skinny Fiber Anyone Using it? Pro's/Con's please.

Not sure if I can ask this question or not on this forum, but I've seen ads about this product and was curious if people have used it help lose the weight. Did you like it and why? Did you hate it and why? Don't want to go and spend a lot of money on something that may not worth it. Thanks in advance.


  • I have lost 18 pounds in 2 months and I am so thrilled ! Even over Christmas ! I do need to get back working out though . I workout at home and my daughter keeps me motivated . When she was 4 months she would cry when I would stop and take a break . Now she does like to climb on me when I am doing ground work lol . I put my back out yesturday so I will have to wait a week before I can start up again ! I am missing my work outs it has been a month . I find eating in moderation is the best . Always less something on your plate dump salt on half if you must make it taste gross . I have struggled with my weight for years was bullied in high school .
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Counting calories is the best approach to weight loss.

    And can't advertise on the forums.
  • mikaylaro
    mikaylaro Posts: 2 Member
    I love Skinny Fiber. It helps me keep my portions down, which reduces my calorie intake. It also keeps the hunger and cravings at bay. Plus it's all natural and it has a 30-day money back guarantee, so if you don't like it you can always send it back and get a refund. The only downside I see is that some people go through a bit of detox period during the first few weeks of taking it (increased bowel movements, gas, etc.) Not everyone experiences that though and, if they do, it subsides in a week or so. In the end, the detox is a good thing anyway even though it can be a little unpleasant for some. Hope that helps!
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    There are nothing but advertisers of this product commenting.

    It's fiber. Assuming you're getting enough fiber in your diet through leafy greens and fruits there's no reason to supplement it.

    If you want to take fiber then buy metamucil or bulk psyllium husk. Google the effects of fiber.

    Keep in mind too much fiber can cause gastrointestinal problems (gas, bloating, constipation).

    "Skinny fiber" is just another marketing ploy to make people's wallets lighter with their incredible mark up.
  • It is not just fiber ! January 22 LifeTime Network In The USA at 7 am watch it or record it . Utube or Facebook to view the show as well More hope that hype !
  • futmom
    futmom Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you all for your info. I'm going to try to work it off naturally, but always looking for a plan B. Jessica, I'll watch the show on Lifetime to check it out. I don't see Jessica advertising, just offering me info without trying to sell me anything. Unless that was deleted since I am a couple of days behind :smile:

    Thank you all for your opinions and info.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    It is another MLM with no science behind it.

    The only people who will vouch for it are people selling it or those who "use it but don't sell it"

    You figure it out.
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    I just looked up the price of skinny fiber - one bottle of 120 capsules is $59.95 on - ouch!

    A container of metamucil is about $20 at the local chemist.

    Big bag of psyllium husk from local greengrocer is $6 or $7.

    Same effect a lot of difference in price.
  • Skinny fiber is more than just fiber so u can't really compare the price to Metamucil or fibercon or whatever it's called. Go on to any distributors website (I'm not advertising my own or anyone's) I'm saying pick any & they will break down all the ingredients & the costs of each ingredient if u bought it separately & then u can compare pricing. Also the company doesn't say to take this & then just sit on your bum & watch the pounds melt away in 2 weeks. U still need to follow a regular exercise program & eat healthy & it does take a reasonable amount of time. And most distributors started out as customers and saw the real results & that it works & then decided to sell it.

    Just wanted to give my input cause it seems that people come on to ask questions & instead of getting helpful answers they get bashed for even considering it and/or the product & company are bashed without any firsthand knowledge.
  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member
    Honestly if it works for you, it works. If it doesn't, it doesn't. But I will say this. No magic pill is going to automatically make you lose weight without making some serious changes to what you are doing in regards to your intake and/or your activity levels.

    A lot of news has been going around about the FDA/FTC passing down huge fines (Tens of millions) over the last week about companies making false claims (Sensa was the big one that got hit). So please, do your research. If something promises results with little to no work put into it, it likely will not work for you!

  • I decided to try Skinny Fiber & started last week. I have not had any changes that I know of yet. I changed my diet a little over 110 again & also started exercising about 8 weeks ago. I'm done 36# & 6 inches just by changing my eating habits & exercising. So you ask why did I decide to take Skinny Fiber. I wanted to see if it will do what it says it will do. Since I'm in my first week & no changes. I feel it is still too soon to tell. I will try to keep you updated if it worked for me. I have researched very hard. I why wouldn't you want to buy from a distributor? They have at least tried it & it worked for them. I will continue to follow my healthier habits either way. Do not buy on amazon or eBay. With saying that, as we all know, something may work for 1 person & not another. I have issues with a lot of medication, so I try to go for more natural. I have not had any issues with this at this time. And the next question will be, how do I know if it worked with or without Skinny Fiber? I guess I'll have to figure that one out by how much I have lost in either weight or inches & see if there is a noticeable change. :smile:
  • Zomb1eMummy
    Zomb1eMummy Posts: 104 Member
    I will be honest with you 100%. I haven't tried this product because I did my research about it. There is a MUCH cheaper solution that is the primary ingredient in the product. It is called Glucomannan and it is like 10 bucks at the vitamin store in my area. Trust me, it is better for you and it does help with cutting back on your food intake. :)
  • rubydrm
    rubydrm Posts: 112 Member
    I just started using it on Jan 2nd. I thought and thought about it for a few months before deciding to buy it. Besides taking it, I also have changed my diet to a healthier one and I work out 5 days a week (3x cardio, 2x strenth) as well. Since it said on the website that it could take a few weeks to notice changes I think it is too early for me to say whether it works or not for me. I started using it just as a supplement to my change in lifestyle (eating better and regular exercise). I have heard that it has other health benefits too but for me those don't apply.

    After years of trying what seemed to be all the ways under the sun to lose weight, I figured, what the heck--I would try this one. The only difference is this time, I'm actually using this app (MFP) as well as working out regularly in addition to taking SF. I think you should try whatever you think would work for you. Whether it be SF or not... GOOD LUCK!!
  • futmom
    futmom Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you all for your input. I'm still trying, and won't try this yet. For the ladies that are using it, please friend me and let me know how it goes with you. The price tag alone right now is stopping me, plus I want to try and improve my exercise and eating habits before I try a pill. I would rather say I lost it without the help of a pill if I can, and if i need a boost then maybe I'll try it or something similar.

    Thanks again!
  • Moran829
    Moran829 Posts: 12 Member
    I started my SF journey on Jan 27th....started changing my diet here and there before starting. It is also suggested to do a colon cleanse to aid in weight loss. I ised colon clenz...all natural....can be found at Wal-Mart for 7 daya along with SF everyday....almost to the end of my first 30 days and down 10's not a miracle pill and results aren't gonna happen over night or with little effort.Honestly I do not exercise as I should....starting to add more walking to my day as my job changed from.moving around on my feet all day to sitting at a desk.....and lots of water!
  • MsPrncss
    MsPrncss Posts: 19 Member
    Hi I started skinny Fiber this week no change if anything it made me want to eat the kitchen or no change at all. Any suggestions on the day menu you eat to loose? Thank! :smile: :smile:
  • MsPrncss
    MsPrncss Posts: 19 Member
    I love Skinny Fiber. It helps me keep my portions down, which reduces my calorie intake. It also keeps the hunger and cravings at bay. Plus it's all natural and it has a 30-day money back guarantee, so if you don't like it you can always send it back and get a refund. The only downside I see is that some people go through a bit of detox period during the first few weeks of taking it (increased bowel movements, gas, etc.) Not everyone experiences that though and, if they do, it subsides in a week or so. In the end, the detox is a good thing anyway even though it can be a little unpleasant for some. Hope that helps!
    How much do you take in a day?
  • I used skinny fiber about a year ago. I only lasted a couple of months on it but I did lose 10 pounds with it. No diet or exercising. I stopped taking it because i don't have a scheduled time to eat so it was difficult to make sure to take the pills 30 minutes before eating. I never gained the ten pounds back (yay). I recently started taking them again this week. They definitely helped me to eat less and prevented cravings. On the con side, my sister took the pills too. It blocked her up and also interfered with her PCOS so she stopped taking it. Back on the pro side though, her girlfriend takes skinny fiber and has lost a lot of weight without side effects. So I guess it works for some but not others. Oh and I don't sell skinny fiber. I considered it but I suck at sales and would probably just give everything away to people lol!
  • vlritz57
    vlritz57 Posts: 3
    I did a lot research for 6 months. I GAINED ABOUT 136 lbs on steroids went from a size 5 to 24 My health became a real concern I was boarder line blood pressure was high. I saw Dr Oz talking about this miracle pill. And I was skeptic. I am so scared of pills in general due to two extra heart beats I am not allowed caffeine at all..but then I knew someone who tried it and she lost weight but she was also a insulin diabetic .and her Dr informed her she no longer needed it. So I decided why not. WOW.. I weighed 242 lbs on April 1 2014 my first day before I did I saw My Dr we did blood work still board line diabetic. High blood pressure. He said it was a risk but if I was determine to try it he would research it and wanted me back in to recheck me. So Monday 21 I saw My Dr he was shocked... my weight went to 225 My blood pressure went 176/101 to 112/72 dramatic change .. so we did blood work again my cholesterol 359 to 206. Triglycerides 466 to 371 HDL 38 to 41 LDL 103 my Dr exact words if I did not see it first hand with you I would not believe it. VICKI I RESEARCH THIS AND I CAN NOT FIND ANYTHING NEGATIVE ABOUT IT AND YOU ARE NO LONGER AT RISK FOR BEING A DIABETIC .. KEEP TAKING IT . IT IS WORKING and he also ask me to document my journey on it. I DID NOT START THIS ON A WHIM I RESEARCH IT .I FOUND A GROUP SITE ON FACEBOOK OF OTHERS WHO ARE TAKING IT AND LISTENING GOOGLED IT TOO .ONLY CON IS IF YOU DON'T FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS IT WON'T WORK.BY THE WAY I LOST WITH NO EXERCISE. MY DR HAS OKAYED ME TO FINALLY START WORKING OUT DUE TO MY HEART I had to be extremely careful. At 56 I feel like I have a new lease on life. Yes it's expensive but safe. And it works..I am not a seller of the product but I am a believer of it.. here is a link to the face book group.research find out for yourself..