Can you please take a look

At my Food Diary and tell me if I am eating enough, or too much; exercising enough or too little?

That would be a great help thanks.



  • scottjames84
    Oh on a side note my lb lost is sitting at zero only because when I started this program last year I weighed in at about 204 but then I gave up and started the program back up again weighing in at 207 but in the last week I have gotten down to 203.9 so I have lost around 3lb since starting back up :-)
  • fxst78
    fxst78 Posts: 221 Member
    Looks pretty good but you should really add more green leafy veg (brocoll spinach etc) and also try to reduce the amount of processed foods!

    Other than that it looks like a successful plan.
  • terri0027
    terri0027 Posts: 51 Member
    I agree. Cut back on prcessed foods. If you are eating them for convenience, you might want to add sodium as one of the things you track. Some processed foods are high in sodium.
  • scottjames84
    I don't think I am eating a lot of Processed foods or foods high in Sodium; although I was bad today, I had a Monster Energy Drink but it was the first one I have had since last friday and before I started back on MFB I was having one can every day or 2.

    Maybe you could take a look at my diary and let me know which foods are processed as I might have missed those.

  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    What are you considering processed food in his diet?
  • terri0027
    terri0027 Posts: 51 Member
    Prepackaged foods like the Special K bars are considered processed foods. If the Tegal chicken is the precooked type it and has added ingredients as preservatives, it would be considered processed. McD's is processed, even the "healthy" menu.
    The choices in the prepackaged foods you are making seem to be good ones. Just pay attention to added ingredients. Sometimes sodium can sneak into unexpected places. Some cheeses are high in sodium.
    It isn't a criticism, just food for thought. I use processed foods, like the fruit bowls, because I travel for work and they don't get damaged in transit like fresh fruit might. When I do pick prepackaged, I read the labels very carefully. Picking pick raw foods that are cooked at home are best but but sometimes it isn't possible.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    i think you are picking the right foods... and you have a good variety. your exercise looks good, make sure to get 1-2 rest days per week. I did notice that you went over your calorie goal for like 4 out of the 7 days, this is ok to do on occassion but I dont recommend doing it so often. i also do not recommend eating all/most of your exercise calories very often either. and last thing...make sure you are drinking a lot more water!! you are suppossed to drink half of your weight (in lbs) in ounces...if you weigh 200lbs drink 100ozs of water per day! you are also suppossed to drink another 8oz for every 20minutes of exercise that you do. this will help you cut down on the calories since you will feel fuller, and it will also help flush out the sodium from your "processed" foods. :) good luck!
  • JohnMaile
    So you are trying to lose weight, right? I took a look at your food diary, at least for the 11th, and did see some things you might want to change. The first thing is that breakfast is your smallest meal. It should definitely be your biggest!! You'll want a lot of complete proteins like eggs or chicken along with some complex carbs, like whole wheat toast or oatmeal.

    There also seems to be a lot of fruit. You should know that the 'carbs' in fruit are really just simple sugars. In the morning, it would be fine to eat a banana or something, but really anytime after that, you really want to stick to complex carbs, things like whole wheat bread.

    One other thing that might be helpful is to add some healthy fats in your diet. Fish oil and coconut oil are great for that. For breakfast, for instance, you could have three eggs, over easy, with a piece or two of whole wheat toast with coconut oil.... pretty tasty.

    The last thing that a lot of people never do is eat more consistently throughout the day. Eating a larger breakfast and then eating smaller meals every three to four hours will keep your metabolism being stimulated throughout the day!

    There is also a lot of processed food, as some other people mentioned.

    Anyways, hope thats helpful!! Let me know if you have any questions!
  • scottjames84
    Thanks guys for the advice which I will take under advisement :-)