Back, again.....

Hi, I'm Claire. I'm 31yrs and am starting this for 3rd time.
I really struggle with dieting and I know this is going to be hard bit I have to do it for myself and for my hubby and 2 kids.
I have 70lbs to loose to get me at my first goal weight. Then I will see if I can shed a bit more. I'm afraid I have my daddies build so am never gonna be a size 8. I would intact love to be a uk size 14.......
I would like to add some friends as I found that the last time I did this it was lovely to have some support from people doing the same thing....
Add me of you like.
Good luck everyone.x


  • noluckducky15
    noluckducky15 Posts: 54 Member
    You can do this! I've lost 73 lbs and counting and I never ever thought I'd be where I am today!! Just put your mind to it, and be consistent! Feel free to add me if you like, I log daily
  • stillnot2late
    stillnot2late Posts: 385 Member
    Good luck to you and hope you are very successful. I know all about the starting over.
  • blindcode
    Hi Claire! Hey, at least you're back!!! You'll do good, just while you're putting yourself down do a physical activity - retrain your thinking. I was afraid I was going to look like my 'family genes' too, but you know what? I don't. I did, but not anymore! You are the only one who can change you - and it starts in the head, you're already to step 1! Good for you and welcome back!
  • samiam6603
    Feel free to add me... I try to log daily and be a motivational force. I'm kind of in the same boat you are with wanting to lose ~70 lbs. Good luck!
  • thickerella
    thickerella Posts: 154 Member
    If you struggle with dieting, then stop dieting. I eat lovely, rich, full meals and still manage to lose weight. You do still have to track your calories and stay within a goal, but you can do that and still eat what you want. Self-denial is the first step towards failure for most people.
  • rgunn02
    rgunn02 Posts: 169 Member
    Hi! Add me! :)
  • juliejotto
    Hi All--

    I am back again too, this is my second time. Last time I was pretty successful. This is the first time I am getting involved with the community aspect of MFP, hope it gives me motivation and helps focus to stick with it. I have 40lbs to lose, Started the JJ Virgin 21 day cleanse today. Trying to jump start to rid my body from all of the "food sins" from the holidays. Please share any tips for staying on track.

  • salmat77
    salmat77 Posts: 310 Member
    You can do this honey, I am starting again for the 100th time, I know I have the tools to be able to do this. I can succeed and YOU CAN TOO!! Good luck to you and feel free to add me as a friend! I love to support and love to be supported.
  • Ftw37
    Ftw37 Posts: 386 Member
    You can do it. Document your food intake, weigh and measure your food, weigh yourself only once a week, and start or increase your exercise level.

    The act of documenting my food intake is helping me more than I thought it would.

    If you don't weigh and measure your food, you may eat more or less than you think.

    Weighing yourself once a week helps smooth out the daily up-and-down weight fluctuations and gives you a better view of your weight loss.

    I've become a fitbit addict myself. My exercise is just walking right now, but having numbers every day motivates me so much.

    I've also sent you a friend request.

    Frank (ftw37)