Why myfitnesspal?



  • thegreengirl
    thegreengirl Posts: 7 Member
    I picked MFP because of the food tracker. I liked the extensive database of foods and how easy it was to use.
  • alienaliens
    alienaliens Posts: 64 Member
    Daughter told me about this site, and it was easier than everything I had ever tried, so i stuck with it
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    All of the other ones I tried didn't have the foods I was trying to log. MFP's food data base has all the foods I eat. I came for the data base stayed for the awesome people!
  • _db_
    _db_ Posts: 179 Member
    I just wanted a way to calculate and track calories. I tried a couple of different apps and MFP was the first one that did what I needed. I've since looked at a couple of other apps/sites, and MFP is still the best overall. The forums are really nice, too, because there are a number of informed and helpful posters who are willing to share their knowledge.
  • kittee83
    kittee83 Posts: 38 Member
    I had tried a few weight loss apps before, and they weren't working out well for me.
    I came across this app, and looked at the website. I found that you could easily navigate around both well, with clear "Food" "Exercise" "Friends" markers, various choices of foods (and easy to add foods/calories, if foods weren't available), great forums and ways to meet people with like-wise goals, etc.
    The site and app had everything I wanted. It was a little tricky with the weights of some foods, so I bought a weighing scale, and now I can view something and guessimate how many grams/miligrams it is.
    Am not completely strict on what I eat, I just take the good days and the bad days as it comes now.

    All that matters now, is I'm losing weight little by little, and MFP is thanks to that.
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    A trainer recommended it to me as I was just about to get my first smartphone. I loved how easy it was to use. I tried counting calories before with a calculator, notebook and a giant book of calories which never covered stuff that I ate when eating out and it was annoying and frustrating so I gave up. I love that it's on my phone so as I eat I can scan the barcode or look up foods and most of what I'm eating I can find. I'v

    Additionally there is such a great support system here. (OK, maybe not always in the forums, but that's online anonymity for you, but I have found a good group of people as well as my friends who have joined as well so we can support each other.) This app helped me hit my goal weight for the first time in twenty years.

    e never tried any of the other apps so I can't compare one against the other, but I'm really happy with this one so there hasn't been a reason to change.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    a friend recommended it, easy log in system and once i logged in easy to understand food/exercise diary and finally the message boards.
  • bitshred
    bitshred Posts: 24 Member
    I came across it randomly on the internet. I signed up just a few days ago, and I really like the way it works and I have it on my phone. I hope I can stick to this, probably need support, which is why I am on the forums.
  • carholl
    carholl Posts: 44 Member
    My daughter-in-law was using it so I checked it out...wasn't planning on doing anything, just looking at it. I calculated what I had eaten that day and realized I had consumed enough calories that I shouldn't eat for at least 3 days. Been logging in ever since...
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I actually did'nt use MFP or any other calorie tracking site while I was actively losing weight. I hung out over in the JUDDD section of LCF and tracked in a notebook (I only counted calories every other day with JUDDD). I found MFP as I transitioned into maintenance last spring and use it more for the forums than to track anything. There's lot of people who know their stuff here, and the forums are also entertaining, to say the least :laugh:
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    It has the hottest chics....
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    This site has the most versatile and user-friendly database. The social aspect is a nice bonus.
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    I wasn't actually looking for anything. I happened to see MFP listed on a "Top iPhone Apps" list, so I downloaded it and logged on. It wasn't until seven months later that I really thought about using it; and I ended up getting really committed.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    boobie friday
  • Thorbjornn
    Thorbjornn Posts: 329 Member
    A few people at bodybuilding.com recommended it. I like the tools and the iphone app.
  • Goal179
    Goal179 Posts: 314 Member
    I started on myfatsecret.com and that is where I lost my first 20 pounds or so. BUT, it doesn't have as large of a diary. Also, the calories are not calculated as clearly and easily. Not as many active members and support groups. Plus MFP has a much better layout and site design. I also hated the name myfatsecret. That's just a stupid and negative name.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I'd done WW for about a year (the old points system - Momentum I think it was called) and didn't really like the new points system so I was on my own and slowly regaining the weight. Then my manager told us about MFP so I figured why not, might as well check it out and I was hooked from the 1st moment!! It was, and has continued to be, exactly what I needed to track my food and activity. And I love that it has the social media part too. I've met some neat people, learned a lot and laughed a lot!
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    It works. Its easy to use. Its flexible enough for me to use the way I need to. Its free. And IT WORKS.
  • TheresaTester
    TheresaTester Posts: 115 Member
    My dad was the one who started using MFP first. I had basically been doing the same thing, only using a notebook I had to take with me and guessing about restaurant food's caloric content. I liked the idea of not needing my notebook with me all the time and being able to access the food database instead of searching for nutritional information for each separate restaurant.

    Me, too--writing everything down in a spiral notebook to discuss with my nutritionist was really impossible at times. I guessed at a lot of the content I had from restaurants, and employee pot-lucks. MFP is so much easier. I like the exercise section, too.
  • Mylolamia
    Mylolamia Posts: 88 Member
    I have tried a lot of diet programs, most costing $$$, this was free. A co-worker lost a ton doing it, and I started after trying it on my own. Starting weight was 178 down to 148 at lowest. It also syncs with fitbit which was available to me from my work insurance. Between the two I have learned to eat better and exercise more. So very happy with the results for little cost to me. My fitbit only cost $25, walking is free and logging in to the fitnesspal is free.

    ^This. Followed WW Online...not the same. Love MFP.