I suck at birthday parties---Rant



  • walleyclan1
    walleyclan1 Posts: 2,784 Member
    A 3rd birthday party is nothing to stress about. IMO raising a child that can roll with the punches, adapt to the unexpected, and drink tap water when necessary is much more important. You teach your child how important certain things in life are. Is forgetting bottled water and having to drink *gasp* tap water, something you want her to prioritize?
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    meanwhile in africa...

  • Monkey_Business
    Monkey_Business Posts: 1,800 Member
    Sounds like your 'friend' should pull her big girl panties up and should have taken herself and her whiney child home.

    Do not invite them next year since it appears they both had a 'terrible' time this year.
  • kittee83
    kittee83 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm glad everyone here is cheering you up and helping you realise that you did a great job at your daughter's birthday party.
    They should have brought a bottle of water/food stuffs themselves if they thought they would have liked that there. You can't possibly have everything there, so don't beat yourself up.
    Sounds like you and your daughter had a brilliant time though :)
  • SCtolulu
    SCtolulu Posts: 154 Member
    LOL. That reminds me of myself. I can't tell you how happy I was the year my daughter said she didn't want a birthday party. I'm just not good at a lot of these kind of Mommy tasks. :)
  • Trostlegirl33
    Trostlegirl33 Posts: 6 Member
    OMG...may I suggest you take a step back? You are beating yourself up really hard for a dumb little thing. I say that bratty mom and bratty daughter deserve a good slap upside the head!!! Please do not cut yourself down over this! Maybe better to ask why we even get sucked into doing these big parties for the kiddos in the first place! What ever happened to "invite grandma over and have the neighbor kid join us for dinner???" (My own rant!) Or maybe another good approach is to next time bring water for everyone and save the adults also from the sugar, etc. of soda :)

    You are right...cannot argue that point of stressing over something stupid. I am a dweller....and need to move on. I moved on last night but coming in to that discussion this morning just sent me in a tail spin. I will say, she has no filter when speaking. I also agree about the big parties and we actually did try to keep it small...just family and a few of her friends..each friend has a sibling. Bounce house was borrowed and clubhouse was in our neighborhood....even then though, having Grandmas over for pizza and presents sounds so much better!
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    My precious snowflakes would either drink the water or keep their pie holes closed... or we would have to leave. Seriously..... it clean water out of a tap. Not the toilet.

    and I would have offered to run to the closed place and grab a couple of gallons if it made you feel better.. but not because I raised whiney mcwhiney pants.
  • amyford25
    amyford25 Posts: 85 Member
    If she's your friend, she should recognize when you needed help and gone to get the friggin' water!
  • jypsyjulia
    jypsyjulia Posts: 33 Member
    How spoiled can a child be to deny faucet water if they're truly thirsty? My children would either drink said water or go thirsty, but they sure as anything would not be allowed to even speak of being thirsty for the rest of the night unless they drank the faucet water! Honestly, your party sounds like a lot of fun! You had a bouncy house and food. That's all my kids need to be happy. You're berating yourself for no good reason. You sound like a great party hostess who happens to be surrounded by some negative and unhappy people. Give yourself a break and a pat on the back.
  • meggiewho97
    meggiewho97 Posts: 17 Member
    If her daughter has such particular tastes, then she should have taken measures to see that they would be met, not relying on someone else, especially without prior acknowledgement. Seriously. This is irritating. You did fine! It's not your fault that the pizza was a bit late. The kids had a great time, and that's what matters.

    This^^ :drinker:
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I don't make accommodations for those coming to a party I'm hosting. If you know you're allergic to peanuts and you don't tell me, don't get upset to find peanut butter cookies hanging around. It's a party, I would assume soda would be available to drink. If I didn't drink soda, I would bring something for myself. My husband actually doesn't drink soda, so he brings lemonade wherever he goes because he doesn't expect anyone to cater to him.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Seriously...don't worry about it. I'm always somewhat shocked what parents go through nowadays for b-day parties for their kids...when I was growing up, we just ordered pizza and I had 2 or 3 friends over to spend the night. It was always a blast, and I don't feel I missed out on childhood for not having massive parties. Relax!

    PS...if *I* had refused to drink the water growing up and complained about being thirsty, my mom probably would have taken me and spanked me for not being a gracious guest. :laugh:
  • Trostlegirl33
    Trostlegirl33 Posts: 6 Member
    I love how a good vent or "rant" in my case can help move the crazy out! lol :wink: thanks guys! Officially changed title in my mind to, party was kick a**...because we liked it.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    First off, stop beating yourself up. You made a mistake. You're human - we all do it!! Your friend is a complete jerk for rubbing your face in it... Maybe instead she should've noticed that you were a nervous wreck, felt bad about forgetting and offered to go to the store for you. And if her kid is that fussy about tap water, she should make sure she brings her precious child's drink of choice with her all the time, not expect everyone else to cater to her. Seriously...what is wrong with people these days?

    Second, instead of feeling bad for yourself, read over some of these suggestions, put some thought into how to handle it better next time. Definitely start asking for help. It's impossible to make everyone happy and you can drive yourself nuts making sure you cover all the allergies, intolerances and preferences. So maybe next time you ask the parents to bring their child's favorite beverage. You could still provide something to drink but that way some of the pressure is off.

    Or in the future if you forget and someone brings it up maybe say "would you mind going to the store to pick up a case or a few gallons of bottled water? I'll watch your kids and reimburse you when you return".
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    her daughter doesn't want to drink faucet water so she keeps saying she is thirsty.

    Oh hell with that. A starving dog will not die in front of a full bowl of food. The KID doesn't care, that is a reflection of the MOTHER. Try not to let it bother you, you will never make all the moms happy. Someone will ALWAYS be catty about SOMETHING.

    ETA this gem:
    PS...if *I* had refused to drink the water growing up and complained about being thirsty, my mom probably would have taken me and spanked me for not being a gracious guest.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I love how a good vent or "rant" in my case can help move the crazy out! lol :wink: thanks guys! Officially changed title in my mind to, party was kick a**...because we liked it.

  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I feel like you should be proud that your kid isn't a whiny little brat like hers. She shouldn't be so spoiled that she could turn her nose up at something offered to her.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    My family is about as high maintenance as you can get! We're gluten free, corn free and have several food allergies. I would never assume that the person throwing a party should cater to our needs so if my kids go to a party we always bring things we know we can eat and drink. Often my friends will let me know they've made sure they have a gluten free pizza or something like that but that's because I have wonderful friends.

    My opinion is that it's your friends who suck, not you!
  • kittenful
    kittenful Posts: 318 Member
    I love how a good vent or "rant" in my case can help move the crazy out! lol :wink: thanks guys! Officially changed title in my mind to, party was kick a**...because we liked it.

    This is excellent! ^_^
  • KrazyDaizy
    KrazyDaizy Posts: 815 Member
    In the grand scheme of life this stuff isn't important. If someone has a problem with the FREE stuff you provided to them tell them to STFU. Life is too short to take people seriously who criticize you for something so minimal. I get being a perfectionist, but we all make mistakes. All we can do is learn from them and, in my case, laugh at myself A LOT.

    Is your child healthy? Are you healthy? Is your child happy? Are you happy? Are you trying to help make this world more tolerable and happy for others? These are things that are important.