How many calories do you eat to maintain your weight



  • ChatoGuy
    I used MFP strictly as a recording/feedback/motivation tool last year during my weight loss period. I successfully lost about 10 kg to settle in at around 70 kg (1.68 m); this puts me at the 'high' end of BMI at around 24-25 but I feel comfortable there.

    I find the question of how many calories to eat to maintain one's weight to be unimportant. Listen to your body and eat normally without external monitoring tools. If you find that you gain weight (or lose weight) then by all means get back on diet or exercise or other monitored programmes that have worked for you before. I think we will discover a few home truths about this whole weight loss business in due time: first, we're all unique. So diets are guides at best because any two people will almost certainly react differently to an identical diet. Secondly, our bodies know best and try to a) prevent excess weight gain b) prevent excess weight loss over a short period of time. It's like a feedback loop where our body seems to want to keep us at a given weight if we have been there for a while, a 'set point' if you want.

    Anyways, these are my thoughts and they're based only on my personal experience and what I've seen and read over the last few decades. Bottom line: eat normally and exercise regularly and....enjoy life!!!
  • NiikouruDesu
    Between 1500 and 2500
  • ES110791
    ES110791 Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks for the replies everyone. I track my weight according to how my clothes are fitting. I am not going to weigh myself because (a) it becomes an obsession for me and (b) seeing the number on a scale and knowing exactly how much I weigh would probably make me cry

    I don't believe the exact number should be important anyway, it should be more about how you look and feel. I'm hyper sensitive about my body so I can tell if i've gained weight. It's hard to know exactly how many calories I eat in total per day because of eating disorder behaviours, and my main goal is to stop those behaviours with a better intake. It's just so scary because like I said, I don't want to gain any more weight. So that's why I was curious.

    I eat back my exercise calories to usually around NET 1650 or so around 2000 total calories. According to those sights my TDEE (including exercise) is about 2100. Should I raise my intake to that? Have people found those sites accurate?
  • _namaste_
    _namaste_ Posts: 246
    5'6, 125lbs was maintaining at 2000 calories (net, I eat back ever single exercise cal! ;))

    Now bulking and eating more and have put on a few lbs since I began (woot).
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    5'10.5", 170 lbs, 33.

    I maintain at 2200 net, which works out to 2400-2500 total. Although given how slow my weight is coming during my bulk, my maintenance may be at least 2300 now...
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I'm 35, 5'2", 101 pounds. I have to eat more than 1900 or I will continue to lose weight. But, the amount I eat fluctuates. Usually averages around 1900 to 2200.
  • capperboy
    capperboy Posts: 99 Member
    5'10" 164 lbs 1500 calories per day pus I eat back exercise calories calculated from HRM 2 years on maintenance now.
  • 1971jamie
    1971jamie Posts: 34 Member
    Last year I started at 186lbs on 24th April and went down to 153lbs by 14th August, which I decided was about ideal for me.

    I then tried to slowly ween myself of MFP and constant tracking of everything by just being concious of what I was eating against what I was doing exercise-wise (no gym stuff, just walking, working etc.). I didn't want to be a slave to MFP for the rest of my life if I could help it!

    I did weigh myself daily for couple of weeks, then gradually every other day, then once a week just to keep a check on things. Like others have said, I went more on clothes size than anything... I'm a size 32" waist jeans, with a belt, and sometimes can get in size 30" depending on the fit. So I knew when my 32" jeans got a bit on the tight size that I needed to cut back on the calories for a few days.

    Here's how my actual weight panned out since then:

    14th August 153lbs
    7th Sept 154lbs
    22nd Oct 155lbs
    - so very slow increase.

    A pig-out for my birthday just before Xmas put on a couple of pounds taking me to 157, and then over Xmas period itself I put on 4lbs by sitting around too much and eating all the good stuff! =

    1st Jan 161lbs - peak of my xmas binge!!

    then back on strict MFP, 1200 cals/day and trying to keep to around 60g of carbs =

    8th Jan (today): back to 154lbs.

    So I think I got on pretty well between August and Xmas with my first real concious attempt at maintenance. Previously in my life, like many, its been a case of diet, put back, diet, put back, in a cycle. Determined to beat that this time (Xmas indulgence to be excepted!)

    The real challenge is to be able to maintain long-term without MFP propping us up. I guess for many people that simply isn't possible - but give it a go, I very nearly got it right the first time, exluding the xmas binge, I put on half a pound per month. OK - that is basically half a stone a year which isn't good! - but is much better than previously when I've put weight back on faster than its come off, generally.

    My top tips would be this:

    I started off with 36" waist jeans... it was having to buy them as I'd bust the buttons on my 34" that made me realise I needed to take action! - so as soon as I got back into 34", I threw the 36" away... and as soon as I got back to 32" waist, I threw all the 34" away - and vowed never to buy any bigger sizes again... so if I got fatter, I just couldn't go out!
    TIP - get rid of clothes as soon as you slim down out of them, it is a great sense of achievement!

    Try and be concious all the time of what you're eating. It doesn't hurt to go out with friends and have a big meal now and again, but next day try and have a real cut-back on calories to immediately balance out what you had the night before, and do some extra excercise, even if its just going for a long walk. Sounds obvious, of course! - but often I find if I have a big meal in the evening, I'm really hungry next breakfast. Weird!.
    TIP - try and always take immediate action for any binges, one day of salads doesn't hurt!

    Continue to weigh regularly. I normally weigh daily and look at the trend over a week or so. We all know weight fluctuates daily (a lot more for women of course than us men) - some say weigh once a week, but my argument against that is you might happen to weigh one week on a "heavy day" and the next week on a "light day" and fool yourself into thinking you've lost 4lbs when in fact you are exactly the same weight (I.E. the two fluctuations were 2lbs out each time). That can give you a very false sense of what is going on. When I was dieting hard, I weighed every single day, but only logged the weight when it was less than the previous logged weight - so sometimes I might not actually record a loss for several days or even a week at one point, due to fluctuations.
    TIP - it's all about the trend - if you see a weight gain over more than a week or so, nip it in the bud with a quick diet day (or two).

    Anyway, hope that helps someone!
  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    5'9" and between 125-130 lbs (closer to 125 right now), and I tend to maintain on average at around 1800.
  • Pandora_King
    Without exercising, about 2000. I am eating 1500 right now and exercising about 300 - 700 a day.
  • iammelli
    iammelli Posts: 42 Member
    I'm 5'4'' and weigh 125 pounds. MFP says I need 1650 calories to maintain my weight. I admit I'm secondary so I trust that I shouldn't go over 1650 to much. Sometimes I wish I could eat more though.

    and me!!!
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    I am a 43 YO male, 180 cm and weigh 78 kg. I maintain on approximately 2750 calories per day.

    When I went to maintenance, I initially used the MFP maintenance number for sedentary (around 2200), then added and ate back most of my exercise calories. After a couple of weeks of doing this, I figured out the weekly average and divided by 7. Then I compared that number to various online calculators (like the Scooby's one mentioned earlier). They all came out to about 2,700. I was still very slowly losing (maybe .5 kg/month) so I added 50 calories. My weight seems to have stabilized, but I do weekly checks to see if I need to tweak anything.

    Exercise-wise I work out about 1 hour per day 4-5 times per week with a mix of resistance training and cardio (running to train for 5k, 8k, and 10k races).
  • SusieCuteYay
    SusieCuteYay Posts: 59 Member
    I think you made a really good point about trying to find that calorie number that will not set off binge eating. Its also a challenge for me too, I have an eating disorder since i was a little girl. And depriving myself on a diet, is one fast way to trigger binge eating for me... Since i signed up here, ive tried to maintain my calorie between 1700 and 2000. Its really weird, as i have noticed an increase in hunger around,, prior to my time of the month too,,, also the more i exercise the more hungrier i get... As a child i also went hungry, i dono if that has something to do with my body triggering hunger,,?
  • MoJokes
    MoJokes Posts: 691
    29, 5'7, 72kg, my weight fluctuates a couple of pounds, nothing to worry about.

    I eat whatever i want
  • farzinfn
    Best of luck to everyone in losing or maintaining their ideal weight. From my experience of losing 85 lbs. last year in 4 months I can tell you this is probably the best on-line site to accomplish your goals. That being said please keep in mind everybody and every body is different so these calculators and charts are really just estimates and kinda of a baseline at best. What has worked for me to maintain in a long term is having an accurate, made for me, measurement of my body composition. Since the first day I walked into my gym, and every 6 months since then I've done a Hydrostatic test, click here,, to get a 4 page report which includes the following. It's the best $40 I've ever spent:

    *Your body fat and lean mass percentages and weights
    *How your percentage body fat compares to others
    *How much fat, if any, needs to be lost in order to reach your composition goals
    *Basal metabolic rate—how many calories/day you burn without exercising
    *Personal caloric intake and expenditure chart—how many calories/day you burn when doing various exercises and activities

    This is as accurate it gets. Unfortunately I found out long time ago that hand-held devices found in gyms and on-line calculators as well as those smart scales and tiny devices you strap on can be hugely overestimating your caloric burn. I bought them all in my pursuit and have given them all away.

    Just my 2 cents here.

  • healthybodyhealthylife
    I'm transitioning into eating my maintanence calories after over a year of being in a deficit - eeep!!! Pretty scary for me!

    I'm 5"2.5 and weigh 135lbs. I don't live a particularly active lifestyle - I'm a University student so I spend a lot of time in front of the computer screen but on my Uni days I walk for about 40 mins. I do, however, work out very intensely about 5-6x a week, sometimes twice a day (I'm a total endorphin junkie) doing things ranging from heavy weight lifting, Insanity, Jillian Micheal's videos and sprinting on the treadmill.

    My TDEE is between 2200-2400 according to all the calculators I've checked out. It does make me go 'OMG 2200 CALORIES I CAN'T POSSIBLY EAT THAT MUCH AND STAY SLIM' lol but I'll try and not complain!! Food is food ;)
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    To maintain: Around 1700-1800 :)
  • HapThompson
    HapThompson Posts: 48 Member
    I've been maintaining since September at 73kg which is a good weight for me in terms of size (I wear a UK size 10) and how I feel. MFP reckons I need 1780cals to maintain but I find that if I eat consistently at that level I continue to lose. Practically I need to eat an average of 2,200 to stay about the same, which suggests that I am more active than I think I am!

    I've found maintenance surprisingly easy, in fact at one point I was struggling not to lose weight... It is a big mind **** at first though, not seeing the numbers consistently go down and even though i've done this successfully for four months now, i'm still terrified of seeing the numbers start to creep up...
  • beetsbeaton
    HI all...I am 132 lbs and 5 foot 4 in, I want to lose 7 lbs.. I just started doing hip hop abs with Shaun T and loving it ..I have some bad habits I am working on as I used to drink a large gingerale a night and I have a glass of wine or two a night! I am gluten free and dairy free so I so eat a lot of veggies and protein and rice...but I am around the 1200 mark with food calories and then whatever I have to drink minus what I worked out that day ... I need a better idea of what to eat a day cal wise.. am I too low, as so far no lbs lost but only in my first week?? and does anyone know how much u can burn on HHA as I have been entering 160 for med aerobic activity ? I am pretty lean and build muscle fast ..
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    38, 5'10, 134Ibs.
    I net 1900-2000 to maintain, and eat a total of 2500-3000 calories with exercise, to maintain.