College Girl Building A Support Group!

Hey there!
My name is Allie, I'm 18, a college student, and I recently discovered MFP I'm very excited about it! I have a few BIG reason's for wanting to lose weight and get in better shape. I think that my best chances of being successful are to surround myself with a few girls around my age who are also serious about wanting to be more healthy. Girls that are willing to hold each other accountable and can talk to each other about struggles, accomplishments, setbacks, whatever. I would love to be able to text each other throughout the day or week and share pictures of what we're eating, workout's, and little accomplishments and receive positive feedback or advice whenever needed. Just a strong support system because we all get what each other is going through.

If you are interested in being apart of something like this please message me or reply or add me!
Thanks for listening!


  • sspiersk

    I'm Sarah! I'm 19 and just started college this past fall! I've really struggled with weight loss in the past and I think that maybe if I don't go at this alone, I might be a bit more successful! If you're still interested, I would be super happy to be one of your heath buddies!