H2Oh dear


My new years resolution is to drink more water. So far I am sucking at it. I don't track it but on average I get in maybe 4-5 glasses a day on a good day.

How do you get down enough water?



  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I carry a water bottle with me wherever I go. I like the Contigo Madison bottle - spill proof, operates with one hand, goes in the dishwasher. I have one that holds 24oz and one for 32oz. contigo-1l-water-bottle-autoseal-madison-blue.jpg

    My own general rule is two cups of water down before first cup of coffee. If I start drinking coffee right away, I'll nurse that sucker all morning and by noon, coffee is gone and I haven't had any straight water. :tongue: Helps me out.

    I drink less in winter because it's not as hot out and I need less. And while I don't count my other liquids and beverages consumed as water (coffee, tea, etc), I do log them in my diary, and see them as overall fluid intake.

    But my real test is pee color. If it's dark yellow, I need more water! If it's pale to clear, I'm good.

    But taking a water bottle with me helps a lot - always in the car, with me in the house, work, etc.

    Edited to add: You can find them online at their website, or Amazon, and Costco, OSH and Target have some of the various types in-store.
  • rachaelps
    rachaelps Posts: 38 Member

    My own general rule is two cups of water down before first cup of coffee. If I start drinking coffee right away, I'll nurse that sucker all morning and by noon, coffee is gone and I haven't had any straight water. :tongue: Helps me out.

    This! For me it's a diet pepsi but I can make that thing last all day! Thanks! Great tip.
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    I have a Contigo too and it is great. Just sucks that mine doesnt have any measurements on it
  • tfleischer
    tfleischer Posts: 199 Member
    I carry a water bottle with me wherever I go. I like the Contigo Madison bottle - spill proof, operates with one hand, goes in the dishwasher. I have one that holds 24oz and one for 32oz. contigo-1l-water-bottle-autoseal-madison-blue.jpg

    That is probably the best advice right there. Buy a water bottle and take it with you wherever you go. Have it at your work, home, car, etc.
    If you need to add flavors, add flavors.
    Buying bottled water, in my opinion, is costly and wasteful. Many of the water bottlers get their water from municipal sources.
  • Widadita
    Widadita Posts: 176 Member
    I always have a bottle of water with me, I drink a gallon everyday
  • michelleroslyn
    I make sure to get AT LEAST 3 liters of water a day and I usually end up getting at least 4 and sometimes 5! My trick is that I buy the "fizzy waters" at the grocery store. They are liter bottles and come in all different flavors and because it is just carbinated water with flavoring, there is no added anything to it. You can find them at Walmart, Raleys/Bel Air, Safeway, etc. They are labeled as a "sparking water beverage". I save the bottle and be sure to fill it up at least 2 more times during the day. When I dont want something fizzy and I dont want plain water I will fill the bottle and add Crystal Light to it (I put 2 of the on-the-go packets in the liter bottle) and its a great way for me to get that next liter down. I hope this helps you! Good luck! :smile:
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    Bottle of water permanently next to me. I see it I take a swig. I feel hungry I take a swig. I feel bored I take a swig. Getting the picture? I pee a lot bit it's worth it.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Yup 20 ounce bottle with me permanently. I drink a bottle before the morning shower, and 2-3 during the day and more again in the evening. I just do it. Add some flavor if you need it.

    Here's a suggestion to get you started: buy some crystal light (or the generic). Or the propel one with stevia. Whatever. But instead of doing one envelope each time, open them all and put it in a jar (or buy the ones for pitchers). Sprinkle some in your water to give it just a bit of flavor. Not enough to make it super sweet, Just enough to make it taste like something.
    It might hep get you going.
  • wide2bride
    "I drink less in winter because it's not as hot out and I need less. "

    I could be wrong, but I've heard that we actually need more water in the winter months than the summer because the air is dry and we don't absorb much moisture through our skin. (hence chapped lips, dry hands and other body parts).

    Side note * - Once you start MAKING yourself get an adequate amount of water it comes naturally...you will crave it more and it helps out big time with weight loss in my personal experience.
  • GummyHuman
    GummyHuman Posts: 193 Member
    Bottle of water permanently next to me. I see it I take a swig. I feel hungry I take a swig. I feel bored I take a swig. Getting the picture? I pee a lot bit it's worth it.

    Yes, this. And bathroom breaks are aplenty., but it's good to get up and stretch the legs on a regular basis.

    Now that I've gotten used to having the right amount of water each day I can feel it the next day when I don't get enough. The other day I only got about 6 cups and I felt like crap the next morning.

    I had 9 cups by the time I left work today. And I'll have 4 more by the time I go to bed. It was just a thirsty day. I usually have about 10 cups.
  • GummyHuman
    GummyHuman Posts: 193 Member

    My new years resolution is to drink more water. So far I am sucking at it. I don't track it but on average I get in maybe 4-5 glasses a day on a good day.

    How do you get down enough water?


    Oh! And I pretty much only drink water.
    I have one small glass of OJ every morning, a small glass of chocolate milk maybe once a week and cocktails a couple times a week. Other than that, it's all water.
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    camel back water bottle! i hardly drank any water till I got one of these, it's 24 ounces, so 3 cups in 1 bottle, and it's got like a bite and suck straw thingy so you can drink it with no hands, I bring it everywhere and just refill and use and it's super easy (but don't put anything but plain water in it cause then bacteria can grow in the mouth piece) drinking out of any kind of straw is always easier to drink more for me.
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    I too suck at drinking my water. I have a 24 oz cup and I fill it and suck it down in about 2 minutes. I have to do that before I can have something I actually want to drink 3 times a day.
  • sunnyskys2013
    sunnyskys2013 Posts: 159 Member
    When i am home i have a glass up by the bathroom sink, then when i pee i wash my hands and drink a glass of water. But it is harder to remember to drink when i am not home. When i am not home i try to carry a bottle with me. But either way i try to apply the same rule replenish what came out .
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I too need help in this department. I have heard to drink 2 cups before each meal, 1 cup right after waking and 1 right before bed. Theres your 8!!!!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I also have a water bottle with me all the time. I actually have one for home/daily use. Find one that is a convenient size, shape, and weight. I actually like the Blender Bottle and asked for them for Christmas :laugh: I use the 3.5 cup one for my water. Two of those is almost all I need. I like soda, so I tell my self I have to drink at least 1 bottle of water before I have my 1 can of soda :wink: I have a separate bottle that is smaller for my workouts, it stays in my gym bag so I don't forget it.

    I also found that if I get the to-go packs of Crystal Light or a generic and mix 1 into my big bottle (so it's twice the dilution as suggested) it helps with the water intake. Another option may be to find some herbal teas that you like and brew up a bunch the night before, then refrigerate. Just pour it over ice into your bottle and you have a nice flavor. (I also drink herbal teas hot in the mornings, that counts as water, too, but I don't add any sweetener).

    Overall, it's really just getting used to it. If you're getting 4-5 now, make it a goal to get 5-6 a day, and start tracking. When 5-6 isn't so hard, go up to 7-8.
  • LVCeltGirl
    I have a gallon container that I keep with me. I stop at a water store and fill it up for 40 cents a gallon on my way to work and drink it throughout the day. I have to have filtered water because I taste the difference. And if the water doesn't taste good to me, I'll stop drinking it unless I have one of the flavors (like crystal light, or the mio drops) to change the flavor.

    You get used to it after a bit. I always drink some water to test if I'm hungry or just thirsty because for me, I often get hunger pangs because I'm thirsty.
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    Like almost everyone else here on the thread - I carry a water bottle everywhere I go. (It's beside me at the moment, in fact.) I try to fill it up four times a day (I'm not sure what the conversion to fl oz is - that's 4 litres a day). It got a bit of getting used to in the first place, but now I wouldn't be without it.
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    You also mentioned that you don't log your water on here. If you do, that might help you drink more!

    I never have problems drinking enough water. It seems like I'm always thirsty and, even when I was not-health-conscious kid, I always just wanted water and nothing else. Yesterday, I polished off a 1-liter bottle of water at a restaurant almost all by myself... and we had to ask for more. I also carry a 24-oz water bottle with me everywhere I go. It's easy for me to refill anywhere because NYC water is fantastic, but if you'll be in places without ideal tap water, you could opt for one with a built-in filter.

    I'm not sure if people count tea as water, but it's a nice all-natural way to flavor water that can be fruity and sweet, but without added sugar or sweeteners. I've only recently gotten into tea, but it's very nice in the winter to warm up with.
  • Daniellelearnstolikesalad
    I have always hated water. I didnt see the point of it when I could have soft drink (um, hello size 14, where did you come from?). I buy "sparkling water" (carbonated water or soda water) and add lemon or lime so it tastes less like water and more like a soft drink. Also I've started drinking decaf green tea with mint in the mornings and in between hot sips of green tea I drink ice cold water to stop my mouth from burning and provide a contrast. even cold water with lemon or lime may be beneficial :)