Sugar free?



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    if I want sugar I have it ..I just make sure I am at a deficit or maintenance for the week...

    there is nothing wrong with regular sugar consumption....
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    If I want sugar I have it, fit it into my calorie/macro goals, and enjoy.

    I love strawberries too, but you do know that they have sugar, right?

    I'm pretty sure she means processed sugar? I am assuming anyway :)

    I also go for fruit when I am craving something sweet. Unless it is something specific then I just eat a little of whatever I was craving. Tonight, it was dark chocolate :)

    right, because we all know that fruit sugar is superior to all other forms of sugar..? LOL
  • lose4life7
    lose4life7 Posts: 1 Member
    I have whatever I am craving but in moderation. I have found this to be my best approach as it stops me from binging later.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,136 Member
    This thread has officially just entered the twilight zone.......WTF just happened. lol
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Wow, thread been edited to death and comments don't make sense anymore.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I feel like I missed something exciting :sad:
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member

    It's been vacuumed.

  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member

    It's been vacuumed.


  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member

    What do you eat when you are craving something sugary? My main go-to these days are fresh strawberries! No sugar needed!
    Something sugary (in moderation). Sugar is okay as long as you don't have too much. If I'm craving sugar and I don't get it, I eventually cave in and binge on it. It's better to just cave in when you initially want itand have a little. I still have some sugar free foods that I use, too, but I've noticed that I haven't even touched those in months.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I leave refined sugar alone because I get a craving. If I don't have any I don't crave usually. If I do I try and eat fruit BUT if I crave after not eating any for a couple of days this is due to something else - usually me not eating enough and my bs dropping so I try and eat enought (for me I'm going for -1000 a day but add in my exercise cals)
  • I like the idea of still eating sugar, but just limiting it. I would rather have limited "real" sugar in my diet. However, I still prefer fruit as my sugar substitute. I have been trying to make more things from scratch, and living gluten free forces me to read all labels anyway!
  • laurelobrien
    laurelobrien Posts: 156 Member
    Fruit ("real") sugar is the same as regular sugar though, fyi. Your body's insulin response doesn't care if it came from a cupcake or a couple bananas, but I guess it is nice that the sugar came with some micronutrients.

    It is true and super ridiculous that sugar is in everything, I cut sugar (and carbs over 15g/day) 100% a couple months ago and really have watch labels like a hawk. You'd think a deli rotisserie chicken with no visible glaze or sauce is sugar free... nope!

    If I need something sweet I'll usually melt together cream cheese, heavy cream, butter, and some erythritol (natural sweetener with no insulin response). Sooo yummy.
  • I decided to start keeping chocolate chips on hand. Once I eat 3 or 4 of them I am over my chocolate craving... and 3 or 4 of them is better than 1 or 2 whole candy bars!
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    Chocolate chips are my go-to also! I eat Lily's brand vegan ones sweetened with stevia and I can have 60 for 55 calories. And strawberries dipped in them are perfect for sugar cravings!