Anyone else hate workout videos?

So after being cooped up for weeks, due to the weather (I'll pass on running with a -53 degree wind chill), and unable to use the school fitness center due to it being winter break, I wanted to try to pick back up on some semblance of a fitness routine.

Usually, I run, either outside, or on the treadmill at the school fitness center. I've only gotten to run twice over break (but set personal records both times :D).

Anyway, feeling the urge to get up and do SOMETHING, I popped in an exercise video. A fun dance one, at that.


It reminded me of every reason I hated exercise growing up, and why I was not successful at it until recently. Gym class and exercise videos are all about keeping up with someone else. Things move too fast, I get confused and frustrated. I made it through about the first five or ten minutes of this particular video before I said f*** it.

After having made so many strides and coming so far athletically (I recently ran my first 5k, and didn't even suck too bad), it was a real blow to my self-esteem to be one-upped by a walmart workout.

Long story short, I really hope they open the school up soon, so I can get back on my treadmill and run my frustrations away, at my own pace.

Someone tell me I'm not alone in my loathing of home exercise videos?

Note: This is not the only video I've tried... it just reminded me of why I never liked them in the first place.


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    me . i hate videos and classes. i've always liked exercises but since i was an athlete i didnt have to do videos and classes to get in exercises. my exercises were based on the sports i was involvd in (swimming, volleyball, track and soccer in high school and rugby in college and a few years after graduating)

    now i go to the gym and when i'm there i lift weights, do weighted complexes, swim, use the rower or versaclimber and run on the indoor track
  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    I have found certain exercises in videos that I like doing, but I hate exercising along with the video. I'm not coordinated enough, I hate anything that makes you jump around from side to side or front to back. I feel like an idiot bouncing around like a kangaroo lol I would much rather go to the gym and lift weights/hit a cardio machine. Plus I hate having to listen to them to figure out what I'm going to be doing next instead of being able to just put my headphones on and read a paper stating my next move(from my trainer that I only have to see once a month lol)
  • Jericha1992
    Jericha1992 Posts: 80 Member
    Good to know. I was feeling like a frustrated athletic failure. I just prefer to do things at my own pace. Being able to listen to my own music and not pay attention to anyone else is a bonus, too.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I wouldn't say I hate them, but I much prefer working out in a class or on my own. Just inspires me so much more to keep at it!
  • I know how you feel. I once tried P90X but I only lasted a couple weeks. Sometimes I just couldn't keep up and had to pause it.

    However, I'm still glad I tried P90X because I learned all sorts of exercises I never knew about before. Since then my workout routines have been more varied and interesting.

    I suppose workout videos are valuable in that you have someone demonstrating how to do an exercise, but as far as following along they can be pretty frustrating.
  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    Eh to each their own :) I am terrible at doing homework at home (coffee shop is my favorite), and I'm terrible about working out at home. I did do 30DS for a while, but no, don't like to work out at home- video or otherwise. (shrug)
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    I hate them too!! I spent $60 on turbo fire but seriously only completed 1 week! I hated every minute of it. I'm not very coordinated and ended up just making up my own routines while doing the videos because they moved so fast!! You are not alone!!
  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    For me, it depends on the workout and the instructor. I loved Insanity and I enjoyed T25 (need to start that again!) but I will never be able to get through an entire 30 days of Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred even if my life depended on it! Maybe just find something you really enjoy doing? There's a ton of variety out there, maybe the dancing isn't your thing. It definitely isn't mine which is why I steer clear of those types of videos as well as Zumba lol. Find out what you enjoy and a video that incorporates that :)