McDonalds Made Me Fat??



  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    I love this! Take responsibility for yourself!

    My step-son works at a popular coffe house, I was turned off of take out and fast food when I drove him to work one morning and he rolled out of bed, put on the same clothes as the day before and didn't brush his teeth! He doesn't live with us and he's 22 so I think he's old enough to know better, he wasn't raised that way!

    Have a good look at whose behind the counter serving that food it might make you think twice!

  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    this is soooo true!!! Now I want to go find the original post! Just curious... haha
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    It is quite annoying when you see things like choose what you put into your mouth, no matter the temptations around you...if you see you are gaining an excessive amount of weight, then McDonalds or any other fast food place is the last place you need to be walking into.....If these people put as much effort into getting rid of the excess weight as they do trying to play the blame game, we might not have such an obesity problem here.....
  • lefrance12
    Right on!!! Love it when the order is complete with a diet coke!!! Ha Ha Ha, funny stuff.. thanks for the topic..
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    some are overweight because food was the medication that made us feel better in bad situations/something bad happened to us. However, at the end of the day - the only one that is in control of you is you.
    Happy Friday! : )

    I empathize with folks in these situations. I like many others have had my demons. This post was not aimed at these folks. As a people we see the issue of obesity and 'suggest' that these eateries are the sole responsible party and attempt to regulate them into a conversion against their corporate rights to do business. Would we be better off if they were forced to close? Maybe but then we have to go to the grocery store and get all the Little Debbie cakes, and close the bakery, empty the soda aisle. It really is about choices. For those who choose poorly: they still made a choice I guess... Should the state and federal government be called in to help these people? I vote no...
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    McDonald's and other fast food places are not the BEAST!! We are. If you really want to eat properly and eat at a fast food joint, you can. You have to choose carefully. And, the fast food places would offer healthier choices if the American public ordered them, or stopped going to the fast food places because the choices were insufficient.

    I DO have several places I avoid. It's doggone hard to get anything to eat at Sonic, for instance. Not a veggie on the menu that isn't breaded and deep fried! Most other places at least have a side salad! But those choices are mine. Nobody forces me to eat them.
  • k8ieP
    k8ieP Posts: 54
    I love this!

    We all make choices everyday about our health (even if we don't want to). It is our responsibility to decide what we eat and no one elses'. Now we have healthy fast food like the chili from Wendys or a Subway sandwich instead of a mystery meat grease patty and a crazy amount of grease soaked "potatoes".

    If we want to change we must take responsibility for our actions and choose to educate ourselves and our family about healthy alternatives.

    Ronald grabbing people LOL!!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I agree, why does Micky D's get all the blame for making people fat? I got fat from eating at Micky D's and Wendy's and Burger King and Jack In The Box and Dairy Queen and the pizza places, etc. But it's not their fault I'm fat, it's mine. I'm the one that chose to eat at those places knowing that the food wasn't healthy. Since I've been on my healthy lifestyle change those places (especially Micky D's) don't appeal to me much. If I do eat at Micky D's I'll order the salad. I used to love the Big Macs but now they just give me the runs. :sick:
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    I actually feel bad for big bad McD's - they get the blame when there are countless other restaurants out there that are worse (hello KFC- I am talking DOUBLE DOWN here!!!) At least with McD's- they do have healthy alternatives, especially for kids. We do get happy meals once a week usually- and my kids will always ask for apples instead of fries, and juice or milk instead of soda. That 1 cheeseburger or 4 pc nuggets isn't going to derail what they eat the rest of their week.

    But the media and health organizations out there always blame MCDONALD'S!! Don't get it. Stop blaming the restaurant and blame the person.
    KFC Double down is only 540 calories, but 1350mg sodium, Grilled is 460 calories/1480 sodium. Just don't get fries or mashed w/gravy & drink water, not pop. You could actually do a lot worse(see Monster Thickburger)
  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    I am not sticking up for Mcd. However, the reason that they are so easy to blame is the price and the nutritional value. I mean, cheesecake factory is bad too but, for 15$ a plate, its your own damn fault. Where as, a double cheeseburger is only a buck. Eating well is expensive and that is a good part of the problem. And its sooooooooo easy. I however, won't even feed my kids it. My husband and mother in law don't see my reasoning but, i spose its their own business.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Remeinds me of the Supersize Me documentary. This guy eats McDonald's all day long for a month and practically kills himself. Great to watch... grosses you out so much, you avoid restaurants for a while.*LOL*

  • suzii32
    Very True!!!! I used to work their from ages 16 to 18...and I ate it ALL THE TIME!! I never gained any weight ( back then I had a high metabolism and I played sports year round). Anybody will get fat eating too much of anything!!!!!!! You will never lose weight for good until YOU take the responsibility for being the reason YOU are overweight! That doesn't mean beating yourself up about it...but in the words of Dr. Phil-You gotta get real!!
  • pauldbarnhart
    pauldbarnhart Posts: 5,999 Member
    Oh, we could go on and on with this one, and so many others as well..... RJR made me get cancer. Violent video games turned me into a serial killer. The internet caused me to leave my family for somebody in Timbuktu.

    Personal responsibility is the key, but we do also have to realize that unless parents also take some responsibility and instill good habits/values/morals into their children, those kids will grow up without any sense of personal responsibility. Unfortunately, we seem to be there already. I'm as guilty as the next parent... I know I could have done better.

    But no, McDonald's didn't make me fat.
  • lucielu2
    lucielu2 Posts: 251 Member
    so true.....u make the decisions on what u put in your mouth.
  • LOVEsummer
    LOVEsummer Posts: 304 Member
    Someone once said something very wise to me... "Look at the people eating here, if they don't look the way you want to look, walk to eff out those doors" :)
  • rnroadrunner
    rnroadrunner Posts: 402 Member
    Great post! The thing I am enjoying is that the people on here have become aware. They realize that they must take responsibility for their own actions.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I love it Great job everyone.
  • vgrassi
    Although I entirely agree with you in principle...this is a more complex issue than just "don't eat there". The bigger issue is that fast foods, unhealthy foods and processed foods (basically everything that makes you fat) is a lot cheaper than healthy food. So a lot of people don’t have a choice but to eat bad.
    What needs to happen here is the government needs to put higher taxes on junk food and use that extra revenue to invest in making healthy food cheap again! They also need to educate the population on healthy alternatives.
    This way, the people with money that decide they want to eat at McDonalds will help make the people with less money healthy again. (sounds simple in y head...but I’m fully aware that it isn’t)
    All that being’re all right on the fact that a lot of people don’t take responsibility for their actions!!
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    I was reading another thread and did not wish to hijack it so I'm here. The gist of what got me to post is that McDonalds is the evil empire that forces folks to eat and become obese.


    Why is it McDonalds' fault? Don't eat there. Yes they make it and advertise it, but who's eating it and why? People need to stop entering the Golden Arches. I have no love for them, but please, I have not seen Ronald out in the street grabbing people and throwing them in the door.

    People need to own up and take responsibility. Boo Hoo I'm obese because I can't stop eating 3 Big Macs a day! WTF!

    Want McDonalds to go away? Stop eating there.

    two thumbs up.
  • chris2991
    you hit it right on the head 20 thumbs up
  • misslizz6958
    misslizz6958 Posts: 124 Member
    The only thing mcdonalds is guilty of is making super yummy food!