anyone else trying to lose the baby weight?



  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 526 Member
    9 1/2 AND 13 :bigsmile:

    HEHEHE...mine is 10. I often joke and say I am still holding on to my baby weight. Makes me think my little boy is still a baby. LOL
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    I am but my babies are just about 8, 13, 20, & 23!:laugh:
  • bonc01
    bonc01 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm also new here and am STILL trying to lose my baby youngest is almost 5! ;)
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    maria sheehan, i hear people say its a way of life, but i just love food sooooo much! lol i really need to make a change though or it'll be a never ending struggle
    Awww a baby in the profile pic.... soooo cute!!
    Congratulations on the bebe! :flowerforyou:
  • YES I AM!! Only thing is... My baby's 14 years old, lol
  • My baby will be 9 months next week and I am 3 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight. However, I am trying to lose an additional 15lbs.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Yes, but my babies are 12 & 15. Had an umbilical hernia with 2nd, then surgery. It was over 5 months before I was allowed to do much of anything. The years in between - well that is my own darn fault.:wink:
  • Me! My little one is almost 5 months old. Ive lost 31 so far, got about 10 more to go
  • annaruiz
    annaruiz Posts: 29 Member
    My baby will be 9 months next week and I am 3 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight. However, I am trying to lose an additional 15lbs.

    i keep reading on these baby emails that i get from babycenter i think it is, that it took you 9 months to put the weight on, it will probably take you the same amount of time, if not a little more to get down to your pre pregnancy weight. this statement kind of put the weight thing into perspective for me, but im so impatient! i want to look good! lol
  • Hey there... I also need to lose the baby weight from my 15, 11, 8 and 4 year
    I've done it b4 and i know i can do it again but yes it is lifestyle change... Just changing little bad habits everyday will make a difference.... smaller portions, snacking between meals (fruits, yogurts) all that does work... just be consistent make it a routine....
  • meisje
    meisje Posts: 84 Member
    Hi! I am embarassed to admit that I have not signed in since I found out I was pregnant 9 months ago! Now I have a healthy 6 week old baby boy and am REALLY looking forward to getting my prebaby body back!
    Here's the thing...
    YES, remember: you gave yourself 9 months to gain the weight, so give yourself 9 months to lose it!
    Also, my physical therapist (the government sends you for free post natal apppointments after you give birth in Belgium - awesome!) told me yesterday that if you are breastfeeding, your hormones will maintain a lot of your weight until after you stop. Bummer to hear as I plan to breastfeed for at least 9 months...
    My PT gave me a great post natal workout for getting the belly back in shape, if anyone is interested!
    GOOD LUCK!!!
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    I am also trying to lose the baby weight, my baby just turned 8 months.
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    My Oldest is 4.5 and my baby is 4 months. I am trying to lose the weight. After I had him I immediately lost 10 pounds and then make me 175 well all of the sudden I am back up to 205 :( So for the past 2 weeks I have worked out EVERY day and kept my calories to under 1500...well guess what NO WEIGHT LOSS! My husband started counting calories a week ago (he doesnt need to lose too much maybe 15 pounds) and he lost 6 pounds....not even working out :( It is SO frustrating! But I will keep at it.....ugh!
  • Steph_Anie
    Steph_Anie Posts: 82 Member
    OP-- just a thought, I know you like your pepsi's have you thought of switching like 1 a day to a zero or diet??? I did that with all of my cokes-- plus I went to unsweet tea (unsweet tea is wrong in so many ways, but I've been biting the bullet and doing it-- sigh:ohwell: )
  • Me me! My baby girl just turned 8 months...I've been putting this off for long enough!
  • Yes. I am a mother of 4. My oldest is 16 and my youngest is 9 months. It took me about 1 1/2 to lose the baby weight from my first 3, but I did not gain nearly as much weight as I gained with my last one. Before I got pregnant I weighed 160lbs. When he was 2 months (after my uterus went down somewhat) I weighed 215 :( I was horrified. I currently weigh 190lbs. It is so hard working out at this size, but I am so motivated. Go girl, you can do it!
  • My little boy is 16 wks old and I am trying to lose the weight it is so hard! I am back to my prebaby weight but the jelly belly is really getting me down. I want to lose about 20lbs but its really trying to tone my stomach that is the most important. I joined a boot camp on Monday its 3 times a wk so hopefully that will get me back into shape! Ill keep you posted on it!:happy:
  • i'm also here to lose baby weight. My son will be 8 weeks Monday, and I gained 23lbs while pregnant with him. I lost 18lbs of it during the first 2 weeks after giving birth, but that last 5 decided to stick around. Once I get to my pre-pregnancy weight, I still have 75lbs that I want to lose to reach my ultimate goal weight.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Lol. I'm trying to lose baby weight...and he's 8 yrs old. :-)

    Mine is 5 five years old :wink:
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