Saying hello and ... half my body weight to lose..!

Hello y'all,

I tried to introduce myself in the other section, but didn't even get a hello :-(. I'm no narcissist though! :-/

Here is what I wrote (save me typing it again .. I hope you don't mind?). Hopefully we can support each other .. xx
Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to say that!

I've been meaning to write this for some time, but I just haven't had the chance.

I really want to do it this time. I've lost weight in the past and have gained more on top of what I've initially lost with interest. However, strangely for the first time ever in my life I actually feel fat, something I've never felt before even though I've been the weight I am now, before.

Diets I've tried and the success I've had:

1) Low fat eating - no success

2) Weight Watchers - lost 6lbs

3) Slimming World - no success

4) Rosemary Conley - lost about 1.5 stones (21lbs) - my favourite of all the slimming clubs

5) Atkins - lost 14lbs (only tried it for two weeks) - I'm not a big meat eater (only chicken) as such and rarely eat fish (once per week)

6) Cambridge Diet - lost about 28lbs in total (was on it sporadically for 2 years - it messed me up psychologically and I'll never touch the product again, gained about 60lbs

High protein, low fat + exercise - 66lbs - 18 months and the best I ever felt even though I didn't get down to the smallest I've ever been.

So the latter is my plan of action. Looking back I really didn't appreciate how wonderful it was to be so fit, the weight loss was a huge bonus, but the fitness was my goal and what a really gift! I got myself to a pretty good fitness level for someone of my size at the time.

I am currently devoting all my mental energy to studying at the moment, but my exams end soon and I will be devoted to this as I want my fitness and smaller figure back.

I'm also determined to meet my weight goal of 12-Stones (168 lbs / 76kg). I am at this moment 320 lbs -I am soooo very embarrassed and ashamed to say this out loud :-( as it demonstrates how far I've fallen. As I say, I have felt FAT and incapable for the first time in my life, and I feel hideous and ashamed to the extent I find it hard to go out and be seen in public just in case I see someone I know, as I imagine them looking at me and thinking how bad I look (I know that says more about me than it would them!).

An incident with a friend has really invigorated me to get this journey done. I went to visit a friend the other day and she had her friend there and the minute she saw me, she tried to get me to become one of those Body by Vi sellers. I was so angry at her hard sell as I went to see my pal, but she has already suckered her in. This woman suggested I take a shake (even though I'm personally dead against those diets now) to try as it was so wonderful tasting. I tried it when I got home and it tasted equally as bad as the CD shakes :-). I'm a little displeased with my friend too as she didn't seem to stop her mate's hard-sell (and also because Body by Vi ISN'T how she lost weight).

Right now I'm making small tiny tiny changes before 'normal service' resumes post-exams.

I'm missing out on life and may be feeling attractive enough/confident to meet and marry a man.

I hope I can garner some support and make new friends here?

Thanks for listening ... x


  • jenny181111
    jenny181111 Posts: 163 Member
    Hi there, welcome :)
    I have about 120 pounds to lose, well, more if I get to what I am supposed to be, but I'm gonna see where I get comfy :) A long process, A journey together.

    Feel free to add me.

    good luck xx
  • Supadoopafly
    Supadoopafly Posts: 248 Member
    Hi Jenny,

    Thanks for replying :-)

    We can do this weight loss thing.

    I'm not sure how one 'adds', I'm new here ... :-/

    I'm so tired after 8 hrs of study, so I'm about to go sleep, do you mind if I do it tomorrow when I'm more mentally coherent? :-)

  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    Just use the numbers that MFP gives you and eat back the exercise calories (get a heart rate monitor) Also buy yourself a food scale and weigh everything, if you stick to it, next year you will have an impressive success story!
  • Fitnin6280
    Fitnin6280 Posts: 618 Member
    Hi there! I love MFP. Mostly because it gives the power to the user. You are doing the work, and you are losing the weight with your choices. Therefore YOU get the credit for the work put in. Not a program, not a pill... YOU! I think that is why I have had success. I feel empowered here.

    Glad you are here, you can do this! Good luck!!
  • Supadoopafly
    Supadoopafly Posts: 248 Member
    Just use the numbers that MFP gives you and eat back the exercise calories (get a heart rate monitor) Also buy yourself a food scale and weigh everything, if you stick to it, next year you will have an impressive success story!

    I have a heart rate monitor (two in fact :-)))))
    I have scales

    Hmmm.... I can't wait :-)


    P.S. "eat back the exercise calories" - you mean eat the calories I've burned in the gym as well as my calorie allowance? I burn on average 1000 - 1500 kCal per gym session ....
  • Supadoopafly
    Supadoopafly Posts: 248 Member
    Hi there Jenny! I love MFP. Mostly because it gives the power to the user. You are doing the work, and you are losing the weight with your choices. Therefore YOU get the credit for the work put in. Not a program, not a pill... YOU! I think that is why I have had success. I feel empowered here.

    Glad you are here, you can do this! Good luck!!

    Thanks so much :-)
  • vazquez850
    vazquez850 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I did weight watchers for a while and lost 7 pounds as well but gained them back. I think the key is to maintain the lifestyle. We cannot maintain diets but healthy lifestyles yes. Im tired of gaining then losing and I am determined to take it off and keep it off. Lets keep each other accountable and make it a lifestyle. It wont be easy but it can be done. Good Luck!:smile::smile:
  • katemckenna5
    katemckenna5 Posts: 36 Member

    P.S. "eat back the exercise calories" - you mean eat the calories I've burned in the gym as well as my calorie allowance? I burn on average 1000 - 1500 kCal per gym session ....

    What are you doing at the gym that burns so many calories!?! I want in!
  • MrsMck22
    MrsMck22 Posts: 44 Member
    Hello!! :)
    I read your story and it was pretty much me so I thought I'd say hi. I started out at 150kg and want to be 75kg so I have half to go too. And I feel absolutely disgusted with myself saying my start weight too.

    Find things that keep you motivated, and start thinking positive. My mantra that seems to be going over and over in my head at the moment is "I didn't get this fat overnight, it'll take time to lose" :)

    I'll send you a friend request.

    Good luck! You can do this :)
  • Welcome!

    I put on around five stone in as many years and to get back to ten stone felt like mission impossible.
    What really helped was giving myself 5% goals (aiming for 5% weight loss at 1lb per week). I've reached each goal just about in time and feeling like small milestones can be celebrated. Have two stone left to lose...
  • BlackPup
    BlackPup Posts: 242 Member

    P.S. "eat back the exercise calories" - you mean eat the calories I've burned in the gym as well as my calorie allowance? I burn on average 1000 - 1500 kCal per gym session ....

    What are you doing at the gym that burns so many calories!?! I want in!
    Me too!!!
  • ReginaM49
    ReginaM49 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi! Sorry you didn't get much of a response at first. Welcome! Mfp is a great support system. Its a place to feel you are not alone. No judgment. New ideas. Add me if you like. Best of luck!
  • Kaelitr0n
    Kaelitr0n Posts: 151 Member
    You and I started in similar places and have similar end-goals :) I'm about halfway through my journey now (it feels so weird to say that!). MFP has bee instrumental in keeping me on track. I follow a completely clean-eating diet with lots of veggies and meat, no grains or processed food of any kind (well, some rice on very rare occasion, but who can resist sushi?) and it has been very successful for me. I've dieted a lot in the past, but this is the first time I feel like I've found a happy, sustainable way to eat.

    I've sent you a friend request!
  • gebe1231
    gebe1231 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi! I'm here to say it's possible & sooooo worth it! I started at 330lbs & so far have lost 145lbs! All "just me" watching what I eat & exercising! The "real" way works! And I had a previous co-worker try to get me to do those shakes with him & his girlfriend, saying I'd have so much more success! Well...she from what I understand just had gastric bypass surgery! And I'm loving life! I'm not done yet, but know I'll get there!

    Ps...feel free to send pal request! I love cheering others on! We CAN do this!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Glad to have you on board. You can do it. The problem with diets and most people on here have been on quite a few is they have a beginning and end and then you tend to regain. I made up my mind that I will exercise, eat better and improve my overall health. I started in 2010 and restarted in 2012. I have learned when it comes to health there is no end.
  • I also have about half my body weight to lose (120lbs). Feel free to send me a friends request. I'm always up for adding to my inner circle. :o) Good luck!
  • Supadoopafly
    Supadoopafly Posts: 248 Member
    Hi! Sorry you didn't get much of a response at first. Welcome! Mfp is a great support system. Its a place to feel you are not alone. No judgment. New ideas. Add me if you like. Best of luck!

    Thank you! x
  • Supadoopafly
    Supadoopafly Posts: 248 Member
    You and I started in similar places and have similar end-goals :) I'm about halfway through my journey now (it feels so weird to say that!). MFP has bee instrumental in keeping me on track. I follow a completely clean-eating diet with lots of veggies and meat, no grains or processed food of any kind (well, some rice on very rare occasion, but who can resist sushi?) and it has been very successful for me. I've dieted a lot in the past, but this is the first time I feel like I've found a happy, sustainable way to eat.

    I've sent you a friend request!

    Got it! Thanks!
  • Supadoopafly
    Supadoopafly Posts: 248 Member
    Glad to have you on board. You can do it. The problem with diets and most people on here have been on quite a few is they have a beginning and end and then you tend to regain. I made up my mind that I will exercise, eat better and improve my overall health. I started in 2010 and restarted in 2012. I have learned when it comes to health there is no end.

    Indeed, I've realised this too. :-( Much to the detriment of my health now.
  • Supadoopafly
    Supadoopafly Posts: 248 Member
    I also have about half my body weight to lose (120lbs). Feel free to send me a friends request. I'm always up for adding to my inner circle. :o) Good luck!

    Ha ha .. will do once I find out how to.