Friends Needed

Hey there,

I used to be very sporty & active but since leaving university I have become a lot less active and hence my weight rocketed up quickly. Last year I discovered yoga which I love...but somehow haven't done for 6 months! I do have a busy life, I live near Cambridge and commute into London, and often work long hours where I'm out the house for over 12hrs.

This year my goal is to stay focused on what's important: my health & happiness.

I started the year weighing 80kg/176lb/12st 8 and I would like to get down to 60kg/132lbs/9st 6. So I have about 20kg (3st) to lose. Which I want to do in four 5kg mini-goals.

I am currently following an elimination diet set by my dietician to investigate some food intolerance so my diary may seem odd/extreme for the first 28 days or so, but then I will be able to 'test' foods, after which it will then become more 'normal'.

I would really like a friend to help me stay on track, motivate me to get moving and to check-in. I promise to do the same in return, if you want it! My biggest problem is quitting/not logging in. I very rarely keep things up for long, but this time I am in for the long haul - I have to be. If you think we could help each other, or if you have been where I am and are willing to share your inspiration & encouragement please add me as a friend with a PM about yourself as I would be thankful for any kindness.



  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    Hi Kate. Welcome to MFP. This is a great place to find motivation and support. We all have a journey and each one is different but together we get through and make ourselves stronger. Good and Bad we are here for you

    I will send you a friend request
  • DianeEvans69
    DianeEvans69 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Kate,

    Like you I have a similar amount to lose. I started at 180lb and am aiming at around 133lb. I am not really following a diet but just watching my calories and this seems to be working for me as normally I get bored and fall off the wagon. I lost 11lb from beginning of November to the end of Dec. I am not brilliant at checking out the community posts (better with replying to emails) but I have managed to be consistent with logging my calories thanks to the app on my phone.

    I am not very active at all as commute by car each day so, like you, am out for a little over 11 hours a day. I'm happy to offer support where I can and am open to suggestions! Happy to swap email addresses.

  • irish6165
    irish6165 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi Kate !
    I too have some good isis in terms of allergies and the like so it will be interesting to watch you blossom into the woman you want/s strive to be . Well send a friend request as I am new too ! Good luck on your journey and keep us posted !!
  • rock127
    rock127 Posts: 369 Member
    Good luck Kate.
  • Kate_Brown_123
    Kate_Brown_123 Posts: 23 Member
    Hey gang, thanks for the messages, it's so nice to meet so many new people willing to help and who understand - I look forward to getting to know you all!
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Hello there, let's rock it :)
  • Good luck!

    40lbs to go here as well. Back at the gym this week and boom stinking cold! Waiting til I can breathe and I am all over it!!

    Woo hoo!
  • pabney44
    pabney44 Posts: 3 Member
    Good Luck!!!
  • nadiaisobel
    nadiaisobel Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Kate! We have very similar goals! Best of luck :)
  • Robide
    Robide Posts: 101 Member
    Ah yes, the wonders of the commute into London, and long days - I do exactly the same.

    Remember, biltong from Savannah is your friend, if you, like me tend to grab a snack for the journey home!
  • Hey Kate!

    I am somewhat close to Cambridge / London area as well! I started my weight loss journey weighing 195 LBS - I guess the Freshmen 15 was a real thing.. I am now at 173-170LBS an am hoping to be around 145-140 LBS by the end of this year! I found I would start something and end up quitting but this year I am beyond determined to get to where I want to be!
    I can share with you somethings I have done to drop from 195-173/170 (it changes on different days apparently it can't make up it's mind) we can share ideas / workouts as well!

    I am too looking for a motivational friend to help with that extra "push" when it's needed and I'm more than happy to do it back!
    Send me a friend request if you'd like!

  • sahill314
    sahill314 Posts: 71 Member
    let me help you reach your goals add me sahill314 and ill see if i can help you!
  • Kate_Brown_123
    Kate_Brown_123 Posts: 23 Member
    I hope you feel better soon - drink lots of hot drinks! x
  • Silvara_11
    Silvara_11 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi Kate,
    I'm in, same as you. Love yoga! We can do it :)
  • Kate_Brown_123
    Kate_Brown_123 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks for the boost guys! I have had a very focused week so far as I have been working from home so there have been no biscuits or coffee breaks with friends to tempt me! Thanks for the support, I hope you are all having an equally good week X
  • zeakmetro
    zeakmetro Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Kate, you sound like you're on the right track thank you so much for being a friend looking forward to your daily posts and will try to do the same. Also interested in your culture and country I find it fascinating to talk to others outside of the US about any topic. Again thank you so much for being a friend.

  • macmaisie
    macmaisie Posts: 19 Member
    Hey Kate,

    I was looking into doing the intolerance diet, looks pretty extreme though! Let me know how it goes, I might hope on the wagon with you : ) I used MFP ages ago, and it definitely worked, but taking a 'break' ends up being pretty detrimental : / I'm looking to get down to 135lbs too, so feel free to add me for support!