Anyone else going Clean and Lean?

I recently purchased the Clean and Lean diet book by James Duigan and it's been a massive eye-opener about what I was eating. Just completed day 3 and already starting to feel better and I am completely loving this approach to food.
The only thing I'm struggling with is ideas for dinners - the boyfriend obviously has to eat the same meals as I do all the cooking, however he's not a big fish fan and I don't want either of us to get bored. Does anyone have an dinner ideas?
Also, does anyone have any success stories- total weight loss and rough time frames?
Anyone looking for support, feel free to add me :-)


  • seven_eleven88
    seven_eleven88 Posts: 18 Member

    I have just ordered the books, so hopefully I will be able to start on Monday.
    Are you still enjoying it?
    Oh and are you doing the 14 day detox?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Keep in mind that these books sell a lifestyle and most of the science is cherry picked an inaccurate. Calories in vs out is the only thing that matters for fat loss.

    I don't know the book, but are you allowed to eat meats for dinner.. Ideally, protein should be a huge stable in your diet to help aid muscle retention. If you can, steak, chicken, pork, or bison is the top of my list. You can add in some veggies or a salad as well.


    There is no reason to detox. Your body naturally detoxes itself. Detoxes are just marketing schemes. If you want the same effect, eat lots of lean meats, fruits, veggies and drink lots of water.
  • crystalgulliver
    crystalgulliver Posts: 45 Member
    I'm on my second day of Clean and Lean... Admittedly I've struggled with the sugar cravings but I'm feeling good!

    I work full time so it's a bit of a problem having omelettes for breakfast. I've been having natural yoghurt, and this morning I had the Clean and Lean pancakes which I really recommend!!

    I was wondering if anyone else is eating fruit?! I have been having berries, and a piece of fruit in the afternoon.

    Help, will I not lose weight by doing this?! X
  • sophiecreton21
    sophiecreton21 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Thanks for replying - was feeling a bit lonely!

    Seven, personally I'm loving it! Swear i've never felt so good and I'm only 6 days in! I'm following the 14 day detox meal ideas and their tips on having nuts and berries for my snacks. Plus i'm not going to have any cheat meals until the 14 days are over (hopefully) as I think it's a good way to help my body get over the christmas excess! Good luck next week :-)

    Psulemon - yes, it's all about cutting out C.R.A.P so the whole approach is eating decent protein, veg, carbs, etc without all the nasties. The 14 day detox is about giving your system the change to cleanse itself from all the sugars, and rubbish that can be in your system. After that you can have a weekly cheat meal and introduce more fruits.

    Crystalgulliv, I've been having scrambled egg on rye bread, which only takes me 5 mins to make each morning - not too bad really. I'm having the berries, but thats it fruit wise! I wanted to follow the 14 day plan as closely as possible, but I have included rice noodles and brown rice for variety as the dinners are a bit samey!
  • crystalgulliver
    crystalgulliver Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks for the reply!

    Are you cooking the dinners exactly as the recipes show?

    Good luck everyone!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Hi everyone!

    Thanks for replying - was feeling a bit lonely!

    Seven, personally I'm loving it! Swear i've never felt so good and I'm only 6 days in! I'm following the 14 day detox meal ideas and their tips on having nuts and berries for my snacks. Plus i'm not going to have any cheat meals until the 14 days are over (hopefully) as I think it's a good way to help my body get over the christmas excess! Good luck next week :-)

    Psulemon - yes, it's all about cutting out C.R.A.P so the whole approach is eating decent protein, veg, carbs, etc without all the nasties. The 14 day detox is about giving your system the change to cleanse itself from all the sugars, and rubbish that can be in your system. After that you can have a weekly cheat meal and introduce more fruits.

    Crystalgulliv, I've been having scrambled egg on rye bread, which only takes me 5 mins to make each morning - not too bad really. I'm having the berries, but thats it fruit wise! I wanted to follow the 14 day plan as closely as possible, but I have included rice noodles and brown rice for variety as the dinners are a bit samey!

    Ok, so its just natural foods... makes sense. But please don't be fooled that your body builds up toxins and sugar is bad for you. Don't get me wrong, I am all about eating nourishing food that hit all your micronutrients and macronutrients to opitimize health benefits. I don't want to deviate your thread, but below are two great resources on detoxes and sugar. I guess in the end, it depends how you define a detox.

    I don't know if your diet discusses this, but I would recommend two things: getting about 1g of protein and .35g of fats per lb of lean body mass, and do resistance training. Protein and Fats are great for satiety, and protein and resistance training are great for muscle retention which in turn maintains your metabolic functions.

    BTW, since it's colder out, how about some chili recipes or soups/stews?
  • seven_eleven88
    seven_eleven88 Posts: 18 Member
    I absolutely love fruit and its definitely my favourite snack, so not sure how I would cope without. Would a handful of fruit ruin the detox phase?
    But my main worry is the caffeine restrictions. Last time I stopped drinking coffee completely I ended up with terrible headaches. Should I cut it down gradually?
  • seven_eleven88
    seven_eleven88 Posts: 18 Member
    Can you eat rye bread during the detox phase?
  • crystalgulliver
    crystalgulliver Posts: 45 Member
    I'm thinking the same... I love fruit too! I'm still having berries... I've been having them for breakfast, but it does say to cut fruit out for the first two weeks, I'm hoping this won't affect the results too much! I'm only my third day so it's a bit hard to tell! I'm the same with the coffee but I've started replacing it with Dr Stuarts Slim Tea (this stops you feeling hungry!) and Green Tea, I used to hate it but I'm starting to actually like it now! Although the book does say you're allowed one cup of coffee, he just doesn't recommend it and not after 12.

    Yeah I'm pretty sure you can have rye bread. X
  • seven_eleven88
    seven_eleven88 Posts: 18 Member
    Okay, I will try to replace my coffee with herbal and fruit tea's and hopefully my body will get used to it.

    What is your energy level like doing this diet? Can you still do a lot of exercise?

    Also, are you following his meal plans,or are you just creating your own?

    Cannot wait to finally receive the book :) x
  • crystalgulliver
    crystalgulliver Posts: 45 Member
    Yeah it seems to be fine. If anything I've felt better with energy! I've been going for a run each evening, haven't ventured to the gym yet though!

    No I'm not following meal plans exactly, the dinners seem a little too complicated! Breakfasts are fine and I've been having the salads in the book for lunch. I've been taking foods from them and improvising!

    I have made the Clean and Lean pancakes and they were really nice! The Spinach and Veg soup was vile though! x
  • sophiecreton21
    sophiecreton21 Posts: 26 Member
    Yes, the recipes include Rye bread so I have it daily with my breakfast. I can't see an issue with having a handful of fruit every day during the detox - its better than having anything that has CRAP in them :-) Yeah, I'm pretty much following the recipes in the book and i've also ordered the cookbook for more recipe ideas :-)
    I have green tea everyday - one with mango and passionfruit so it doesn't taste so funky! It's lovely. also found that, even tohugh i was driving lots of water before, I'm having even more - about 2.5lt a day now :-)
    The first 2 days i was exhausted - think it was all the rubbish working its way out of my system after christmas. Now I have a stupid amount of energy - no more exhausted 3pm slumps at work :-) And i'm not as hungry - I feel full and don't have any cravings. This is the best meal plan I've ever tried.
    Had a nightmare evening as the boyfriend became really ill and i had to take him to A&E - the doctors and nurses were talking to him about what he was eating and they agreed that this is the most sensible balances diet to follow as it's not restricting anything in its natural form, it's just cutting all the refined and processed rubbish out of your diet. Great news to hear it from them!
  • sophiecreton21
    sophiecreton21 Posts: 26 Member
    Oh, and the book recommends working out 3 times a week, but I'm trying to do at least 30 minutes of brisk walking a day as well as 3 workouts - have some Jillian Michaels DVDs......the woman is evil but a genius in equal measures!
  • seven_eleven88
    seven_eleven88 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm really looking forward to start the plan! Hopefully the book will arrive within the next two days :)

    I've ordered all three books as the reviews were pretty good (Clean & Lean Diet, Clean & Lean Diet Cookbook and Clean & Lean Flat Tummy Fast).

    Have you lost any weight yet during the detox phase? I'm not getting my hopes up about losing a lot of weight during the first two weeks, but a few lbs would be nice :)
  • sophiecreton21
    sophiecreton21 Posts: 26 Member
    Since last thursday I've lost 4lbs which i'm really chuffed about! I'd not got my hopes up about losing loads, so i'm really happy with this! I've pledged to lose about 1-1.5lbs a week, so anything extra is a bonus :-) Want to get 12lbs off by the end of february if possible, so really focused.
  • seven_eleven88
    seven_eleven88 Posts: 18 Member
    It's probably very unrealistic, but I would love to lose 16lbs in approximately 8 weeks, so that's 2 lbs per week :S
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    It's probably very unrealistic, but I would love to lose 16lbs in approximately 8 weeks, so that's 2 lbs per week :S

    Hopefully the below guidelines will help you set your goals. Keeping in mind that you want to maximize fat loss and minimize muscle loss. Since muscle is lean and tight, the more you have, the leaner you will be. Its the reason why a person can gain muscle but lose inches. If you look at the below link too, you will see what I mean when staci went from 120 to 130.

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal, and
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal.
  • seven_eleven88
    seven_eleven88 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for your reply.
    I'm not sure how much I have to lose.
    At the moment the scales say 126 lbs and I would like to get down to 110 lbs and then go from there.
  • seven_eleven88
    seven_eleven88 Posts: 18 Member
    The books have arrived. Looking forward to read them tonight and start the detox phase soon.
  • meganmoore112
    meganmoore112 Posts: 174 Member
    I work full time so it's a bit of a problem having omelettes for breakfast. I've been having natural yoghurt, and this morning I had the Clean and Lean pancakes which I really recommend!!

    I don't have much time in the morning either. Last week, I make mini quiches. I just reheat in the morning and either eat at home or take with me to work!

    They are delicious!