When was your last straw that made you want to change?



  • dxc92
    dxc92 Posts: 138 Member
    Last year in March, it was my 21st birthday. I bought clothes online that I was dying to wear on my night out. Had my friends round when trying on my outfits so they could decide. And they chose none and told me how tight they all looked on me. Then I finally saw it myself although I already knew. I was so embaressed and ended up wearing a black dress I had worn like 10 times before already. Never looked back since.
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    When I grew out of my winter coat and needed to buy a new one, no nice models in my size, only a shapeless potato bag which I was not planning to buy no matter what!
  • clairercoll
    clairercoll Posts: 6 Member
    For me, it was the clothes as well. A pair of jeans that were once my "comfy" jeans (i.e. they were once loose and had lots of wiggle room, haha) were now so tight that I had to squeeze into them to the point that they would leave a deep skin indent on my waist after I took them off.

    That, and I realized how slow my running/race times had become, AND how out of breath/sweaty I got just from things like walking to school. :/ Knew I definitely had to change after that!
  • ams6689
    ams6689 Posts: 4 Member
    Well besides my clothes not fitting any longer, feeling unhealthy, and tired, I ran into a guy I had dated two months prior who broke my heart, and you are supposed to look amazing when that happens so they feel like they made a huge mistake, but I had to be at least 10 lbs heavier than when I last saw him. I just felt and looked unhealthy when I looked in the mirror. Not the impression I wanted to make if I ever saw him again.
  • rhoule76
    rhoule76 Posts: 217 Member
    Being tired for no reason every day. Now I'm physically tired but mentally charged with working out 5x/week.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I looked like crap, felt like crap, had a closet full of clothes that didn't fit, and depression. It was time.
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    1.Doc told me that I had pre-diabetes and if I don't start taking care of myself and lose weight, that I will have to start taking medication.
    2. Family history of heart disease. I do NOT want to be that victim.
    3. Brother has diabetes really bad, and I felt so sorry for him. I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me.
    4. Pants are becoming tight and I had thrown away all of my "FAT" clothes and refuse to buy a larger size pants. So, I have no choice than to lose weight and fit into my jeans once again. :-)
  • Awesomers
    Awesomers Posts: 144 Member
    I got pneumonia and went to the hospital for 4 days. My "roommate" was an 80+ year old woman who also had pneumonia and was a lifetime smoker. It was really sad to see how little she could do for herself and to know she was going to be sent to an assisted living facility after the hospital. I quit smoking (tomorrow makes 4 months!) and decided to finally get healthy. I got a taste of my own mortality. Also, I want to set a good example for my daughter. She doesn't have a weight issue, because she's athletic, but she could if she stopped exercising.
  • LizN63
    LizN63 Posts: 129 Member
    I've been unhappy with my weight for years but just watched it creeping up. Eventually I realised my 6 foot husband weighed less than me. Even then it took a couple of months and I used the New Year to get serious. 2lbs gone so far, onwards and downwards.
  • jpads1234
    jpads1234 Posts: 95 Member
    Looking at myself in pictures. And not being able to enjoy the activities that I once did like hiking hunting and playing with my kids outside. 2014 is the year of big change for me!
  • my3starsofthesea
    my3starsofthesea Posts: 4 Member
    I was in so much pain from developing plantar fasciitis and a heel spur, plus I was just tired of feeling sick, tired, and short of breath doing the simplest things. My pants were all tight and uncomfortable. My bp was staying up at every dr visit. At the end of 2012, I was eating healthy and running 3x a week. Lifestyle, work and stress over 2013 caused me to backslide into old habits. During the holidays, I knew my New Year's resolution would be to lose weight and start running again. I felt so yucky during the month of December that I started right after Christmas. I am looking for other ways to get fit besides walking/running for now because my plantar fasciitis is not completely healed yet. I am hoping that losing weight will help with that also.
  • djjd26
    djjd26 Posts: 12
    I had simply slipped into completely bad habits and wanted a change. I'm 32 and not getting any younger. I figured now is the best time to get going now that my little girls are 10 and 5 and I have no babies keeping me busy constantly. I have no real excuses and just need to do it already!
    Also, I saw myself in some pictures lately and was really unhappy about it and wanted to just erase them. I don't want to be so upset when I see myself in pictures anymore.
  • djjd26
    djjd26 Posts: 12

    Well that rocks!
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    This may be TMI but you asked lol

    I'm diabetic...I have been diabetic since I was 15...Not fair because I was very active and not overweight at the time of my diagnosis. I got kinda depressed and turned a blind eye to it, eating and drinking like a normal 23 year old but then it happened...Yeast infections.

    If you're not familiar with diabetes, if your blood sugars are horribly out of range, you have more sugar than your kidneys can handle and what do you know? You urinate the sugar and get YEAST INFECTIONS.

    In summary, I got tired of yeast infections, I got tired of weighing sixty pounds more than my fiance, I got tired of blurry vision, I got tired of feeling bad about myself, and I got tired of being a ghost of the happy, confident woman that I used to be.

    THAT was my last straw.

    I feel you on the unfair diabetes. I haven't fully developed it but I am pre-diabetic and have been probably since I went through puberty but got diagnosed at 18 finally after a ton of health issues. When I was diagnosed I was 5'4" 135 lbs and extremely active in softball. I was put on BC for hormonal issues that were related to the pre-diabetes and gained weight from that. Last year, I decided that I didn't want to be on medication for the rest of my life so I started to make the changes I needed to start losing weight. I did great for 3 months and then got pregnant so had to switch gears to preventing gestational diabetes. As soon as I give birth though I know I will be ready to keep going with the weight loss and control.
  • I'd been unemployed for nearly a year--eating to sooth my damaged psyche and adding to the 30 pounds I'd gained since quitting smoking in 2010. I got a job and went clothes shopping--and found that I had gained even more weight and had to go up yet another size in clothing. Plus, watching yourself struggle to get into clothing in the dressing room's three way mirror is quite the motivator. Yesterday was my first day of work and this morning I got up at 4:30 to go work out because I found last night that I get home so late that I'm not motivated to go.
  • dswolverine
    dswolverine Posts: 246 Member
    I planned to wear this gorgeous banana republic dress to a family friend's wedding (which fit just 3-4 months before) and I couldn't move in it! I had to wear a considerably less flattering dress that fit, then when I saw the photos I wanted to cry. Also, a couple nice (expensive) pairs of suit pants I purchased had also started to get very tight, to the point where I wasn't comfortable wearing them out of fear I would rip them. This was my wake up call. I have lost 14lbs so far and now the dress AND the pants are too big!
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    The vile effect of medicines that I had to take because because of health problems caused because I was so heavy! I COULD NOT STAND taking them, feeling rotten, and knowing that I could do something that would help me avoid taking them.

    So one day I stopped doing what I'd been doing and started making sure that every single thing that went into my mouth had a job to do and was doing its job.

    It worked!
  • veggiemama81
    veggiemama81 Posts: 35 Member
    Squeeeeeeezing into my "fat" pants and feeling absolutely defeated every time I'd get dressed in the morning. Feeling winded walking across campus was a wake up call too.
  • highflyer88
    highflyer88 Posts: 148 Member
    For me honestly it's been a combination of things...first I was diagnosed two years ago with diabetes and told to lose weight. Well two years later I haven't lost weight. Also the last two summers I haven't been able to do as much as I like due to stupid injuries...one of which is most likely weight related (stress fracture in my foot that took a while to heal) plus little muscles pulls, knee issues, back issues...you name it they are made worse by the extra weight. This time for me it's different because I am doing this for myself and not anyone else. I want to be here for my kids and husband but more than that I want to do everything I can to keep the diabetes from progressing to be anything worse than being on oral medication. I want to make sure that all my test results keep coming back better each time they are done. I have blood work and weigh ins every six months and in March is my next appointment and my goal is to be below 200 for the first time since I was diagnosed!
    I wish everyone good luck on this journey!
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    Like so many other posts, it was a clothes-thing.........

    In August, I tried on my 'nice' dresses to see what I was going to wear for the High Holidays (Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah - Jewish Holidays in early September this year) - and NOTHING FIT!

    I was disgusted with myself - I had to go out and buy a few new outfits - BUT I promised myself I would get back down to where I was when I could fit in my 'nice' stuff......

    And - I did it!

    And now - maintenance...........!