Stopping smoking

I really want to quit - I've just done a week without a cig but finding it harder than ever, thing is everyone in my social circle smoke - including my husband and I can't shut myself off from him!! It's the social side I'm struggling with, not the actual nicotine - any suggestions?!?


  • HoverKitteh
    How about moving to a vape type cigarette? They have the no nicotine cartridges. If you only expose yourself occasionally to those social situations in which everyone is smoking, it would certainly be better than actually smoking. I quit three years ago. I feel your pain. I stopped by moving to American Spirit ultra lights--the pure tobacco without the tobacco company additives that keep you hooked helped me to curtail my smoking significantly because they don't burn quickly and I'd often find myself satisfied after only a few drags. After about two weeks, I was only smoking about three cigarettes a day, about half at a time. At that point, I knew I could wean myself off. A couple of weeks later, I was only smoking one cigarette, a drag or two throughout the day. Then it was time to completely put them down. I've recommended the American Spirit method to several friends who have also successfully quit that way. It's not for everyone, but it worked for us. I'd quit cold turkey numerous times in past and always went back after a couple of months of agony. It's now been a little over three years and I'm completely repulsed by the smell and the whole ethos of smoking.
  • janderson289
    I quit smoking in October. I actually had to stay away from my friends for a while because they are all smokers. I stayed away from the bar scene too. I gained some weight but now that I can breath better I can exercise a lot more. I used to be jealous of my friends and co-workers, and my fiancé when they would be smoking, but I realized that they will be jealous of me when I am not on a breathing machine and they are. I have saved so much money it is unbelievable. My fiancé recently quit too. I wouldn't allow him to smoke in my car. He had to stand outside by himself. I think he realized that it isn't fair for one person to be spending $8 a day on smokes either. Quitting smoking was the hardest thing I have ever done, until now. I think losing weight is going to be harder, but after actually succeeding in doing something I am more confident now. I know that I have the strength to do accomplish things when I put my mind to it. There is nothing like leaving the gym and lighting up a cigarette. I felt like such an idiot. I also thought my entire social life revolved around smoking, but it really doesn't. Once you aren't a smoker you realize that you have wasted so much time smoking. I no longer feel bad when my friends say they are broke, well maybe they should quit buying cigarettes! I feel much better. My skin has cleared up too.
  • timmer74
    timmer74 Posts: 46 Member
    Grab the book "Easyway to quit smoking" by Alan Carr.... I had to read it twice but eventually it gave me the mental perspective to quit smoking without gaining weight.

    This isn't a shameless ad, that book changed my life big time. :) Happy to answer any question or to be added as a friend.
  • janderson289
    l also have a vape cigarette. It has helped significantly when times get tough, or when I am around smokers. Also, at most gas stations they sell NJoy electronic cigarettes. They feel like a real cigarette and can help when you are around your friends. They are the price of a pack of smokes, but can keep you sane in social situations.
  • BonnieCaley
    BonnieCaley Posts: 37 Member
    Really annoyed with myself - first time with my smoking friends and I failed :( I know I can give up, I don't enjoy smoking and I know how bad it is, it's just a habit I have to break. I do kickboxing twice a week and know it will be so much better if I'm not smoking - it's just breaking the thinking side of it.
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    Grab the book "Easyway to quit smoking" by Alan Carr.... I had to read it twice but eventually it gave me the mental perspective to quit smoking without gaining weight.

    This isn't a shameless ad, that book changed my life big time. :) Happy to answer any question or to be added as a friend.

    My friend just quit using this book and gave me her copy. Been reading and plans to quit (for good this time) are underway.

    WE CAN DO IT!!
  • MWhitt81
    MWhitt81 Posts: 16 Member
    My husband and I just quit for the new year and are taking it a day at a time. It is hard, but necessary. I have found the best way to get past the hard days is to distract myself with something else.
    Now onto my second resolution of finally losing the "baby weight" from my 9-pounder. She is 2 now, so not sure if it still qualifies as baby weight. lol
  • BonnieCaley
    BonnieCaley Posts: 37 Member
    I failed :( but have picked a date and will try again, just have to stay away from my friends for a bit I think, everyone I socialise with smokes so I know I can get one if I want one. When I'm home on my own without any it doesn't bother me at all, it's the social side more than the actual cigs that I struggle with.
  • jaxxie2013
    jaxxie2013 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi there,

    I quit smoking Sept 13 2013....and been cigarette free since then. It wasnt an easy journey...but i do feel much better wise - i can run, jog, exercise without loosing breath. I did put on weight.....over 15lb...but now im working hard to get it back off.

    Add me if you need support.
  • lucyricky2
    lucyricky2 Posts: 444 Member
    I quit many years ago after smoking for many years. I quit 2 or 3 times before but always went back. Nicotine is very addicting so it takes a great deal of will power and talking yourself out of picking up that cigarette. Before I retired my company had a quit smoking campaign. It first started where there was no smoking at work. First i quit at work. After I dealt with that i quit when I was driving. After that I quit at home. Believe me it is hard and takes alot of determination. You keep getting that craving and have to talk to yourself because once you take that first cigarette you are hooked again..
  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810
    I failed :( but have picked a date and will try again, just have to stay away from my friends for a bit I think, everyone I socialise with smokes so I know I can get one if I want one. When I'm home on my own without any it doesn't bother me at all, it's the social side more than the actual cigs that I struggle with.

    When you try again, seek out some folks who don't smoke or some who have recently quit.
  • Helen32uk
    i have done one week no smoking and been eating more but healthy food and been
    trying to get out when i can and start running or walking, i am using the patches, i could
    not do cold turkey,that scares me!! but good luck and if anyone wanna add me as friend
    for motivation that be great cause i need help too and tips we can share with each other,
    good luck all x
  • Alex729
    Alex729 Posts: 103 Member
    My ecig is awesome! I quit smoking and have been happily vaping 0 nic for a long time. Most days I don't even use it- but it is great for dealing with social smokers or on days when I'm having a bad craving.
  • stansellj1983
    stansellj1983 Posts: 8 Member
    i also suggest e-cigarettes. me and my wife both smoked for YEARS and these things got us off cigarettes within a week or so. still addicted to nicotine, but apparently nicotine itself isn't harmful, much like caffine.
  • BonnieCaley
    BonnieCaley Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks for all your suggestions, I plan to give it another shot next week, I have promised my kids I will keep at it until I'm successful lol.

    Not sure about the ecigs, heard a lot about them, for me it's a very mental thing, if I don't have any cigs in the house it doesn't bother me, but if I know they're there then I want one - no different to when you know theres a pack of chocolate hob nobs hidden on top of the cupboard!! It's the same with my friends and Hubby - them smoking doesn't bother me, it's the fact that they have a cig and I can get one if I want- hope that makes sense :)
  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810
    i also suggest e-cigarettes. me and my wife both smoked for YEARS and these things got us off cigarettes within a week or so. still addicted to nicotine, but apparently nicotine itself isn't harmful, much like caffine.

    You're joking, right?
  • regosaki
    regosaki Posts: 265 Member
    extol the virtues of NOT smoking to your friends etc, If they are good friends they will understand what your going through, all my friends smoke, I see myself as a pioneer for them to look to and copy, I smoked for 20 years + and gave up 2 years ago, I feel wonderful and would NEVER think about going back to those horrible expensive stinky death sticks! If that doesnt work try getting some new friends?
  • ttkg
    ttkg Posts: 357 Member
    I am on day ten of being cigareete free. I have a few people in my social circle who smoke and they are making an effort to not smoke while I am around, for the first few weeks anyway. Which isn't too hard as everyone smokes outside now...if your husband is smoking inside then I can only imagine how hard that is.

    I also read this book that REALLY changed how I see cigarettes, after reading it I no longer feel like I am giving up something fun and enjoyable, I feel as though I am getting rid of a disgusting addiction. The book is called Allen Carr's easy way to quit smoking, see if it is at your library and check it out! Since you said it was a mental thing, I think the book might help with your perspective;

    Don't bother with e-cigs, you'll still be addicted to nicotine which is like poison to your body.

    ETA: Lol, I see a few other people have also mentioned this is no exaggeration to say that it saved our lives. I do not know anyone who had read it and continued to smoke - seriously, check it out!! Your lungs, breath, skin, & energy levels will thank you for it!!
  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810
    I am on day ten of being cigareete free. I have a few people in my social circle who smoke and they are making an effort to not smoke while I am around, for the first few weeks anyway. Which isn't too hard as everyone smokes outside now...if your husband is smoking inside then I can only imagine how hard that is.

    I also read this book that REALLY changed how I see cigarettes, after reading it I no longer feel like I am giving up something fun and enjoyable, I feel as though I am getting rid of a disgusting addiction. The book is called Allen Carr's easy way to quit smoking, see if it is at your library and check it out! Since you said it was a mental thing, I think the book might help with your perspective;

    Don't bother with e-cigs, you'll still be addicted to nicotine which is like poison to your body.

    ETA: Lol, I see a few other people have also mentioned this is no exaggeration to say that it saved our lives. I do not know anyone who had read it and continued to smoke - seriously, check it out!! Your lungs, breath, skin, & energy levels will thank you for it!!

    Congrats on the 10 days!