Favorite Insanity workout?



  • I have just started this today. I have posted a topic called Insanity Fitness Test Results. There you can see the results i got from today (first day)
  • dynaste
    dynaste Posts: 2 Member
    Month one...loved everything in it
  • cfredz
    cfredz Posts: 292 Member
    I just started my second round of Insanity. Today is my first rest day. My legs are SORE as hell.
    Favorite - Core and Cardio Balance. and sometimes Pure Cardio (i like that it goes all the way through, 1 min per exercise instead of repeating circuits)

    Least fave: anything Plyo!
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    Insanity fast and furious is 20 minutes of pain, but its a great workout lol

    I actually plan to re-do Insanity without the warm up stretching to save time, especially as static stretching pre-exercise is unnecessary :)
    to me its no biggie......20 mins WITH rest....and its not even a comparison to something like t25 3.0

    The speed workouts and TBC are workouts from t25 that can kill ya.....short repetition is what works. Insanity to me is the Beast of all programs in losing weight..........no muscle just losing weight. But you do have breaks......=)

    Considering that its HIIT the rest periods actually elevate your heart rate so higher calorie burn.

    As I said, each to their own, I just found T25 to be an anti-climax. Actually, TBC was the only workout worth doing I thought!
  • DesDawn24
    DesDawn24 Posts: 147 Member
    I haven't made it to month two and now I'm scared! But so pumped! My fave is the plyometric cardio circuit, I don't really know why but I always look forward to it.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    I'm not very far into the program, only in my 2nd week, but I have my favorites, so far.

    Pure Cardio is probably my favorite, even though it's damn tough.

    The wost for me is Power Cardio and Resistance. I pull my inner left thigh every time during the warmups. I gotta work on landing into a bit less of a wider squat during the power jumps.

    What's your favorite and worst??

    Damn, you read my mind.
    Even though Pure Cardio is really tough, I guess because there's no breaks, it goes by so fast.

    Like you, my worst is Power Cardio & Resistance..........that workout just burns the hell out of my thighs and calves.
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    Oh there's breaks alright.....just not scheduled ones LOL. I can't make it through the entire 12 minutes without taking little breaks here and there....although this time around (compared to my first time) I was able to do something from EACH exercise rather than sitting out a couple!
  • anothermop
    anothermop Posts: 187 Member
    Plyo is my favorite; but i really liked Power Cardio and Resistance too. (Plyometrics was my favorite from P90X too.)
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    I've decided all of Insanity is Plyo LOL
  • amyk225
    amyk225 Posts: 154
    on my first month,love all the workouts:):)
  • Fiercely_Me
    Fiercely_Me Posts: 481 Member
    I love max interval plyo and pure cardio and I absolutely HATE max interval circuit!! I completed round 1 last summer and it was so hard. I remember on day 1 of month 2 me popping the dvd, seeing 59 minutes in the corner, and saying to myself, "oh *kitten*, how I am I gonna get through 59 minutes of doing this??!!" I previously did HIIT for 30 minutes tops but not an hour.

    I do have to say I love the fact that I burn so many calories with max interval circuit, so I guess I have a love-hate relationship with it, and with Insanity in general!!
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    I wonder if I buy this thing used, or new on eBay for $60 if I can still get the T-shirt lol.
  • korycheer
    korycheer Posts: 7 Member
    I really can't say that I have a favorite workout. They are all really tough but I really HATE the warm up in Cardio Power and Resistance. LOL!

    That being said, Insanity is amazing! I completed one round 2 years ago before injuring my shoulder and going back to teach full time. Unfortunately, I did not put myself first. My husband and I are back at it and just finished week 2. I did not do measurements or the fit test at the beginning and I regret that now. But I did not want to psych myself out before beginning!

    On to week 3 tomorrow. Did the fit test today. Forgot how tough that was!

    Good luck to everyone in this challenge. Way to go those of you in month 2! That is where the magic happens though as far as body transformation.

  • safetyqueen25
    safetyqueen25 Posts: 38 Member
    I am on recovery week so only done month 1. I hated Pure Cardio to begin with, I was like 'where are the breaks!,' but it became my favourite because you are just powering through and it actually goes by quite quickly I think. I also like the Cardio Power workout but I hate the warm up. Ploymetric was my least favourite but always gave me the best calorie burn so it obvs the hardest - for me anyway.
    I did it for the last time on Saturday and I still couldn't manage 3 rounds of level 1 drills, ski abs and in and out without a few 5-10 second pauses - that circuit is just soo hard! Peaked ahead and am terrified for month two!
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    Well, now that I'm on month , and just finished the 2nd week, I'm updating to say my favorite workout is BY FAR, the MAX Interval Sports Training.

    55 minutes goes by so fast!!

    I also love the Insanity Fast and Furious, it's like a little rest day workout if you want, it's only 22 minute!
  • Monty_P
    Monty_P Posts: 62 Member
    I can't wait for Month 2!

    At the mo my fave is the Plyo cardio but my favourite move is, the football thing? Is it an American football move? I do it all the time in the kitchen. It makes me laugh.
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    I can't wait for Month 2!

    At the mo my fave is the Plyo cardio but my favourite move is, the football thing? Is it an American football move? I do it all the time in the kitchen. It makes me laugh.

    Which one is that? I don't remember the football drills now are sprints...then drop to low plank and hold, repeat.