Im Daryl and im hurting...



  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    Sorry you are so down. Many of us have been our own version of where you are, those who have or have had a long way to go.

    You want to feel healthy. First make sure you have your MFP setting right, be honest with yourself. If your calories etc are set too low you are setting yourself up for disappointment. Go gently with yourself, give yourself the right to be pleased with even a small achievement, the next will be greater till you have made it to where you want to be. Most of all be objective about your goals, bite sized pieces, try not to see everything as what the scales tell you. Notice the things which come easier to do, or clothes which fit better. Take measurements of neck, arms, what ever about every month.

    Most of all stick with the honesty, you will have bad days and still log those and say good by to it, tomorrow you will have the same number of calories at the start of the day, I hope this will be a good support for you. Today is today now is now. Remember it will be a long war but celebrate each battle you win. Cheat days do not exist, well I can never delude myself. Plan your treats within your allocation. Go for it, Good fortune, Good Health
  • bno76
    bno76 Posts: 18
    Hang in there Daryl :) I know that very low feeling, horrible isn't it >< You will come out the other side a much happier person and you are plenty deserving of support. Have sent you a request and look forward to following your progress :)
  • wrk2hrd
    wrk2hrd Posts: 28
    If you focus on trying to get YOU right - mind, body, AND will find that you can be NOTHING buy happy.

    FOCUS on yourself. BE selfish.

    Once you feel a REAL inner-peace, THEN you can be a much better person to not only numero uno (you), but to EVERYONE else.

    You deserve to be happy and healthy for YOU.

  • Iv been using MFP for a long time its worked but fallen off the wagon a couple of times and maybe don't deserve to be asking for this help , last night I lost a very good friendship and I feel like im broken, iv decided to sort my miserable life out because I deserve better, maybe if I sort my mind/weight/life out everything will fall in to place (wishful thinking I know) so I guess im asking for help, because I cant to this alone and cant trust the people in my life, I have at minimum 70 lbs/ 5 st to lose.

    Open to new people, happy to chat in general. give and take advice, thanks guys/

    posotive is the attitude, negative is not the mood buddy!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Hi Daryl.

    Why do you keep falling off the wagon? What's your approach and why do you stop?

    If it's happened multiple times, especially if for the same/similar reasons each time, we should tweak your approach, yes?

    Yes! This!
  • ChrisR0se
    ChrisR0se Posts: 1,855 Member
    Was hoping for Daryl Dixon pics :(
    Chin up dude :)
  • SteelerPaz
    SteelerPaz Posts: 8 Member
    Hey Daryl,
    Sorry for you loss... Keep your head up! We all need friends to lean on, that is what we are here for!

    Anyone here can add me, as we all have the same goals... stay/get in shape and live happier!

    Take care!
  • AngieD2203
    AngieD2203 Posts: 53 Member
    Gawd i fall off and climb back on 'the fitness wagon' all the time, im sure most of us do to a certain extent ~ holidays, school days off, weekends away, daily grind getting in the way, its not Monday?!?.....i could go on.....the most important thing, and you said it yourself Daryl, is that you have been off and ON, so you clearly have the determination as you are still going.
    You are going through a difficult time and you are doing the right thing by asking for support and motivation to keep you moving forward and on the wagon.....its a bumpy ride but you will get there :happy:
    Im not entirely sure in what context you lost a close friend, but having gone through losing a very dear and close friend, to depression, and also losing what i thought was a good friend (which was also painful but necessary).
    Both of these loses made me look at life from different perspectives and take notice of whats important. I had to start with my own mental/physical health and well being and then everything else comes along with that.
    Im not the most chatty on here but im sure there are many people who can speak up and help you with words of support and encouragment on a more regular basis.
    Keep plugging away......all good things come to those hard for it :bigsmile:
    Hi Daryl.

    Why do you keep falling off the wagon? What's your approach and why do you stop?

    If it's happened multiple times, especially if for the same/similar reasons each time, we should tweak your approach, yes?
  • MandysChange
    MandysChange Posts: 40 Member
    Feel free to add me if you want. :)
  • Rossergirl
    Rossergirl Posts: 105 Member
    Hey Daryl,

    I think just admitting this to total stragners is a huge step forward. You can add me, I am new and I need help too. I can not seem to get myself motivated to do what I know I need to be doing because I have failed so many times before. I do not want to fail, so if I never start, I can't fail. But, not starting is failure before even beginning. So, as you can see, I need help too. Maybe we can encourage each other.

  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    I know how you feel, going through a rough patch myself. This too, shall pass.
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    I would think many people (including myself) have fallen off the wagon more than once. Everyone deserves to be here and so do you. Add me if you like. You can do it and we can all help each other.
  • MrsHinNH
    MrsHinNH Posts: 6 Member
    Daryl, the only thing you can do is get up. brush yourself off and climb back into the wagon with the rest of us.
    That is EXACTLY what I am doing.

    I hurt too because I failed on my last attempt at this - the getting fit and healthy wagon ride. BUT...I'm back. I'm doing it. I'm going to make changes in my life. I am VERY new here - in fact, the last time I was here - I didn't find any friends and was so embarrassed about myself that I didn't try either. But...I need a new attitude and I need HELP to get to the goals I am setting for myself.
    I am still trying to get this app/website down and understand all it offers.

    I'd be happy to help you - as long as you don't mind helping me too. I am also open to ANYONE who has support and help to help me out.

    My name is Donna and it's nice to meet you.
  • shirleycatt
    shirleycatt Posts: 37 Member
    Daryl I am so sorry for your loss. Unfortunately, grief can be a great motivator. I have started and restarted my diet so many times that I literally cannot count. I really need to make changes too! I am here for you! To motivate or just to listen! We can do this together!!!!!!!!!! We deserve the best!
  • curt40
    curt40 Posts: 137 Member
    Anyone is free to add me. Im fun and I need to lose 40 lbs. Tough love is A OK with me. Just went through a long and $$$ divorce, so I know all about pity parties, and its time to end those.

    Im very chatty, so lets have fun and do this!
  • Sorry to hear this,, big hugs
  • Skylark74
    Skylark74 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Daryl,

    Sorry you are having a bad time at the moment.

    Big Hugz & positive thoughts.

    I've been a member for a while but I've only really been active on the forums for a couple of days. But in those couple of days I've met some amazing people who've got me back on track to getting my life (and body) back in shape.

    In the past I've often been my own worst enemy - when I come off the wagon it's not so much because I've slipped off gracefully it's more that I've flung myself off at full speed.....but with a bit of luck (and a fab community) we can all get through this.

    Feel free to add me as a friend and as many other have said....Let's do this!!!

  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    sorry you're having a tough time.

    think about what made you fall off the wagon in the past and make allowances for those issues so that they wont knock you down in the future.

    feel free to add me
  • I can so so relate to your post. I'm feeling exactly the same at the moment. It hurts like a ***** :(