escapes me



  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member

    As a newbie morning workout person, I know it sucks to get out of those warm covers!
    I've started putting my alarm in another room so I can't just hit the snooze. I also set out all of my gym stuff the night before. It's easier for me to think of everything I need the night before.
    My motivation- the gym is WAY less crowded in the morning. I have more energy throughout the day. And, I have the satisfaction of knowing my workout is already done!
    It gets easier, I promise!

    This is great advice! Also, next time you do work out, when you are done, focus some on how good you feel right after and for the next couple of hours. It really helps me crawl out of bed if I think about how much better I'll feel when I'm done. Once I'm on the elliptical, it's all good. One trick that worked for me when I was single was to set the thermostat so that it got a lot hotter about ten minutes before my alarm went off. When I was too hot in bed, it was easier to get up.
  • ImmaBernz
    When you are at the point of refusing to go on, remember why you started in the first place :)
  • saradord
    saradord Posts: 129
    Hi, I was wondering how you all get motivated to get up and workout. I've been saying to myself that I will wake up early and hit my treadmill or when I get home from work. While I do wake up early enough to get it done, I choose to stay in bed with the covers up to my's just so comfy lol. When I get home, I'm tired from the day. I know these are just excuses I am using to justify my lack of motivation.

    What are your motivational strategies for getting up off your butt and doing?

    I find once I start I have to do it and feel guilty if I dont , dont make excuses and just think of all the benefits it has. I'm motivated by the energy it gives me and how good I feel afterwards. good luck!!! and think POSITIVE because its a life style change not a diet and once its started its the best!!
  • BreeJaxon
    BreeJaxon Posts: 128
    One more thing, you tube I want to succeed as bad as I want to breathe.......there's a little motivation for you!
  • shannonarnold4
    shannonarnold4 Posts: 2 Member
    It's true, if you just get out of bed and do it, its done. The more you think about the less likely you are to do it.
    As an added bonus you'll feel better, have more energy and it gets easier.

    I also lack motivation. Easier said then done. I still prefer sleeping in ... for now :yawn:
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Try to not even think about it...
    this is a GREAT answer.

    you made up your mind the night before, you thought about it, you decided you were going to get up early and do it. the decision has already been made. when you are lying in bed cozy under the covers, you are in no position to make good decisions, so don't. Trust the decision you made the night before. (yea easier said that done I know! but this is a good strategy for many situations. do not give yourself decision making powers when you are vulnerable/tired/hungry.
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    I struggle with this a lot too. I've gotten into a groove for a while from time to time, but I just don't stick to it. I'm no expert, but what I'm going to try for myself is using a pedometer every day. I did this for a company contest last spring and I did really like it, but after the contest I set the pedometer aside. I am recommiting to it on my own terms and setting goals...there is something very satisfying about watching your steps go up...almost like getting a high score on a video game or something. :-)

    My goal is 10,000 a day. This is reachable with deication to it. The gym just doest work for me and I need to be more active.

    I think I set my goals too steep when I try to lose weight, so this is one of the ways I hope to meet my goals in a slow and steady wins the race kind of way. 1 lb a week, 70,000 steps and 1,330 calories a day. I'll be at my goal by summer if I can stick to it. It's a few more calories a day and a slower pace weight loss than I usually have aimed for (and failed at or only seen partial and temporary sucess).

    I read a great thing on a health blog (used to be weight loss but she met her goals)..."everything in moderation, including moderation" :-) I just loved it. Yup, sometimes you are gonna eat way more cookies than you should...just do what you should do MOST of the time
  • HelentheLion
    I read two recent motivational quotes recently which really struck a chord with me. Firstly: "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" which is useful when you want that additional bar of chocolate and " No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everyone on the couch." Stops you being put off by lack of fitness. Promise yourself you'll get up and do 10 minutes only - you'll find that once you've done those 10 mins, more will easily come. Good luck!!!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    "No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everyone on the couch."

    i dislike this quote, because it basically boils down to "i'm amazing as long as i set the bar really low."
  • loriemn
    loriemn Posts: 292 Member
    I am a high energy person anyway,,so how I got overweight is totally bad food choices,but one thing I did when I didnt want to get going was make a deal with myself to do 10 minutes,thats all,and if I didnt want to do anymore I could stop,,I never once stopped! I ALWAYS felt better within that 10 minutes,good enough to keep going.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,634 Member
    Hi, I was wondering how you all get motivated to get up and workout. I've been saying to myself that I will wake up early and hit my treadmill or when I get home from work. While I do wake up early enough to get it done, I choose to stay in bed with the covers up to my's just so comfy lol. When I get home, I'm tired from the day. I know these are just excuses I am using to justify my lack of motivation.

    What are your motivational strategies for getting up off your butt and doing?
    Motivation is about true desire not good intentions. You have intentions and not desire. Till you really want it, you'll just keep wishing it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • MaybeAMonkey
    This is exactly my strategy. I'm not a morning person, I have never been and will never be one. But working out at the end of the day allows me to sweat out the stress of the office and then I can take a hot shower to relax my muscles and wind down for the night. To each his own, you just need to find the routine that works best for you.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    i love to work out after work. sure im tired. but at this point its become habit and i look forward to it. i cant wait to get out of work. go home, make and eat dinner. then go to the gym. you just need to want it bad enough.
  • michelewright22
    That was just what I needed to read.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    You don't want it bad enough. Yet.
  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member
    "No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everyone on the couch."

    i dislike this quote, because it basically boils down to "i'm amazing as long as i set the bar really low."

    Also, assumes a world where people have not modified couches to turn them into working vehicles.

    Inexplicably, we don't live in that world.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I don't let it be a question. I don't entertain thoughts of whether I'm going to work out, I just assume that I am. And it helps to have a schedule. I know that on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6 a.m. I'll be leaving the house to run. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 9:30 a.m. I'll be lifting weights.
  • nmiller0813
    I work out right after work. Change my clothes before I leave the building and go. Otherwise, if I go home, once I am there, I will not come back out. On the weekends, I get up, just like I am going to work and go and work out. I love doing it in the morning so that I have the rest of the day to do ..... whatever.

    When your desire becomes strong enough, you will do what you need to do to make it happen.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    You have to realize that you're worth the effort/hassle. Eventually it gets easier. :)
  • Schtroumpfkin
    Schtroumpfkin Posts: 123 Member
    I tell myself that if I don't want to workout, I don't have to. But, why don't I just put my workout kit on. Doesn't matter, cos I still don't HAVE to go to the gym if I don't want to.
    No obligation
    No pressure
    Just one sock, then the other and tie up those laces. There, all dressed.

    Oh well - I might as well go and workout now.

    And you know what - I'm so stupid, I fall for it every time.