Does anyone have a FitBit?

Last year when I was on this journey, EVERYONE was talking about it. Everyone seemed to want one, at least the people I was talking to did. I got lost on my journey, and now i'm back, but I am wondering if the FitBit is still wanted? Should I take the plunge of buying one?


  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    I have a Fitbit Force and I love it! I've had it for over a month and had the Flex before that.
  • kamyers1289
    kamyers1289 Posts: 129 Member
    Proud fitbit flex user! Love it, highly recommend.
  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member
    I've had mine since last May. Still love it.
  • Apriiilxx
    Apriiilxx Posts: 10 Member
    Only three responses and you guys definitely helped my decision. Next paycheck the FitBit One is mine! Mwahaha
  • elbie628
    elbie628 Posts: 7 Member
    I also jumped on the wagon recently and bought one. So far, I love it! It really does motivate you to take the extra steps, and I love that it ties in here at MFP.
  • Homemaker57
    Homemaker57 Posts: 106 Member
    I got a One for Christmas and I love it. :) I especially enjoy the sleep tracking feature. For those of you who also monitor your sleep with a fitbit, do you find that you're restless often? I end up with 20-30 minutes of restlessness, and it's usually 12-20 different times a night. I have some sleep issues so I'm curious what's the "normal" result. :)

    I thought it was goofy on the commercial when they show a gal check her fitbit then get up and walk a couple laps around the living room to get to a certain number. Sure enough, two nights ago I was about 150 short of my goal so I paced the hallway! lol. I felt dorky but it was fun having a goal to reach.

    What does everyone set their goals at? I'm a housewife and photographer (with not a whole lot of gigs right now; I'm just starting out) so I'm home a lot. I often only get a few thousand steps in. On days I do my C25K run, I can reach 7,500 for the day's total.
  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member
    I got a One for Christmas and I love it. :) I especially enjoy the sleep tracking feature. For those of you who also monitor your sleep with a fitbit, do you find that you're restless often? I end up with 20-30 minutes of restlessness, and it's usually 12-20 different times a night. I have some sleep issues so I'm curious what's the "normal" result. :)

    I thought it was goofy on the commercial when they show a gal check her fitbit then get up and walk a couple laps around the living room to get to a certain number. Sure enough, two nights ago I was about 150 short of my goal so I paced the hallway! lol. I felt dorky but it was fun having a goal to reach.

    What does everyone set their goals at? I'm a housewife and photographer (with not a whole lot of gigs right now; I'm just starting out) so I'm home a lot. I often only get a few thousand steps in. On days I do my C25K run, I can reach 7,500 for the day's total.

    10k, 10 floors, 5 miles, 2100 calories.

    I used to be ok with falling short of the 10k goal, now it's less a "goal" than a "minimum" but I have friends to crush on the standings list, so...

    (I once hit 28k doing laps around one room - shoutout to the Gainesville airport for grounding all flights for 5 hours, that was so fun! - so don't let being stuck at home stop you :)
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    It's just a step counter. If you need one, I hear they work very well. They can also make this kind of thing fun for you if you like tracking stats.
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    i enjoy mine, I too like the sleep tracker... no wonder I am so tired when I wake up apparently I am a very restless sleeper. lol

    otherwise i like that it links to mfp so I don't have to log food twice, and it's motivating. Sure it may be a glorified pedometer but still it's nice to see the mileage, stairs, etc too! :) I haven't regretted my purchase.
  • molissep
    molissep Posts: 452 Member
    I got a Flex for Christmas and so far it's pretty cool! I like the output of info that it provides and the sleep tracker. Even though I thought I was getting a lot of sleep, it turns out I'm restless quite often!
  • eAddict
    eAddict Posts: 212 Member
    I like it BUT am irritated by the less than stellar design of the wrist strap. This winter putting and and taking of layers and coats I have lost the darn thing in sleeves and gloves. I also wish it had a heart rate monitor. I end up with 2 wrist watches all the time during my workout and rides.

    So, for 'normal' daily tracking it is OK. For anything else/more I would wait another generation.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I have a fitbit one, I love it! Really helps me to see how active I have been during the day and how much sleep I am getting. I know that fitbit, I think the flex & the new version, are worn on the wrist but personally I would not choose this option. I don't want to wear something like that with my nice jewelry and in the summer I don't wear watches or bracelets in the summer, too hot.

    The one is discreet, can put on my waistband, my pocket, my bra strap. Just don't get it wet (accidentally went swimming with mine, that killed it). However, it was less than a year old and they replaced it for free,
  • kinmad4it
    kinmad4it Posts: 185 Member
    I'm a proud owner of a FitBit One. It stays in my pocket all day and since having it I find myself going out for walks when not working just so I can ensure I reach my daily step total. I'm on holiday this week and have been out for 3 walks already today and am just in the process of cajoling the wife into joining me for my last one.
    Being a Postman it's also great for seeing exactly how far I do walk during a normal working day. 7 to 8 miles seems to be the average most days.