Hell bent on losing 30lbs by 30!

Hey guys, i'm new to MFP and looking for support, accountibility and motivation! In exactly 66 days I will be turning the big 3-0! I am DamnedDetermined to enter my 30's, 30 pounds lighter!

Looking for some wiser folks than myself to help me navigate the way through this weightloss maze and show me the ropes.

Thanks in advance for your support! :smooched: :heart:


  • lmccull1982
    I am probably not wiser than you but you can add me for support and motivation :smile: . I am 31 and it seems like my metabolism drastically slowed after I hit 30. Anyway, feel free to send a friend request!
  • davepearson86
    davepearson86 Posts: 158 Member
    30 lbs in 66 days, not sustainable or healthy amount of fat loss unless you are currently 200lbs overweight
  • damneddetermined713
    Hi lmccull1982...be on the lookout for my friend request!

    Hi davepearson86...I appreciate the commentary...currently 220, so I think I fit the bill. I read somewhere that seeing results makes the journey that much easier, so thats what i'm seeking over the next couple months. :wink:

    Hi misskittyninj...Congratulations on your weightloss! You too should be on the lookout for my friend request, my long term goal is rather high...so i'm sure i'll need the extra motivation as the 'novelty' wears off and the plateaus start!
  • mistiffy
    mistiffy Posts: 11 Member
    Add me! I'm 30 this november and want to lose at least 40lbs by then. Last year I lost 25lbs, ran a half marathon then got into a new relationship and got comfortable. I stopped running so much, we went out to eat a lot and honestly just got lazy. I've gained almost all my weight back. :( I'm getting back on track tho! I'm signing up to run my second half this April and getting my eating habits back on track, I've even talked my bf into running with me ;). Any extra held and encouragement from people striving for the same goals would be great! Good luck on your journey!
  • starlight_chic06
    starlight_chic06 Posts: 7 Member
    Haha! I'm only 33 now and I thought I was going to break down and cry for a week on my 30th, but that really didn't happen and I'm still here. :) I'm looking to lose about 30 lbs, or at least LOOK like I did. I have no dead set time frame, I just want to do it in a way that is healthy, and I'm definitely focusing more on inches than pounds. I'm not sure I'd look at it as "I MUST be 30 pounds lighter by the time I'm 30" as I would "I am committed to becoming healthier and be on a great path to success and feeling better about myself when I turn 30". ...it all sounds great when I tell it to others, but I can't seem to follow it myself. Lol! Good luck and happy fitness! I'm just getting started back on here, too, so I'm looking for more friends, so add me if you'd like. :)
  • damneddetermined713
    I really appreciate the feedback! I was able to finish 2013 lighter than I started it, but I too have gotten really comfortable over the past few months. I know the new year, new me mantra gets old for those who have been consistent for awhile...but there is nothing like facing a milestone number (for me anyway) and wanting to be able to see some progress on one of my most important goals, my health. I'm adding anyone who expresses interest in friendship and i'm not opposed to helpful criticism as well. Thanks guys!