why am I hungry an hour or two after eating?



  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    Your brain is just thinking more about food.
    Dieting like this can really affect your weight loss potential.
    Eat according to your daily needs and you will lose weight. It doesnt matter if you eat every 2-3 hours or every 8. As long as your calories and macros are in a defecit.

  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    My body constantly tells me to drink alcohol, and smoke cigarettes, so I guess I should "listen to my body". The only thing I hear my body say is "PHHHHHFFFFFFTTTTT".

    Ignore Jerry. He's like a troll spoiling for a fight.

    Nope. Wrong again. I just am strongly against the "listen to your body" group of people. It's a nice thing to say. But, it's dead wrong. Eating food has a very strong habitual aspect to it. That is why people often say when they sit still, they feel hungry, but if they get up and move around, the hungry feeling goes away. It's the habit they have formed from sitting on the couch in front of the tv. Your body is a liar and I'm sick and tired of people saying to over weight people, to listen to their bodies. This is a site where people are trying to learn new ways to better themselves. Do you tell a recovering alcoholic to listen to their body? No. You tell them to call their sponsor. Please stop giving poor advice and stop calling useful helpful people trolls. Do you even know what a troll is?


    ^^This.. As long as we are not having too much of a deficit and within healthy range of calories and macros, and still hungry..i would say drink water..keep yourself busy..whenever i am idle, i usually think about food and i am instantly hungry..and if i have been truly busy, i do not even remember food..
    I also do believe with some people here saying you need to eat more..but to each thier own choice..good luck :)
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    I had an issue where I was fine till I ate then I'd feel like I hadnt eaten in years, its was actually acid reflux which can feel different to different people.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Increase you're fats, esp EFA's. You'll find a small amount will sort you out.

    This ^^

    You said that you get adequate protein and fiber, but what about fats?

    Ditto. Fats are healthy and satiating.

    Contrary to what many people are saying, it should NOT be necessary to eat every hour or two. Eat enough, including fat, at your regular meals. (imo, MFP fat defaults are ridiculously low and carb default ridiculously high. Try playing with those numbers and you might notice immediate improvement in satiety.)
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    OMG OP I hear ya!

    When I first started my stomach felt like my throat had been cut...it was a big shock eating so little after eating so much.

    Pretty much I ate and grazed when I thought that I was hungry and that is why I got to being overweight.

    Phew, glad I found this website and was able to plan my day out the day before, add my exercise and stick with it.

    My goal was 1200 cals a day plus exercise and believe me I exercised to give me some extra food and treats.

    I learned to drink more water also as I did not recognise hunger from thirst.

    What I have learned is a big help to me...I drink more in between meals, I shorten the space between meals and eat smaller meals.
  • Math_Geek
    Math_Geek Posts: 67 Member
    My body constantly tells me to drink alcohol, and smoke cigarettes, so I guess I should "listen to my body". The only thing I hear my body say is "PHHHHHFFFFFFTTTTT".

    Ignore Jerry. He's like a troll spoiling for a fight.

    ^^ haha this, 100x this.
  • pluckabee
    pluckabee Posts: 346 Member
    Your body is the expert. It's HUNGRY and it's telling you loud and clear.

    Listen to all the good advice on this thread, please.

    I totally don't believe this. People don't aimlessly wind up on a calorie counting site because listening to their body worked for them. Ignore your body, follow a regimen. Excellence is a habit.

    Really? Really dude? Follow a regimen forever? How is that good advice? People that hear this and think this is true are going to not bother and just stay fat.
  • i'm having the same issue.. i finally decided to intake more calories.. eating once every 3 hours.. making sure not to eat after 7 pm, but i find myself being hungrier and hungrier in between those times. i do breakfast lunch snack then dinner.. the next time for me to eat is in less than 2 hours and i am hungry as ever! so ready for my snack..
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    i'm having the same issue.. i finally decided to intake more calories.. eating once every 3 hours.. making sure not to eat after 7 pm, but i find myself being hungrier and hungrier in between those times. i do breakfast lunch snack then dinner.. the next time for me to eat is in less than 2 hours and i am hungry as ever! so ready for my snack..

    Why are you eating so frequently? Some people find fewer, larger meals to be more satisfying.

    Why are you not eating after 7p? Until my recent diagnosis of GERD, I frequently ate at least half of my calories >7p.

    What is your current calorie deficit? People who eat at too large of a calorie deficit tend to feel hungry because...well, because they're hungry...starving, even. Make sure your calorie deficit is reasonable.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    If i'm hungry I eat. I plan out everything ahead of time and try to leave calories for snacks. I eat high protein, which means less carbs then I used to eat, so i think that makes you feel more hungry as well. Although I feel awesome eating this way.
  • simber79
    simber79 Posts: 7 Member
    Sounds like 'head hunger' to me.
  • IrisFlute
    IrisFlute Posts: 88 Member
    There are different levels of "hungry." In my experience, MILD hunger is a normal outcome of a weight-loss diet and just needs to be ignored. Re-frame your interpretation of mild hunger, and just consider that sensation to be evidence you're doing it right. Sometimes doing something more interesting or having some hot tea helps me.

    Strong, distracting hunger pangs that interfere with exercise or make you feel shaky are different, and mean you need to eat more. Either bigger meals or more frequent snacks. More fat and fewer simple carbs can also sometimes help.