Why am i not losing?



  • brandi712
    brandi712 Posts: 407 Member

  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    Read this it could be you have gained water weight if you have exercised a lot more than normal but accuracy is the key


    Love this blog. Yes, make sure you're measuring everything correctly, but again, after only a week it's hard to tell. Give it a month and if you haven't lost anything perhaps you need to read the article again.
  • LVCeltGirl
    First off, like everyone else is saying, Patience. Other thing I noticed right away was the items on your diary that didn't have carbs, protein, sugars, fats and/or sodium. A lot of things out there have one or more of those "macros" in addition to calories. Also, are you tracking the zero calorie drinks like water, unsweetened tea (hot or cold), etc? You might not be getting enough water (or liquid) which will help you retain water which will keep you from showing a loss.

    Want more about macros, exercise, how to work this to your best check out this forum (I believe I got the right one with a lot of explanation)?


    It's very helpful and I often see it recommended.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    its only a week. relax.

    When you start a new exercise routine, expect to gain some weight. (water, etc)

    Low fat is a myth. Try to aim for a 40/30/30 (protein/fat/carbs)

    Figure out your BMR and TDEE. Go 20% under TDEE, it should line up fairly well with what mfp recommends for 1 pound a week loss. 1300 is still to little for you to eat.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    . I don't know what "Hairy Bikers (Dieters - Moist Carrot & Sultana Cake, 1 portion" is, but it has to have either carbs, fat, or protein in it if it has calories.
    I have a recipe book from the Hairy Bikers and its called "The Hairy Dieters" because it is all low-fat recipes. Well this cake is meant to be low-fat so I baked it for my family so we all could have a slice and I wouldn't be left out :smile: . But im not sure of the nutritional info apart from the calories because the book doesn't provide them :frown:

    Enter the recipe into MFP... that way you can get all the info you need.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    Eating too little calories will put your body in starvation mode and you won't lose. In the begining you need to do alot of twerking your diet. Make sure you are eating those 5-6 small meals try every three hrs. And of course drinking water only. Just keep pushing it will happen.

    Nope, nope and nope. You're not in starvation mode eating 1300 calories. You don't have to eat 5-6 meals a day, you can eat 1 meal a day if it fits within your calorie goal. And you can drink things other than water, again just make sure you stay within your calorie range. After 1 week don't expect much - this is a lifestyle change, so no need to rush things. Just keep doing what you're doing and it will eventually happen.
    And also, the phrase is "tweaking" your diet, not "twerking." Two completely different things. :smokin:

    OMG...just noticed that. :heart:
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
  • cooky_monster
    cooky_monster Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks everybody who has replied, you are all being so helpful and I am taking note of all the advice :happy:
  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    A WHOLE WEEK?!! Clearly things are massively wrong in the world if you haven't lost all your weight in one week. Maybe you should weight more than I week before hitting the panic button. Patience is your friend.

    Clearly she isn't wondering why she hasn't lost ALL of her weight in one week. Geesh, rude much?
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Well I read the article, and it would seem I am eating too many calories :ohwell:

    Nonono, you are NOT eating too many calories. You are almost certainly eating too little.

    Using this calculator, I estimate your TDEE at around 2379 calories. That's with "light exercise."

    This means that your body is burning close to 2400 calories a day. You want to subtract somewhere around 500 from that to lose about a pound a week, or a little more. So, you could easily eat, say, 1800 a day and lose weight. I would strongly suggest you do this, especially since your tag line on here says you are "looking to get strong, not skinny." Eating enough will help you lose fat AND retain muscle, so you'll end up with the lean body you want!

    I'm the same height as you and weigh less, and I eat 1800 a day to lose weight. Since you weigh more, you can definitely eat that much or more and still lose. Definitely increase your intake!
  • hdog21166
    hdog21166 Posts: 2 Member
    I don't see any water on your diary or any vegetables - you need to hydrate your body and flush out toxins. And if you make healthy choices and up your veggies you will have more energy, more food, less hunger & better results! Just my humble opinion, don't give up & keep trying/changing things up until you find what works for you :flowerforyou:
  • Barbell_Jules
    Barbell_Jules Posts: 358 Member
    You definitely are NOT overeating at 1300 calories a day. Just as others have recommended, find your TDEE and eat at a 20% deficit from that.

    This would be a great place for you to start. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/974888-in-place-of-a-road-map-2k13
  • randrews0407
    randrews0407 Posts: 216 Member
    Did you drink any alcohol? I find that if I even have one drink - weight loss for the week is almost impossible!

    I thought it was just me ... even if I fit it in my macros alcohol throws me off :drinker:
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    Well I am no expert, but here goes... just a quick peek at your diary and i would say cut out the white bread (rolls), crackers, processed sugars. Add a ton more fresh fruits and vegetables. This is what I did in and it seems to be working for me, in 2 months I lost 20 pounds. I also did a lot of walking. Mind you I didn't track over the holidays or weigh myself and I am sure I put a few pounds back on, but I am back at it and will see where it takes me.

    That's great that it worked for you, but cutting out carbs/sugars is not the key to losing weight. If eating carbs makes you crave more food, then by all means, eat less carbs. But it's not required. I eat bread all the time and was able to lose weight. Don't take away my carbs!
  • skydad08
    skydad08 Posts: 3 Member
    First things first. Eat!! But eat the right food. NO Fast food what so ever! No Suger unless its from fruit. (Not in a can)!! It's all or nothing. How bad do you want to lose weight? Bump up your food intake to 2000 and double up on your cardio! You'll have people tell you different. Here is my opinion. Sweat loss is weight loss. If your not sweating your not consuming enough water and or working out hard enough! Try this. Try to cut out all soda. Eat your calories, Don't drink them. Last but not least. Set a reason to lose weight. Stick with that reason and work your butt off!
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    First things first. Eat!! But eat the right food. NO Fast food what so ever! No Suger unless its from fruit. (Not in a can)!! It's all or nothing. How bad do you want to lose weight? Bump up your food intake to 2000 and double up on your cardio! You'll have people tell you different. Here is my opinion. Sweat loss is weight loss. If your not sweating your not consuming enough water and or working out hard enough! Try this. Try to cut out all soda. Eat your calories, Don't drink them. Last but not least. Set a reason to lose weight. Stick with that reason and work your butt off!

    Oh gees. I get really tired of advice like this. I agree that you can probably bump up your calorie intake but I disagree with most everything else this poster said.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Eating too little calories will put your body in starvation mode and you won't lose. In the begining you need to do alot of twerking your diet. Make sure you are eating those 5-6 small meals try every three hrs. And of course drinking water only. Just keep pushing it will happen.

    Nope, nope and nope. You're not in starvation mode eating 1300 calories. You don't have to eat 5-6 meals a day, you can eat 1 meal a day if it fits within your calorie goal. And you can drink things other than water, again just make sure you stay within your calorie range. After 1 week don't expect much - this is a lifestyle change, so no need to rush things. Just keep doing what you're doing and it will eventually happen.
    And also, the phrase is "tweaking" your diet, not "twerking." Two completely different things. :smokin:

    OMG...just noticed that. :heart:

    Well, twerking would burn some calories :wink:

    OP, I agree that the biggest thing is patience. A huge variety of things can affect your weight on the scales. If you're starting new exercise, even if you're going from none to light, it could lead to some water retention for a few weeks, which may be masking any loss. It's okay, it'll come off after a bit. Also, make sure that you are weighing in at the same time of day in the same clothes (Many people prefer first thing in the morning, after bathroom, undressed). Your weight can vary 5 lbs over the course of just a day. So there could be other things than that you're not losing fat.

    It is important to make sure you're logging accurately, but if you're using a scale I'm less suspicious of inaccuracies (assuming it's right and you're not making any mistakes :tongue:) I would honestly suggest eating more, you could eat 1500 an lose weight, possibly even 1800 calories. That will help you stick with it and be less likely to cave to temptations or give up.
  • cooky_monster
    cooky_monster Posts: 68 Member

    I'm the same height as you and weigh less, and I eat 1800 a day to lose weight. Since you weigh more, you can definitely eat that much or more and still lose. Definitely increase your intake!

    Ok I will increase my calories a bit and see if that works :smile: I think the overwhelming response is that I need to be patient, and I agree :smile: Rome was not built in a day after all

    Also I agree with some of the others who are saying I need more fruit and veggies and less sugar and fats. It will take some getting used to im sure, but I WILL succeed
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    First things first. Eat!! But eat the right food. NO Fast food what so ever! No Suger unless its from fruit. (Not in a can)!! It's all or nothing. How bad do you want to lose weight? Bump up your food intake to 2000 and double up on your cardio! You'll have people tell you different. Here is my opinion. Sweat loss is weight loss. If your not sweating your not consuming enough water and or working out hard enough! Try this. Try to cut out all soda. Eat your calories, Don't drink them. Last but not least. Set a reason to lose weight. Stick with that reason and work your butt off!

    Oh gees. I get really tired of advice like this. I agree that you can probably bump up your calorie intake but I disagree with most everything else this poster said.

    You always give good advice in a constructive way. I can appreciate that!!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    It's only been a week. Be patient. :smile: