Losing weight to hopefully have a baby :-)


I currently have 70lbs to lose, I likely have pcos and I'm not currently TTC but that's the plan when I've lost some of the weight. Looking for friends in similar situation (or maybe other fertility problems and need to lose weight) and we can all help each other along! I live in the UK but happy for friends from anywhere. Please feel free to send me friend requests!



  • TinkerTilly
    TinkerTilly Posts: 3 Member

    Bumping as disappeared from the board very quick :-)
  • shyjaan
    shyjaan Posts: 19 Member

    I am also TTC but have PCOS so my doctors keep telling me to lose weight. I need to lose about same about as weight as well! Will add you as friends! :)
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Search for groups too. I know I saw one recently on TTC and PCOS. I had fertility issues and I'm glad to help, but not PCOS.
  • NicoleS_2014
    NicoleS_2014 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there,

    I have PCOS and am also TTC (for just over a year now) I will add you :)