"Big Guy" to Big Loser in 1 Year - PICS

BL_Mark Posts: 183 Member
I started using MFP about one year ago, but my first official weigh-in wasn't until February 2, 2013 because we didn't own a scale... I guessed at my weight when I first started and was ASTONISHED when I saw the needle spin past 200...250... and all the way around to 350lbs. I knew I was a big guy.. hell... strangers called me "Big-Guy" or "Big-Man".... but I wasn't always a "big-guy"... in fact but was never THIN. My senior year of high school I was 180lbs and fairly active. I would ride my bike or walk everywhere and when I went to college it continued. After earning my associates degree I got my first "real job" and thus started my illustrious career sitting behind a desk and then discovered how AWESOME pizza tastes with an ice cold beer or three!!

Throughout my desk career, I thought I could continue to eat and drink as I did in my 20's... well 15 years of sitting behind a desk has caught up with me and after seeing these "Oh HELL NO" pictures, I knew I had to do something!!




This is back in '06... my wife and I at our wedding shower

I KNEW a diet of salads wasn't for me... I also knew a crash diet or fad diet wasn't going to work for me either. My mom has struggled with her weight for years on the Atkins diet, shake diets, high protein diets... and none of these worked for her... plus... I couldn't find a diet where beer was allowed!! GASP!! My wife started the Curves Complete Program back in January and as a suggestion from a friend of mine, I downloaded the MFP app and thus, it all started there. I logged EVERYTHING and weighed every oz of food. I've since learned what a cup actually looks like and how much 6oz of meat looks.... I've gone from a 4XL size shirt and 52/28 pants (GOOD LUCK finding THAT size anywhere) to a XL/2XL shirt to 42/30 pant.

This is October... down 75ish pounds and holding 75ish pounds...

My wife and I on Christmas Eve - She's down 60lbs and I couldn't be more proud of her!!

New Year's Eve

So here's what I DON'T do:
I don't clean eat
I don't do low carb
I don't do shakes
I don't eat a salad every day with a dressing I hate
I don't stay within my calories... GASP!!!!!... however.. WHEN I do go over... it's not by much.
I DO NOT and WILL NOT set goals. At first I did set goals and would be depressed if I didn't meet them. So I figured, WHY?!
I DO NOT and WILL NOT limit the stuff I love to eat
I don't stress about the scale anymore... I used to... but I've learned that it took me 15 years to become 350lbs... it's not gonna come off in a week!!

Here's what I DO
I eat a regular balanced diet, lots of fruit and veggies, carbs and proteins and generally stay within my daily calories, sodium etc
I log nearly every day however, don't always log everything
I try to exercise regularly but that doesn't mean the gym. I started exercising by walking and timing myself how long it took me to walk a mile. When I first started, it took me nearly half an hour to power walk a mile. My knees are still bad so running is still out of the question, but I enjoy a good fast paced walk and look forward to it now!
I drink half my body weight in water... every day! Lots and LOTS AND LOTS of water!!
I weigh myself every morning but don't record it 'til Friday
I browse the success stories for motivation
I enjoy food as food was meant to be enjoyed... BUT within reason and correct portions
My wife and I share meals if and when we go out... portions at restaurants are out of control

Stuff I Wasn't Expecting
This is EASY!
Plateaus.... that is all.
My *kitten* hurts. All... the... time.... I didn't have much of one before... and now... I'm sitting on bone.
My wedding ring doesn't fit ANY of my fingers. My wife has since stopped wearing hers too.
In NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM am I an inspiration... and yet, people keep telling me I am. I've had people that I barely know come up to me at church and say, "I had to take a double take to see if that was really you... I have to know, what are you doing?!"

Couple guys I want to thank:
First and foremost my wife... without her love and support and her starting Curves, I wouldn't have felt like doing this.
Stingroo - Who suggested I download the app... he's down 200lbs
BillyBeastMode - We joined MFP almost exactly the same time and met up on the forums... dude's BADASS and one hell of a motivator!! - Down 150lbs
CyberEd312 - He may not know me... but I've read his thread so many times... THIS MAN is an inspiration!! - Down 300lbs!
...and ALL my other MFP's!!! You guys who cheer me on daily... THANK YOU!!


  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Congrats and good job! I agree with everything you say. I just wish someone told me years ago that I could lose weight and still have cake every now and then. I thought losing weight meant I had to deprive myself of everything I loved to eat. Once i learned otherwise...it was easy.

    Keep up the good work! :drinker:
  • wndrwmn86
    wndrwmn86 Posts: 507 Member
    Wow way to go!!! You and your wife both look incredible, congrats to both of you!
  • BL_Mark
    BL_Mark Posts: 183 Member
    Congrats and good job! I agree with everything you say. I just wish someone told me years ago that I could lose weight and still have cake every now and then. I thought losing weight meant I had to deprive myself of everything I loved to eat. Once i learned otherwise...it was easy.

    EXACTLY Lisa!!!
  • dzahner3
    dzahner3 Posts: 16 Member
    Great job man!!!!
  • Shipwrecker
    Shipwrecker Posts: 2 Member
    Amazing change! Thanks for sharing your story, very encouraging.
  • kmclamb13
    kmclamb13 Posts: 220 Member
    Good job .I'm sure it added some life with your kids which will make them happy.Way to go
  • Sonj1973
    Sonj1973 Posts: 188 Member
    You guys look awesome...I like you way of thinking and if it works then all the better! Well done your both an inspiration :)
  • jrussoalesi
    jrussoalesi Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story....You and your wife look like completely different people (happier and healthier versions of the old yous). Ii am sure people not only at church in every aspect of your life take double takes. Keep up the good work. And, for the record you are an inspiration.
  • BL_Mark
    BL_Mark Posts: 183 Member
    Good job .I'm sure it added some life with your kids which will make them happy.Way to go

    You're not kiddin' either!!
  • loconnor466
    loconnor466 Posts: 215 Member
    Congrats to you and your wife! You both look amazing!
    I love reading success stories like yours, there are a few other I have read recently with the same thinking, all food is not evil, you can do this as a lifestyle change, you can still have a beer or wine, you don't need to live off shakes or special K bars. This is very hopeful for people like me, starting out with 100 pounds to lose. Also, something that is good to keep me grounded, it took over 10 years for this weight to come on, I can not expect it to come off healthily in a month or 6 months or even a year!
  • juniorballyc
    juniorballyc Posts: 19 Member
    You are an inspiration! Thanks for sharing your story, can I send friend request please?
  • Nacho12
    Nacho12 Posts: 164 Member
    You look great! Congratulations! What a gift t give yourself and your family!
  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    Soooooooooooooooo awesome!!! You look great!! WTG!! Congrats to you!! And also Congrats to you wife for losing 60 lbs!!!!
  • tweetypixx
    tweetypixx Posts: 65 Member
    You really look fantastic, like a different person, well done and congrats to both you and your wife, you both look great. its lovely to read that you havent deprived yourself of everything you like and just eaten sensibly and still lost.
  • mtnrvn
    mtnrvn Posts: 6
    Mark: Thanks for your candid comments and tips. BIG HELP. More important, your success and story affirms that this can be done. Stay the course; I hope to be right behind you.
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
    I'm so happy that you are on my friend list!!
    You motivate me all the time! You and your wife look amazing!! Well done on your continued success!! :flowerforyou:
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Amazing job Mark! Glad I can count you as an MFP friend!
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Very cool story!!! Congrats on your and your wife's losses!!!
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