Shorties? 5'-?



  • @rosha--I loved NROLFW when I first started strength training. It's a great program! Really!! It's a book with workouts that you follow and it's broken into stages.
  • PJmetts
    PJmetts Posts: 210 Member
    5'1" 3/4!!
    SW 180
    CW 157
    GW 125 (MD's goal for me)

    It is a struggle, every single day for me and the older I get the harder. I know adding weights will help, just seem to keep getting off track. I would love some more support.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I'm 5'2, starting weight 162, current weight 151, goal weight 135
  • autumnwater
    autumnwater Posts: 449 Member
    The wonderful thing about giving yourself a goal is that if you attain it, you can always give yourself NEW or different goals! We are all "vertically challenged" but we are all have different body types, shapes, ages, and histories. What works for one may not for another. At just under 5'1" I know 135 doesn't work for me but experience tells me 115 does. I remember getting down to 104 and my mother hadn't seen me for a while... when she saw me at that weight she literally started to cry because she thought I must be sick! I was gaunt... sunken eyes and cheeks... I thought I looked great, but after her reaction I asked my friends and family what they thought and they all agreed I looked much too thin. Other shorties look awesome at that weight! It's an individual thing. You know what works for you. If you are aiming for 110 and find when you get there that you want to lose a little more, go for it, as long as it's being done in a healthy way!

    Wow. that's quite an intense story. Yes, I agree with you. Weight loss is very personal and there is no one-size-fits-all.
  • autumnwater
    autumnwater Posts: 449 Member
    I'm 5" 2.5'
    CW; 101
    GW: 95

    Add me if you're also around 5 foot 2.5'!
  • harpsbellavita
    harpsbellavita Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 5"2.5'
    My starting weight was 146, now my weight is around 125.
    (I haven't steped on the scale for over a month)

    I'm not so worried about losing weight anymore, I'm trying to gain muscle and tone.

    I'll send you a request :)
  • weightnomore33
    weightnomore33 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi there:smile:

    I am 5'3. Starting weight 149...current weight 140....goal 135 by Feb 4th, my 45th birthday. My heaviest weight has been 166 in 2009.
    Be sure to let us know how u are on Feb 4th. We can say WooHoo, Bump and Happy Birthday.
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    Wow--seeing some of these goals make me kind of sad.

    Lol. Me too! When I was 16 I was 125 pounds and I wasn't overweight as a teenager. I can't imagine going any lower than that for me personally.
  • SpecialKwest
    SpecialKwest Posts: 18 Member
    Hi guys! Add me if you want, I'd love to have friends with similar goals.

    Height: 5'
    Highest Weight: 148-150ish.
    Current Weight: 143
    Goal: 125-130.

    My lowest ever was 122, but it was not done in a healthy manner. At the time, my doctor said that's a good weight (as she didn't realize I got that small from hardly eating), so I'm going to go with that as a baseline. If I'm a little heavier, so be it. I'd rather have a higher scale number, but it from being muscle, rather than skinny with no tone.
  • tynishabeezfit
    tynishabeezfit Posts: 154 Member
    I laugh now because at 13 I was 4'11'(same as I am now) and only weighed like 86lbs. I was so effin skinny and it wasn't on purpose( I actually ate a lot). I had the hardest time finding things that would fit. I would never want to be back that small. It's seems like as soon as i started taking BC and got in a comfortable relationship(9 years now, Getting married 8-16-13)I started gaining. I have come to realize that I'm am not 13 anymore, I'm 26 and weight comes on a lot faster now. i agree some peoples goals on this site are a little wacky, but I hope everyone stays healthy. It still creeps me out though when a person at 5'4 has a goal weight of like 95lbs.....*sigh*....
  • bzrpz727
    bzrpz727 Posts: 24 Member
    5'3" 26 years old
    Highest weight was 195 lbs in 2010 and was down to 146 in 2011 (due to illness and lack of appetite more than anything)
    Starting again at 178 lbs (That's where I'm at right now since I've gained more than half the weight back from getting lazy, being on Birth Control, getting my appetite back, and being happy and comfortable in a relationship)
    Goal weight 130 lbs (hopefully before my wedding in October 2013)

    Feel free to add me! I'd love to stay motivated and encouraged by seeing others with similar goals keep motivated and encouraged! Everyone here has been such an inspiration to me!
  • corneredbycorn
    corneredbycorn Posts: 267 Member
    I'm 5 foot nothin' and 26 (almost 27) years old.

    HW: 160, pre-pregnancy

    CW: 130 (125 two weeks post partum)

    GW: 110

    I'd like to get down to 115 before we try to have our next child. I actually lost weight while pregnant with my first and that's kind of how I figured out what works for me (high fat, mid carb, mid protein, no alcohol, no mindless snacking, lots of different foods, but keep portion sizes in check). Unfortunately, since my daughter was born a year ago, I started drinking and snacking again and I've gained five pounds back. :(
  • Hi i'm 4'10 :)
  • Lillyloooo
    Lillyloooo Posts: 174 Member
    Goal weight 7st 10
  • Mellyajc
    Mellyajc Posts: 142 Member
    I'm your height (I usually claim 5'2 hah). Highest weight I think I breached 150 in high school, weight starting on MFP was 132. I'm now at 121.5 with a current goal of 118...and will see what happens when I get there. (Definitely looks like I have more than 3.5 pounds to lose, IMO). Add me if you like!
  • xomorganjc
    xomorganjc Posts: 106 Member
    Hi :)
    I am 5'2"

    SW - 210 lbs
    CW - 174 (gained a little back over the holidays, sadly)
    GW - 130

    Nice to meet you all, feel free to add me!
  • That's exactly how I was in high school! 5'2", 110 pounds, and thought I was fat even though I had a 6 pack! UGH!
    Now getting close to 150, and getting married to the guy who I've been with since I was that size!
  • Eve_e
    Eve_e Posts: 57
    I'm 5'1".
    CW/SW: (I just started!) 100
    GW: 92

    It's nice to meet everyone, please feel free to add me! I don't have friends on here yet(:
  • DriRose
    DriRose Posts: 28 Member
    Hey everyone! :)

    I'm 5'2 :)

    My starting weight was 160 my hs freshman year
    when I started MFP it was 135
    and now I'm around 128 and a freshman in college, wooo!
    Goal: 115 or gain muscle

    It seems like a lot of people on this thread have similar goals and starting weights so anyone can add me!

    When I lost weight it took alonnnng time and I have a lot of stretch marks and gross flabby areas so I'm focusing on loosing that last bit and toning up. I am pretty big boned because even though I have a pretty good size gut going on, my hip bones are super prominent, same with other areas of my body. My half-sister weighs 135, same height, and can fit into size 5 pants whereas I snuggly fit into a 9. So I can definitely say the everyone is completely different and bone structure does have an effect on how you look and what you can wear. Its not a bad thing though, its just how you were made :)

    Good luck and congrats to everyone on here <3

    Good luck to everyone!