Do you have any health problems associated with your weight?



  • lew0017
    lew0017 Posts: 127 Member
    I have a hypothyroid problem which I am having some difficulty regulating at this time.
  • Ramen237
    Ramen237 Posts: 264 Member
    I have had lower back pain since late childhood, and I am also flatfooted (I wear orthopedic inserts to correct it). So my back tends to be out of proper alignment from time to time, and I have to keep up with strengthening and stretching it. My mom also has back problems, but she had had a pretty terrible hernia many years back, and has come back from that. I've noticed that as soon as I gain 5-10 pounds, my back pain and tightness gets much worse, to the point of waking up in pain and not being able to fall asleep at night because whatever pose I take, my lower back hurts... Also, I often get joint pain, which is also exacerbated by having excess weight.

    What I used to do to motivate myself to lose weight is go to a grocery store, and pick up a watermelon or a gallon of water, etc. and say to myself: think of having to carry this around all day with you. That's what excess weight is! It's like you're carrying around a heavy object that you can't put down for even a second.
  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    No, but a recent health scare is motivating me to get healthier. Two months ago, I was rushed to the emergency room for diabetic ketoacidosis and was diagnosed as a type 1 diabetic. Ironically, I was concerned about getting type 2 diabetes at my highest weight and didn't think anything about my sudden extreme weight loss, increased thirst, and increased urination.

    I had bloodwork done a month ago, and my cholesterol levels are slightly out-of-range for a diabetic (but considered normal for a nondiabetic). I also learned that being at a lower weight might help with controlling my levels and increase my insulin sensitivity.

    My goals are to get back into a healthy weight (about 150 pounds) by graduation (late May) and around 135 by the end of the year.
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member 360 I have experienced everything.
    Diabetes, Pancreantitis, HBP, Sleep Apnea...
    Most of it is gone now but my blood sugar levels are still irregular.
  • DeliriumCanBeFun
    DeliriumCanBeFun Posts: 313 Member
    Since being underweight, my back pain has gotten worse along with overall joint and body pain. I was recently diagnosed with scoliosis which I do think plays a part in my back pain but my low weight certainly doesn't help. I'm hoping that by gaining weight, my symptoms will subside or be easier to manage than they are at the moment.

    I was also diagnosed with scoliosis as an adult, and I have 2 pretty severe curves. For me, keeping my weight at a good level is very important too. If I am heavier, I feel much worse. I've never had a problem of being underweight. But what I find most crucial is maintaining stronger muscles. Without that, I am very prone to pulling muscles in my back if i lift something improperly or carry something heavy, especially if it is uncentered. I'll never risk the type of heavy lifting that so many people advocate, but there are many excercises that can keep your muscles toned and healthy so they can take the strain off of your back. And I can't say enough for comfortable sleeping arrangements for anyone with any kind of health problems. If you're not sleeping well, your health will suffer...bottom line.
  • GradatimFerociter
    GradatimFerociter Posts: 296 Member
    Nothing specific that I know of, but probably something.
  • branbury
    branbury Posts: 43 Member
    Yup! Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD, "emerging epidemic") See

    Two years ago I had been having some of the symptoms. Last January I began MFP. Lost 17 pounds last year and reached my goal. Symptoms are all but gone. I care more about not having a fatty liver, with all the problems that creates (inflammation, especially) -- than I do about how much I weigh.

    This year I plan on losing another 10. And I am excited.
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    Unfortunately yes. At my highest weight, my blood pressure was creeping up, and I had a lot of the classic symptoms of Type II diabetes. I wasn't diagnosed with diabetes though, and I think it's just because I avoided the doctor. I'm pre-diabetic now, and my blood pressure is lower than average.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Nope. Pretty healthy for my size. Occasional foot pains and abnormal menstraul cycle that's about it. But that could be towards stress since they couldn't find any reason medically for that including PCOS. But being overweight can mess that up too, so its hard to say if its stress, weight, or even both.
  • BrittneyJ2006
    BrittneyJ2006 Posts: 70 Member
    Yes, I have Sleep Apnea which has improved with my weight loss, not enough yet to stop using the C-PAP machine but improving, I also have lung and heart issues, that were made much worse with being heavier, but they have improved greatly over the year as I get healthier. I've been taken off of almost half my prescriptions and the ones that I will probably always remain on have been cut in half. My resting heart rate before I started was on average 140-150 .. now its 60-70.

    So you can improve your health. I'm hoping this year to give up the c-pap machine, and continue improving my overall health

    Congrats on being able to get off half your meds! Wish you the best in your journey.
  • JaniePapageorgio
    JaniePapageorgio Posts: 142 Member
    Most of my problems are not caused by excess weight, but definitely exacerbated. The only one that I notice going completely away at a healthy weight are attacks of hypoglycemia... I was diagnosed around the time I started packing on the weight pretty heavy again, and I don't get the shakes even on mini-fast (5:2) days.

    Seems like there are a lot of people on here with some kind of back issue; my spine is fused from dangerous scoliosis and hyperkyphosis curves so my back has issues when I'm inactive. My asthma, sleep apnea, and axiety/ OCD (which is usually mild and doesn't affect my daily life too much) all seem to be compounded.
  • MzzFaith
    MzzFaith Posts: 337 Member
    Yes, sleep apnea, obesity.
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    Type 2 diabetes, and my blood pressure was beginning to creep up. From a heart risk standpoint they treat Type 2 diabetics as if you have already had a heart attack. So I'm sure I wasn't far from meds for that too.

    Due to a variety of injuries in my youth I also have bad knees and ankles. The extra weight certainly doesn't help either of those.

    With the weight I've lost I've reduced my type 2 meds. Hopefully I can continue to go down, or even off as more weight comes off. Also my BP is well into the normal range, and my resting heart rate has even dropped.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
  • svsl0928
    svsl0928 Posts: 205 Member
    Yes, high blood pressure. It has gotten better since I have lost some. My goal is no Meds.
  • Tig_
    Tig_ Posts: 32
    I have a lot of back pain lately which I think is being exacerbated by my weight. Also, potentially fertility issues - not a 100% sure though.
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    Not anything caused by my weight, but I have asthma and Plantar Fasciitis (the tendon that runs the length of the foot -the Plantar Fascii- gets inflamed and swollen. It hurts, especially when I first get out of bed in the morning!). . .both of these can be exacerbated by obesity. My asthma is mild and really only bothers me when I have a bad cold or I'm running. I haven't noticed a difference with that regardless of weight. The Plantar Fasciitis only started bothering me about 3 years ago after I gained a lot of weight. I also started working on my feet a lot more. I don't know if it's the excess weight, time spent on feet or both that cause the pain. If it stops after I lose more weight, I'm sure I can guess. When I was diagnosed with Plantar Fasciitis, my doctor suggested losing 20 pounds. I thought I had to be a whole lot bigger for a doctor to mention my weight and it made me start seriously considering weight loss.
  • snowbear1005
    snowbear1005 Posts: 79 Member
    My problems (lupus, gastroparesis, two lower back surgeries) were not caused by being overweight, but are certainly made worse by it. The lupus took 5 years to diagnosis and 2 years to get under control. I'm still not in remission, but close to it and feeling well enough to work out again.

    I feel so much better when I exercise! As odd as it may seem, my knees feel better running than they do walking. So I started running more. After an hour long weight training session, my wrists felt good enough to do a plank without pain. My GI tract has better motility and less cramping. I sleep better.

    I don't expect a miracle cure, but for the first time in a long time, I'm looking forward to having a normal, active life again.
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    High blood pressure. Severe osteoarthritis. It has been my goal for some time to get off of or at least lower the dosage of the BP meds, however, there is also a genetic component and weight loss may not be enough. The OA is not entirely due to being overweight for so long but it sure as heck can't have helped.
  • Yes, way too many issues. That's why I'm on here. I need, support,encouragement. I plan on being successful this year in getting off some of this weight. I was miserable healthwise this past year and I've finally faced the fact that it's all up to me on whether I'll spend another year that miserable. I don't so I'm putting my all into this. I have 2 wonderful little grandchildren I want to share my life with and not just watching them. 55 is way too young to just give in and give up.