What do you eat for breakfast?



  • MsTT80
    MsTT80 Posts: 59 Member
    Lately I have been having 2 slices of toast with butter and a low cal hot chocolate. A weekend fav is a slice of toast and a scrambled egg made with skimmed milk.
  • Rossergirl
    Rossergirl Posts: 105 Member
    This morning I had a berry smoothie. 1/2 c blueberries; 1/2 c raspberries; 1/2 banana; 3/4 c of unsweetened almond milk YUMMY!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I've been eating leftovers for breakfast.


    I also make 12 or more eggs at a time.

    I also pre-cut all my veggies. So it takes less than 5 minutes to sautee veggies in stored bacon grease- then make scrambled eggs with veggies- like an omlette but not.

    easy way to start the day- but they can be made previously and eaten whenever

    Canned soup is easy.
    Chili is delicious for breakfast.
    Oats- make a big batch- throw fruit on top- and go.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    On Sundays, I cook up sausages or burgers (either store bought or homemade with ground meat and flavorings)
    And I fry two eggs or scramble two eggs. I undercook the eggs since I re-heat everything in the microwave at work.

    emilybites.com has this hasbrown/sausage/cheese muffin that is delish.

    Could do frittatas and fruit.
    Leftovers from dinner (ate sushi at 10am for breakfast one day)

    Greek yogurt, some granola, and fruit - go for the 2% so it helps with satiety.

    Do you make them with or without the potatoes? I'm intrigued.

    I do it with the potatoes because yum.
    But it'd work without, it'd just be a frittata in muffin form
  • xkimberlee007
    xkimberlee007 Posts: 44 Member
    Coffee and a toasted sandwich thin with a light laughing cow cheese wedge.(I'm not really hungry in the morning)
  • awesome! Writing a lot of this down.

    And those that keep suggesting I can make something in the morning that is "quick" and "only takes 10 minutes" - I'm not saying I can't make anything in the morning because I'm being lazy. Most days I leave at 5am to go to the gym and then shower there and go straight to work. I make everything the night before. I also try not to rummage around and wake everyone up :)
  • Cammy_girl
    Cammy_girl Posts: 115 Member
    I usually have a smoothie, sometimes green. If i have portions already cut up in fridge/freezer, it takes only a couple of minutes to make and is easy to have on the go.

    Eg. this morning I had - 1 frozen banana, 1 cup spinach(bought fresh and frozen in portions), tsp peanut butter, tsp cocoa and 1 cup water(milk would be yum too, but had no skim left).

    A good one if you like coffee - cup milk, tsp(or to taste) cocoa, tsp(or to taste) instant coffee, frozen banana.

    Green smoothie basic recipe - 1 cup greens (spinach/kate etc) 1 cup liquid(water/coconut milk or water/ almond milk/milk etc) and 1 1/2 cups fruit. Combine greens and liquid first to prevent chunks

    For any kind of smoothie, you can either make the night before and keep in a airtight container in fridge or make days in advance and freeze - then put in fridge early evening to defrost (this would work well for you as it would defrost further, but still stay cold while you are at the gym.)

    Edited to remove blending in morning- probably a little loud at 5am lol
  • Chrelaine
    Chrelaine Posts: 5 Member
    I plan to make some crustless quiche. Vegetables, ham, eggs and cheese in mini muffin tins. You can make them ahead and freeze in breakfast portions. Then, just thaw the night before and microwave for a few seconds to rewarm at work. I will probably bring a clementine or banana to go with it.
  • veggiebuckeye
    veggiebuckeye Posts: 115 Member
    Every morning I eat a PB2 oatmeal mix that includes almond milk.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,519 Member
    -Peanut butter sandwich or turkey sandwich
    -Greek yogurt
    -Cottage cheese
    -Almonds or Walnuts
    -Homemade trail mix (raisins, seeds (like pumpkin or sunflower), and nuts)
    -Protein shake or bar
  • French toast. 1 slice of bread 35 calories, egg beaters 3tbl spoons 25 calories, 1/8 cup of light syrup 10 calories, cinnamon and some vanilla = 70 calories then what ever fruit I have on hand sliced on top of French toast yummy
  • Manda_1986
    Manda_1986 Posts: 42 Member
    I pretty much just rotate around these:

    130g baked beans (108 cal) with 40g cottage cheese (36 cal) and 1/4 cup spinach (2 cal) on 2 pieces of toast (180 cal): 326 calories
    1 poached egg/soft boiled egg (90 cal), 40g avocado (68 cal) and 100g tomato (18 cal) on 1 piece of toast (90 cal): 266 calories
    70 g red apple(51 cal) and 70g rolled oats (271 cal) pinch of cinnamon (2 cal) (porridge): 324 calories
    60g strawberries (19 cal), small sprinkle of cocoa (10 cal) and 40g cottage cheese (68 cal) on 2 pieces of toast (180): 277 calories
    banana, berries, yogurt, LSA and oats in a smoothie (dont have the values on this one)
    100g smoked salmon (104 cal), 50g tomato (9 cal), 1/4 cup spinach (2 cal) and 40g cottage cheese (68 cal) on 2 pieces of toast (180 cal): 363 calories (as you can tell I like cottage cheese lol)

    Of course if you eat smaller bread/lower calorie bread these recipes would drop in calories quite a lot. But here in Australia I haven't found any low calorie bread. But I find those values fit in with my calorie goals anyway.

    Thats all I can think of at the moment :) On a weekend I usually make myself a big breakfast (1 egg, fat trimmed bacon, grilled tomato and mushrooms, spinach, baked beans and a piece of toast) or a 1 egg & 2 egg white omelette with lots of healthy goodies cooked in the middle :)
  • Sounds yummy, do you have recipe with nutrition value?
  • TheMom52
    TheMom52 Posts: 1 Member
    You can always put something in a wheat tortilla and make a burrito
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 633 Member
    I almost always have whole grain toast with peanut butter, a fruit of some type and water....morning snack is another fruit or second piece of toast, sometimes oatmeal.
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    I normally just have a granola bar. Sometimes a muffin, but can't have those everyday.
  • KayNowayJose
    KayNowayJose Posts: 138 Member
    Working days:
    Any random mix of 2 or more of the following:
    - 1-2 oz Greek Yogurt with Australian Grown Chia Seeds, with either fruit/or tomatoes.
    - String cheese
    - Handful of Almonds
    - Boiled egg
    - 2 glasses of water, with lemon juice

    Days off:
    A meal similar to:
    -Boiled egg
    -Bacon, with Australian grown chia seeds sprinkled on top
    -Tomato or fruit
    -Spinach/or Veggie


    -Smoothie (Greek Yogurt, Chia seeds, fruit, lemon juice, unsweetened shredded coconut, ice, spinach, dark chocolate, chocolate redi whip)
    -And bacon
  • usually egg whites with peppers or 1 hard boiled egg on toast with butter ;) ( I love butter...I have to get it in sometimes!! lol ) Sometimes I do a smoothie.
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    I also haven't had time in the mornings to cook breakfast...usual meals for me:

    2 hardboiled eggs, half an avocado, smoked salmon

    Green protein smoothie (I make these in advance and freeze, they just thaw while I'm working out): 2 frozen bananas, 1 scoop vanilla protein, 1 tbs almond butter, almond milk, coconut oil.

    If I'm really pressed for time I'll grab a tub a greek yogurt and throw bananas, berries, honey and almond butter to go
  • JECole2013
    JECole2013 Posts: 65 Member
    Protein shake made with two scoops of vanilla protein and vitamin powder, 1/2 cup of frozen strawberries, 1/2 cup of blueberries, 1/2 cup of frozen spinach, baby organic banana yogurt, all blended together in a Nutrabullet This makes a great breakfast with lots of nutrients and protein.