What have you changed

Just curious what the biggest change you've made to your lifestyle is since you starting using mfp. With all the crazy articles and pictures out their about "Dieting" successes and failures and knowing that its about the permanent changes just thought it would be interesting too see what everyone thought their biggest lifestyle change was.

Mine: buffets

I used to get excited to go to buffets and eat until I felt sick, but now I feel like it is a waste of money and feel really judgmental about the other people that are there.


  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    I eliminated grains and reduced my carbs, while increasing fat percentage in my diet to 70%. As a result, I am consistently losing weight every week, my asthma is gone, I sleep better, skin cleared up, I'm not hungry all day anymore, and I don't get the afternoon sleepiness. Also, I noticed my food bill has gone down. I also get to eat all those wonderful foods I used to deprive myself from eating, like whipped cream, bacon, fatty ribeye steak, things fried in butter, full fat cheese, etc.
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    Granted I'm very new here but the change that makes the most difference to me is my mindset.
  • stephierue
    stephierue Posts: 110 Member
    The little tastes of this & that. Portion sizes. I've always ate healthy but it's amazing how much the little bits add up to!
  • FatSLPSally
    Mine are definitely portion size and mindless snacking. I've always eaten (relatively) healthy. I knew before I started this back up again that I had let my health go. I wasn't eating the way I normally have in the past 10 years, but it was easier and I didn't care. Also, if I felt hungry at all, I ate something.

    Now I've gotten rid of everything I eat because it's easy and not so healthy. I also measure out my portions. Sometimes I thought I could eye ball it because I've done this before. Nope!
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member

    I used to get excited to go to buffets and eat until I felt sick, but now I feel like it is a waste of money and feel really judgmental about the other people that are there.

    First off, not everyone who goes to a buffet goes to gorge themselves sick. Some people just like the variety. And even if they do gorge themselves, really who are you to judge? That was you not long ago.

    Anyway, on topic...being more aware of portion sizes, and working out regularly.
  • HoneyLipz
    Eating out at fast foods- I cooked homemade foods often. Eating at buffets- If I do I feel up on huge salad and if hungry later then other food but never go to the desert table more than one time. I will only limit 2 items there. I dont drink soft drinks as often maybe once a week- I much prefer iced tea. I check the label if it says High Frutose in it- I dont get it. I am starting to do more fruits then snacking on junk food. Popcorn instead of chips. I have changed alot in my diet... But in time it will be worth it. :wink:
  • Celestestarbaby
    The biggest changes have been like Diet 101 stuff that you just get use too:

    -No fast foods
    -More water
    -I don't buy chips or cookies or much of anything processed...except popcorn :blushing:
    -More smoothies and spinach.
    -I think about working out at least once a day, in a healthy "form a decision if I can today" way

    And mentally I just started telling myself, "I'm beautiful, but my worth as a person isn't based on that" and I think that helped a lot with many aspects of my life.
  • csk0018
    csk0018 Posts: 219 Member
    My biggest changes I made were cutting out sodas and processed foods. So pretty much just drinking water, making more meals at home with fresh meats, veggies and whole grains and finally, only eating out on the weekends.
  • baileyang33
    baileyang33 Posts: 131 Member
    Eating everything in moderation & as silly as it sounds taking 20 minutes to eat a meal. Most the time I don't finish the serving size I have, instead of killing it & getting 2nds.
  • Pixt
    Pixt Posts: 95 Member
    I've not had pringles. Because I didn't want to have to log pringles.
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    Portion control. I still eat all the same things. I just pay more attention to how much of them I'm having.
  • xkimberlee007
    xkimberlee007 Posts: 44 Member
    I stopped drinking beer/ alcohol.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    My goal started out to be weight loss. Then it changed to be improved body composition. It sort of came about by accident - I thought I was eating at a deficit, but I wasn't, and gained weight. Except it was muscle and I actually look leaner than ever! I am not tied to the scale anymore. The number it gives me is just one of many that help me keep tabs on my progress. My biggest change has been that I have started being active again for the first time in 10 years. I recently got a FitBit Flex and am having a blast with it. It makes me want to get out there and move, so I get to eat even more! Also I get WAY more protein than I ever have in my life. Before MFP I had no idea how low my protein intake was, and what a benefit raising it was going to be.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Just curious what the biggest change you've made to your lifestyle is since you starting using mfp. With all the crazy articles and pictures out their about "Dieting" successes and failures and knowing that its about the permanent changes just thought it would be interesting too see what everyone thought their biggest lifestyle change was.

    Mine: buffets

    I used to get excited to go to buffets and eat until I felt sick, but now I feel like it is a waste of money and feel really judgmental about the other people that are there.

  • Codilee87
    Codilee87 Posts: 509 Member
    My biggest change has probably been how often I eat. I now refuse to skip meals, particularly breakfast, and I eat regular healthy snacks. I feel like I'm always eating actually. And yet I've lost 11lbs in 2 weeks, so I guess I'm doing something right! :drinker: :smile:
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Love the Dowager!!!
  • twhaley1990
    twhaley1990 Posts: 140 Member
    Portion size! I actually measure serving sizes. Also my cheese, salt, and sugar intake (I always go over on sugar, but it was EXTREMELY ugly when I first started, which isn't good because diabetes runs in my family). And more often now I'll go for organic and natural over low fat. Just how much organic and all natural foods I eat in general. I go for fruit or organic corn tortilla chips and salsa or pico de gallo instead of potato chips and 100 calorie packs. I switched to soy and almond milk as well because I don't like milk anyway, so why not switch to a low calorie version that won't upset my stomach? And I eat mostly whole wheat.

    Okay, so my entire outlook on food haha.
  • mewiest
    mewiest Posts: 24 Member
    Granted I'm very new here but the change that makes the most difference to me is my mindset.

    I totally agree! I posted yesterday somewhere that it is like a switch in my head that needs to be flipped....once it is on, there is no stopping me. I want to weld it in place so it cannot flip back this time! lol

  • JazmineYoli
    JazmineYoli Posts: 547 Member
    Portion size, and I cook a lot more. I like my own food better anyway and I know what goes into it. Other than that I haven't changed much.
  • jweindruch
    jweindruch Posts: 65 Member
    Once I started counting calories I became super aware. Now I don't cook with olive oil anymore. I've found that by starting each dish with garlic and onion their natural oils are enough. I was just using oil because that's what I've always done but you really don't need it. And at 120 calories a tablespoon that's a big savings. When I started MFP in Nov 13 I wasn't eating meat often, but once I started counting calories I pretty much don't eat meat or dairy anymore. Moreover, on my shoestring calorie budget I find myself eating more vegetables because they satisfy me.