I had this whole plan to get healthy and fit in the new year, and then I got a horrible ear infection, I'm only just able to start with the whole healthy diet and exercising properly now but i've lost motivation since the whole new year resolution feeling has passed :s


  • angie235235
    When I need motivation I go and try on clothes and decide which ones I would buy if I lost a few pounds works for me
  • sahill314
    sahill314 Posts: 71 Member
    let me help you add me sahill314
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I had this whole plan to get healthy and fit in the new year, and then I got a horrible ear infection, I'm only just able to start with the whole healthy diet and exercising properly now but i've lost motivation since the whole new year resolution feeling has passed :s

    so you dont want to be healthy any more because its not 1st January?
  • Promise21
    Promise21 Posts: 10 Member
    Don't try to be overly hard with yourself. Life happens, sickness, loss of motivation etc. Focus on one thing in the day. Drink more water, eat less salt on your food, whatever. It is all working toward your goal of being more healthy. But don't lose hope in yourself, or beat yourself up about losing motivation. Keep it small and simple, and when the the bumps come just ride it out the best YOU CAN, not what others do,.

    Stay encouraged:smile:
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Here's the thing:

    You can't really depend on feeling motivated all of the time. Because you won't. The real trick is dong no matter HOW you feel: tired, grumpy, lazy, etc.
  • AngieD2203
    AngieD2203 Posts: 53 Member
    We are still very early in January, so I wouldn't worry about how early you start your New Years resolution. Just think what it is that made you make your New Years resolution in the first place, so don't be hard on yourself, ITS STILL THE NEW YEAR!!
    I'm a Monday girl, I can't start anything on any other day, (all in my head I know) but this time I started yesterday, a Tuesday, go me!!!
    Start with something fairly easy, put some tunes on, wrap up warm and head out for a walk......first step so to speak, and pick it up from there.
    Once you feel the buzz of achievement you'll want to keep going.
    You can do this!!!
  • IdsFknTaken
    Here's the thing:

    You can't really depend on feeling motivated all of the time. Because you won't. The real trick is dong no matter HOW you feel: tired, grumpy, lazy, etc.

    Agreed. You need commitment, not motivation. Your new year's resolution motivated you, but clearly you weren't committed to the idea.

    The day of the year has no bearing on how much your life will improve from getting into shape.
  • shippoaven
    You got this keep your mind on the rewards of living healthy and exercising regularly, which we all know is being happy with yourself, feeling great and hot.
  • Kayzia_M
    Kayzia_M Posts: 97 Member
    hey, don't get down on yourself. today is only the 8th day of January, its still early. i think you should spend a little time figuring out if you REALLY want to do this, if yes, then the day, time or year wont matter anymore.:smile:
  • aka_Kamalevantis
    The 1st of January was only a week ago, you still have time to start over, a new year resolution isn't dead so long as you start it a.s.a.p.... Also don't rely on motivation to get you to the healthy weight/size you want to be at; motivation is a bit like adrenaline, it will get you going, but it can soon run out, what keeps you going (beyond the motivation/adrenaline rush) is a desire to get to the finish line.... You need to WANT to do this. Set yourself mini goals (mine are to get a tattoo every time I have lost 14lb, so far I've earned 8 tattoos & am only 2.5lb away from my next tattoo goal) work out your final target, but don't focus solely on it, your mini goals should be your primary focus (the final goal could be too far away & you may get lost along the way) but mini goals will eventually bring you to your final target.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like.

  • aka_Kamalevantis
    Please don't give up xXx
  • girlsjustwanna13
    girlsjustwanna13 Posts: 20 Member
    Take a look at some recent photos - it worked for me, started January 6th!
    REDMANIV Posts: 348 Member
    It sounds as though your ear infection is on the mend and that you are feeling better physically so good good good! Now to the mental side of it........honestly anything we ever do has a beginning.......a starting for myself the motivation sometimes burns like a bright fire......other times it is very distant and not there at all it seems. I am currently battling back myself....I suffered another injury due to over training and got really down on myself for allowing this to happen I decided for once to cut myself some slack and to ease back into this healthier living concept. You have received a lot of good advice already so I will just leave you with this...........if you were to observe an ant would see that these tiny little ants are able to move and shift great mounds of little grain at a I propose that you enter "ant mode" look at the mountain or mole hill that you are attempting to move and just start moving towards your goal to a healthier you one little grain at a time. Good on you for setting this goal for yourself in the first place.......I do sincerely wish you the very best!