"the pill"



  • alanacara
    alanacara Posts: 10
    Birth control pills are horrible for causing weight gain, usually water retention.

    If any of you are lookin in to other options...I am on Yasmin for PCOD and of course it's normal use....and I haven't had the weight gain issue and am able to lose weight. Not sure if that's cause it's me but it may be worth a shot for those wanting to be on the pill. They also just came out with a generic version so it doesn't kill your wallet.

    I too am on Yasmine (after trying literally 5 other brands) and it is the ONLY pill that I have been on without major side effects. I actually love it and would never go off...until its time for babies of course.
  • LML79
    LML79 Posts: 697
    Wow! i thought I would get a couple of responses but had no idea that I would get so many in such a short period of time (no pun intended). As one response said there are worse things than having kids which is so completely true. I love my two little pumpkins but my they are only 20 months apart and so I would like a little more time between if I am blessed to have another one. And for those of you who have even less time between children, God bless you.

    There was another good point brought up. If there are this many side effects for so many women, then why are we doing it??? I guess I will do some research and see just what all of the options are and what they may do to my body. I might have to keep better track of those few "risky" days and make my husband use the rubber. After all the whole reason I love this website is because it is helping me put my health at the top of the list and I don't want birth control to get in the way if it doesn't have to.

    Yeah I agree with you.. there are other ways of BC and protecting yourself than taking pills....the side effects of the pills for some people, including me, just aren't worth the aggravation! Good luck on whatever you decide to do :)
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    I am not sure that I subscribe to the weight gain side effect from the pill...the very first I went on the pill years and years ago, I did gain weight, but I lost it as well while I was on the same pill. This was the Ortho Tri-Cyclen (sp?) which I am currently using now (I have used several versions). I do not have the weight gain...I have actually lost weight, but I attribute that to diet and exercise.

    I do have water weight gain, but that is only around that time of the month or if I have eaten out (restaurant food is so salty) or when I dramatically increase my water intake. Have you increased your water intake and/or eaten salty food? (Sometimes we don't realize how much our salt intake really is)

    Good Luck,
  • snow7kids
    snow7kids Posts: 25
    I have taken BC pills before..otherwise I'd probably be Snow20kids or something like that. I took what was called the "mini pill" or mostly progesterone...No side effects at all. The one BC I took that I really hated was the depo provera shot...talk about side effects!! I only did 1 shot and it took my body 9 months to recover. Everyone's body reacts differently. Oh and in regard to the statement of there are worse things than having kids....don't get me wrong, babies are adorable and kids are cute but it just takes one mean teenager to challenge that statement.:wink:
  • michaelhe
    michaelhe Posts: 81 Member

    If you're just considering the pill to avoid getting pregnant you may want to look in to Fertility Awareness (FA). FA is extremely effective and has no ill side effects. FA is about knowing your body and your natural fertility cycle.

    More info: