Breakfast: Quick & Yummy???

OK, so am into day 3 of my Food Diary. My usual breakfast of toasted muesli, almonds, LF yoghurt & almond milk is a def 'No-no', as was accounting for well-over 1/3 of my daily ration.
What can anyone suggest that will be filling, quick & yummy. I would rather have 'extra' exercise time before work rather than spending time preparing breakfast.
Any suggestions helpful.
TIA :-)


  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    On non work days I have instant porridge or weetabix with raisins, nuts and banana. Or Toast with peanut butter and banana. On work days I take it with me. Today (at work) I have an apple, a banana and a cereal bar.

    You could prepare the night before?
  • Spreyton22K
    Spreyton22K Posts: 323 Member
    Berry smoothie - equal part berries, yoghurt, milk of choice, water (so it's not too thick) bit of ice if desired - blend.

    Scrambled eggs - 2 full eggs, cheese, dash of milk and parsley/dill or fav additives.

    Fruit salad bowl - topped with yoghurt and cinnamon.

    Homemade baked beans - tin of preferred beans (hubby like cannellini, but there's butter beans, red beans etc). with diced up brown onion and a tin of diced tomatoes. Much lower calories and lower sodium than bought baked beans and depending on appetite there may be enough for 2 breakies.

    Eggs again - cooked to your preference with some bacon (maybe a bit high with the calories) but if you are in America I often see Turkey bacon touted as a good alternative.

    Leftovers from dinner - reheat and serve.

    Hope this gives you some ideas.

  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    One of my favorite quick, light things to eat is simply a couple pieces of string cheese and a carton of low fat yogurt. Add a hard-boiled egg if it's not enough. Filling, lots of protein, sticks with you.
  • Khatastrophic
    Khatastrophic Posts: 81 Member
    My favorite quick breakfast is a half a cup of oatmeal with a scoop of banana protein powder mixed into it.. Takes about two minutes and keeps me full most of the day
  • BayBom
    BayBom Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the ideas - which LF yoghurt do you use Jennifer? My one is waaayyyy high in sugar!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Thanks for the ideas - which LF yoghurt do you use Jennifer? My one is waaayyyy high in sugar!

    Eh, I'm not really bothered by the sugar...I like Yoplait Greek yogurt.
  • JiggleWhenIWalk
    JiggleWhenIWalk Posts: 9 Member
    Hard boiled egg ( i make 6 or so at a time to eat through the week),2 slices turkey bacon( microwaved) and a piece of fruit.
    The fruit I usually take on the road with me. Quick and yummy for me anyhow.