how much do I look like I weigh?



  • iavue
    iavue Posts: 63
    I thought 120 by the photo and height. WOW! You look amazing, btw. :happy:

    thanks! I only wonder what I would look like at 120. Well my profile picture is what I looked like at 120 and 13 yrs ago. Plus you can't tell since I am sitting down.

    If anything I would like to lose maybe just 20lbs and would be ok.
  • iavue
    iavue Posts: 63
    Is there something wrong with your scale? I'm not sure you'd be healthy after losing 50 pounds (or even alive!)

    I weight pretty much the same on all scales, give or take a few. This is why I would like to know what I would look like at the weight of 120.

    I am not trying to offend anyone, and I really do need to lose the weight. Many people tell me I look a lot less than I weigh but the battle is still between me and what I see on the scale. I am confused...

    I'm not offended, just concerned. If you do weigh the same on most scales, then I guess it's not just the scale. I thought you looked fantastic, but if you feel you need to lose weight, or if you're not at a healthy weight (which I absolutely cannot imagine, seriously, I want to look like that) then you should do what makes you happy. Just don't make yourself unhealthy doing it.

    Trust me...the way I am doing it now is way more healthy than what I use to do as a teenager. If you saw my profile story you will see that I use to have eating disorder issues. Now I have a child to think about want to set a good example of being healthy. My body fat is still much too fat for my height, this is why I need to reduce my weight.
  • iavue
    iavue Posts: 63
    Wow! You look much thinner than what your weight sig is showing! I would've guessed around 130, if that!

    People don't really believe I weigh what I do when I tell them either so I've just stopped telling people. lol! I look healthy around 135/140. I think, with my boobs, I'd probably fall over if I were less. haha!

    Well I do have boobies and booty at account for. My hardest area of fat lose is my belly area.
  • TheNewJessieMae
    I don't care about the number. You look amazing!!!
  • iavue
    iavue Posts: 63
    I have that same problem. I now weigh 150.4 and I am 5'6" tall. I have reduced my weight by nearly 50 lbs, but my body fat is still at 32% and I still have a issues around my abdomen. My hips measure 40" and waist 30." So, my goal is 130. but I am constantly being told that I have reduced enough and do not need to reduce my weight any further. Of course, almost no one can believe that I had been all the way up to and Probably past 200 lbs either. So, I can't gauge my weight based on what others say. I mean it is flattering and all of that, but the reality is that my body fat is a true indicator of how healthy I am and it indicates that I still have a ways to go.

    So, recommend you have your body fat calculated and then go from there.


    I'd be happy to get to 150, lightest I have been was 147, three years ago. I have probably have the same about of body percentage too. I think it was between 30-32% last I checked.
  • iavue
    iavue Posts: 63
    I don't care about the number. You look amazing!!!

    thank you but I need to get my body fat % down...and I need to be in a healthy weight range to try and conceive again. Also I am considered overweight.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I would have said 120lbs then, if you are 5'3" tall. You must be very toned, because you look very slim, WTG!
  • iavue
    iavue Posts: 63
    I would have said 120lbs then, if you are 5'3" tall. You must be very toned, because you look very slim, WTG!

    well the only toned thing I can account for are my legs because I do a lot of running. Other than that I need to work on my belly and arms a lot.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I think you look great :)...I would guess 120-125 .. Most people dont believe me when I tell them how much I weigh I guess we are lucky to carry it well.
    I had just started loosing weight when I got pregnant with my second one, we weren't really trying I was trying to lose weight before it happened but since we weren't really preventing either we got blessed :)...the doctor just told me since my weight was so high to start with he didn't want me gaining more than 20 pounds (i only gained 22 with her). Good luck :)
  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member
    how much do I look like I weigh?

    I'm going with 120lbs and to your next question: No, I don't think you have a big butt.
  • louloup
    louloup Posts: 87 Member
    I would say a toned 130 lbs.
