Anti-depressants and weight loss?



  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Getting off all my meds has been the best thing ever.

    I highly recommend if you CAN, please do.

    Big Pharma NEEDS you on them; YOU need to be off them asap.

    Best of luck in your endeavor.

    Please reference all previous posts as to why you as the poster, know nothing about anyone else's health conditions, and should never advise anyone else to stop medications. "Big Pharma". Please.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Weight loss and exercise are anti depressants! Get off the pills.

    You are going to get yourself reported for giving dangerous information.

    OP - Log your calories faithfully and maintain a reasonable deficit and you will lose weight. The medication likely increases your appetite, and that is why you have gained. Make sure you get plenty of protein and healthy fat to help you with hunger. A good macro breakdown would be 40/30/30.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Getting off all my meds has been the best thing ever.

    I highly recommend if you CAN, please do.

    Big Pharma NEEDS you on them; YOU need to be off them asap.

    Best of luck in your endeavor.

    Baloney. :noway:
  • mominstands
    mominstands Posts: 83 Member
  • mominstands
    mominstands Posts: 83 Member
    I am on 20mg do Prozac and I have currently lost 41lbs in the last 100 days! I have been eating 1200 calories a day, doing 30-40 minutes of cardio a day and drinking 100+ oz of water a day! I also quit smoking 5 months ago! It can be done! Less calories + more moving = weight loss! I intend to lose another 80lbs for a total of 120 lbs loss in a year (October) YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    Way to go!!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Weight loss and exercise are anti depressants! Get off the pills.

    You are full of it. You also have no right to say that people should stop taking a medication they need.

    I am so sick and tired of the ill informed BS from people like this. When you hear people constantly say "get off the pills" or "you don't need meds" or "meds are bad" it makes a person ashamed to be on them. Well guess what? Sometimes people need them. Yet they might not get the help they need because it is stigmatized so badly in society still. It is disgusting.

    ^^ This. Absolutely and completely this.

    You need them because you've trained your brain to "need" them. Really, you just want them. You've decided life is easier with them. And that's true. Life is easier when you can take a pill to solve a problem. But it's not BS. I promise you. I was just like you, loaded up on AD's and I started exercising and got off them. I feel great now, mentally, and I will never go back. When I get down or upset, I go for a walk or a jog and it's amazing how the crap just floats away.

    Oh yeah, I can tell by your posts in these forums that you 'feel' just great. :noway:
  • wiscck
    wiscck Posts: 185 Member
    I'm on citalopram (Celexa) and I've lost almost 30 pounds. Like other people on this forum, the anti-depressants were what gave me the ability to start a healthy diet and exercising. Without that I wouldn't have the motivation to do anything, let alone exercise.

    And for all of you saying "Exercising worked for me, so you should go off your meds!" You're an idiot. If it worked for you, that's fantastic. But the world does not revolve around you -- just because it worked for you doesn't mean it will work for everyone else. It would be like me saying "I had chronic migraines for a decade, until I realized they were caused by eating nightshades! Everyone with migraines should stop taking their meds and instead stop eating potatoes, tomatoes, and peppers, and you'll be cured!" It worked for me, but that's actually a pretty rare food intolerance, so it would be foolish and ignorant of me to tell all migraine sufferers that it would work for them.
  • kathrinnbauer
    kathrinnbauer Posts: 74 Member
    Getting off all my meds has been the best thing ever.

    I highly recommend if you CAN, please do.

    Big Pharma NEEDS you on them; YOU need to be off them asap.

    Best of luck in your endeavor.

    Glad to hear that worked for you. As much I share the view that psychopharmaca are not the right solution for everyone, I would recommend you not to make assumptions about other people as long as you don't know their case. No qualified doctor or health professional would do that and I think you should do it even less. If you knew her exact diagnosis and medical history, your advice would indeed be valid, but that way it is not a good advice. You might describe how you got off the meds, why, why you were on them in the first place and how you manage whatever mental condition you had, but just adviceing her to get off is not a good thing to do. And I for one don't appreciate conspiracy theories about Big Pharma. They are capitalist enterprises that want to make money, they got a lobby and spend a serious amount in PR, BUT medication saves lives everyday and increases the quality of life of many people. Pharma industry doesn't do that out of charity, but that does not mean that most people were better of without that medication. Some actually need it.
    And congrats for being able to find a solution to your problems and a way to lead a happy life now.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Weight loss and exercise are anti depressants! Get off the pills.

    You're the OPs doctor?
    Irresponsible reply.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Getting off all my meds has been the best thing ever.

    I highly recommend if you CAN, please do.

    Big Pharma NEEDS you on them; YOU need to be off them asap.

    Best of luck in your endeavor.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    Weight loss and exercise are anti depressants! Get off the pills.

    You are full of it. You also have no right to say that people should stop taking a medication they need.

    I am so sick and tired of the ill informed BS from people like this. When you hear people constantly say "get off the pills" or "you don't need meds" or "meds are bad" it makes a person ashamed to be on them. Well guess what? Sometimes people need them. Yet they might not get the help they need because it is stigmatized so badly in society still. It is disgusting.

    ^^ This. Absolutely and completely this.

    You need them because you've trained your brain to "need" them. Really, you just want them. You've decided life is easier with them. And that's true. Life is easier when you can take a pill to solve a problem. But it's not BS. I promise you. I was just like you, loaded up on AD's and I started exercising and got off them. I feel great now, mentally, and I will never go back. When I get down or upset, I go for a walk or a jog and it's amazing how the crap just floats away.

    You need to stop. Your comments are flat out ignorant and dangerous.

    Guess what? I have not been on meds for 11 years. Recently I have been through hell. The WHOLE time I was eating right and working out. I just got put back on meds for severe anxiety 2 days ago and the difference already is amazing. So, you are 100% wrong and uneducated on these things. So just stop the BS posts that just show how much you do NOT know.
  • Pandora_King
    Weight loss and exercise are anti depressants! Get off the pills.

    You are full of it. You also have no right to say that people should stop taking a medication they need.

    I am so sick and tired of the ill informed BS from people like this. When you hear people constantly say "get off the pills" or "you don't need meds" or "meds are bad" it makes a person ashamed to be on them. Well guess what? Sometimes people need them. Yet they might not get the help they need because it is stigmatized so badly in society still. It is disgusting.

    ^^ This. Absolutely and completely this.

    You need them because you've trained your brain to "need" them. Really, you just want them. You've decided life is easier with them. And that's true. Life is easier when you can take a pill to solve a problem. But it's not BS. I promise you. I was just like you, loaded up on AD's and I started exercising and got off them. I feel great now, mentally, and I will never go back. When I get down or upset, I go for a walk or a jog and it's amazing how the crap just floats away.

    You need to stop. Your comments are flat out ignorant and dangerous.

    Guess what? I have not been on meds for 11 years. Recently I have been through hell. The WHOLE time I was eating right and working out. I just got put back on meds for severe anxiety 2 days ago and the difference already is amazing. So, you are 100% wrong and uneducated on these things. So just stop the BS posts that just show how much you do NOT know.

    It's not BS. I'm living proof. And so are a lot of other people. SOmetimes it's mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter. :) Only you can let yourself be stressed out by things you cannot control. Only you can decide how you feel. YOu think it's the pills that are helping but really, it's your state of mind. YOu think the pills are working so you feel better but I'll bet you could be taking a placebo and if you didn't know better, you would still feel better. It's all in our heads. Ever heard of Obecalp? Check out the studies they did using that and you might see my point of view.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    Weight loss and exercise are anti depressants! Get off the pills.

    I've been at a healthy weight for years, and have exercised daily for years as well. I've been a pretty healthy and happy person for those years as well. This year I was diagnosed with brain cancer and had surgery to remove a tumor. I'm on a very high dose of anti-seizure medication because of this. One side effect of the anti-seizure medication is mood swings, and I'm also dealing with the very scary prospect of dying of this cancer at some point in the next few years. This has caused me to need an anti-depressant.

    Do you think I should just "get off the pills"? You don't know everyone's story, don't be so judgemental and give blanket advice about stopping medications that may be very essential.

    I am so sorry hun. Cancer sucks. I was a caregiver for my mother during her fight with cancer. I will keep you in my thoughts and I hope you have many years to come.

    Let me tell my story. I have no issues telling it because it is who I am. Why should I be ashamed about it?

    In 2003 (or so) I was diagnosed with depression and general anxiety disorder after having a full blown panic attack right before a college class and then threatening to harm myself. To help get through the semester I took a low dose (.5mg daily) of Ativan for the anxiety. For the depression I changed my diet, started to be more active, forced myself to get enough sleep (hard to do in college, and learned some coping mechanisms. That worked for me and after that semester was over I was also able to stop taking the Ativan.

    Over the last few years I still dealt with depression, anxiety, and what I now know was OCD. However, I was able to control them with coping mechanisms, diet, and sleep. I did really well 99% of the time.

    Then I split with my significant other of 10.5 years in 2012. I made it through thanks to the help of my friends and family.

    Then my mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 Small Cell Lung Cancer. I was her only caregiver unless my Grandmother or Aunt had a chance to drive down (they lived 7.5 hours away, my Grandmother could not drive herself, and my Aunt had to fight to get time off). They did what they could, but the vast VAST majority of things was handled by me. She was in the hospital for Christmas, my birthday, and my graduation. Oh, did I mention I was in my last 2 semesters of Graduate School during this.

    My mom passed away in May 2013. Then I had to deal with all the funeral stuff and all the legal junk like selling her house. Until this is done, I can't get on with my life fully. Jobs around here for my degree are not super easy to find so I am wanting to move to an area with better jobs. I can't do that until I sell her house. So I have had all of that junk that just brings up the pain of missing her.

    Then I had to put my dog to sleep in June 2013. Almost exactly a month after my Mom left, I was losing the only other living thing that I still had in my life.

    Then I was diagnosed with a chronic health condition that causes me pain just about daily.

    Add in the stress of every day life, like finances, bills, family... and it got to be too much. Especially when my 2 closest friends moved away because of job opportunities and I no longer had that support system.

    I started with counseling and it really helped. It gave me ways to deal with the overwhelming anxiety and depression. I helped me focus on the causes and what I could do about them. But it didn't help 100%. Through all of this I was also working out and eating pretty well. But that didn't help 100%. I adopted 2 cats from the shelter. But that didn't help 100%. I was still having thoughts of self harm, severe anxiety that caused multiple panic attacks, and depression that made it very difficult to do anything. Getting out of bed was hard.

    During those months I was diagnoses with moderate depression, severe anxiety, severe stress, PTSD, and OCD.

    Finally I made the decision to see a psychiatrist about what my next step was. I didn't want medications. I know how badly those who take these meds can be judged (just look as some of the posts here). I didn't want to deal with that. But I also knew that the meds may be what I needed. I couldn't allow the anxiety and depression to get in the way of me living my life anymore. The road I was on was dark and dangerous. The meds were, in a way, a street light or flash light to help me see through the darkness.

    Right now I am on a low dose anxiety medication. Next month we will most likely go to an anti depression medication because while the anxiety is better, the depression is still very strong. I am not at all ashamed at taking these medications. Just like others need medications to control their illness, so do I. My illness just happens to be different.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Weight loss and exercise are anti depressants! Get off the pills.

    I've been at a healthy weight for years, and have exercised daily for years as well. I've been a pretty healthy and happy person for those years as well. This year I was diagnosed with brain cancer and had surgery to remove a tumor. I'm on a very high dose of anti-seizure medication because of this. One side effect of the anti-seizure medication is mood swings, and I'm also dealing with the very scary prospect of dying of this cancer at some point in the next few years. This has caused me to need an anti-depressant.

    Do you think I should just "get off the pills"? You don't know everyone's story, don't be so judgemental and give blanket advice about stopping medications that may be very essential.

    I am so sorry hun. Cancer sucks. I was a caregiver for my mother during her fight with cancer. I will keep you in my thoughts and I hope you have many years to come.

    Let me tell my story. I have no issues telling it because it is who I am. Why should I be ashamed about it?

    In 2003 (or so) I was diagnosed with depression and general anxiety disorder after having a full blown panic attack right before a college class and then threatening to harm myself. To help get through the semester I took a low dose (.5mg daily) of Ativan for the anxiety. For the depression I changed my diet, started to be more active, forced myself to get enough sleep (hard to do in college, and learned some coping mechanisms. That worked for me and after that semester was over I was also able to stop taking the Ativan.

    Over the last few years I still dealt with depression, anxiety, and what I now know was OCD. However, I was able to control them with coping mechanisms, diet, and sleep. I did really well 99% of the time.

    Then I split with my significant other of 10.5 years in 2012. I made it through thanks to the help of my friends and family.

    Then my mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 Small Cell Lung Cancer. I was her only caregiver unless my Grandmother or Aunt had a chance to drive down (they lived 7.5 hours away, my Grandmother could not drive herself, and my Aunt had to fight to get time off). They did what they could, but the vast VAST majority of things was handled by me. She was in the hospital for Christmas, my birthday, and my graduation. Oh, did I mention I was in my last 2 semesters of Graduate School during this.

    My mom passed away in May 2013. Then I had to deal with all the funeral stuff and all the legal junk like selling her house. Until this is done, I can't get on with my life fully. Jobs around here for my degree are not super easy to find so I am wanting to move to an area with better jobs. I can't do that until I sell her house. So I have had all of that junk that just brings up the pain of missing her.

    Then I had to put my dog to sleep in June 2013. Almost exactly a month after my Mom left, I was losing the only other living thing that I still had in my life.

    Then I was diagnosed with a chronic health condition that causes me pain just about daily.

    Add in the stress of every day life, like finances, bills, family... and it got to be too much. Especially when my 2 closest friends moved away because of job opportunities and I no longer had that support system.

    I started with counseling and it really helped. It gave me ways to deal with the overwhelming anxiety and depression. I helped me focus on the causes and what I could do about them. But it didn't help 100%. Through all of this I was also working out and eating pretty well. But that didn't help 100%. I adopted 2 cats from the shelter. But that didn't help 100%. I was still having thoughts of self harm, severe anxiety that caused multiple panic attacks, and depression that made it very difficult to do anything. Getting out of bed was hard.

    During those months I was diagnoses with moderate depression, severe anxiety, severe stress, PTSD, and OCD.

    Finally I made the decision to see a psychiatrist about what my next step was. I didn't want medications. I know how badly those who take these meds can be judged (just look as some of the posts here). I didn't want to deal with that. But I also knew that the meds may be what I needed. I couldn't allow the anxiety and depression to get in the way of me living my life anymore. The road I was on was dark and dangerous. The meds were, in a way, a street light or flash light to help me see through the darkness.

    Right now I am on a low dose anxiety medication. Next month we will most likely go to an anti depression medication because while the anxiety is better, the depression is still very strong. I am not at all ashamed at taking these medications. Just like others need medications to control their illness, so do I. My illness just happens to be different.

    We sure have similar stories. I had to put my dog down last March, and have a chronic back problem (plus the cancer, thank you for your kind words). We've been through a lot, but we're still here! There's no shame in our having the problems we do that have led us to needing medication. Add me if you'd like. :)
  • JesusBiscuits
    Weight loss and exercise are anti depressants! Get off the pills.

    You are full of it. You also have no right to say that people should stop taking a medication they need.

    I am so sick and tired of the ill informed BS from people like this. When you hear people constantly say "get off the pills" or "you don't need meds" or "meds are bad" it makes a person ashamed to be on them. Well guess what? Sometimes people need them. Yet they might not get the help they need because it is stigmatized so badly in society still. It is disgusting.

    ^^ This. Absolutely and completely this.

    You need them because you've trained your brain to "need" them. Really, you just want them. You've decided life is easier with them. And that's true. Life is easier when you can take a pill to solve a problem. But it's not BS. I promise you. I was just like you, loaded up on AD's and I started exercising and got off them. I feel great now, mentally, and I will never go back. When I get down or upset, I go for a walk or a jog and it's amazing how the crap just floats away.

    You need to stop. Your comments are flat out ignorant and dangerous.

    Guess what? I have not been on meds for 11 years. Recently I have been through hell. The WHOLE time I was eating right and working out. I just got put back on meds for severe anxiety 2 days ago and the difference already is amazing. So, you are 100% wrong and uneducated on these things. So just stop the BS posts that just show how much you do NOT know.

    It's not BS. I'm living proof. And so are a lot of other people. SOmetimes it's mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter. :) Only you can let yourself be stressed out by things you cannot control. Only you can decide how you feel. YOu think it's the pills that are helping but really, it's your state of mind. YOu think the pills are working so you feel better but I'll bet you could be taking a placebo and if you didn't know better, you would still feel better. It's all in our heads. Ever heard of Obecalp? Check out the studies they did using that and you might see my point of view.

    Just STOP. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. :noway:
    A depressed person does not 'decide' how they'll feel. They'll adjust to a medicine while others won't do crap.
    Depression can be related to the inability to produce or react to mood-related chemicals such as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine, it's not 'a state of mind'. It is a disease, and as such, needs MEDICAL treatment. Only a doctor can tell you wether you should or not take pills.

    Cut the bollocks, you are wrong.
  • SerenaKitty
    Weight loss and exercise are anti depressants! Get off the pills.

    You are full of it. You also have no right to say that people should stop taking a medication they need.

    I am so sick and tired of the ill informed BS from people like this. When you hear people constantly say "get off the pills" or "you don't need meds" or "meds are bad" it makes a person ashamed to be on them. Well guess what? Sometimes people need them. Yet they might not get the help they need because it is stigmatized so badly in society still. It is disgusting.

    ^^ This. Absolutely and completely this.

    You need them because you've trained your brain to "need" them. Really, you just want them. You've decided life is easier with them. And that's true. Life is easier when you can take a pill to solve a problem. But it's not BS. I promise you. I was just like you, loaded up on AD's and I started exercising and got off them. I feel great now, mentally, and I will never go back. When I get down or upset, I go for a walk or a jog and it's amazing how the crap just floats away.

    You need to stop. Your comments are flat out ignorant and dangerous.

    Guess what? I have not been on meds for 11 years. Recently I have been through hell. The WHOLE time I was eating right and working out. I just got put back on meds for severe anxiety 2 days ago and the difference already is amazing. So, you are 100% wrong and uneducated on these things. So just stop the BS posts that just show how much you do NOT know.

    It's not BS. I'm living proof. And so are a lot of other people. SOmetimes it's mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter. :) Only you can let yourself be stressed out by things you cannot control. Only you can decide how you feel. YOu think it's the pills that are helping but really, it's your state of mind. YOu think the pills are working so you feel better but I'll bet you could be taking a placebo and if you didn't know better, you would still feel better. It's all in our heads. Ever heard of Obecalp? Check out the studies they did using that and you might see my point of view.

    Going off meds is a very personal thing. You are not living proof any more than I! I decided to quit all meds and have been med-free for years. It went well for me - I found that medication did not help, and sort of stopped my life in its tracks. I got well on my own for the most part, but guess what? It doesn't work that way for many, many people.

    Please get off your high horse and stop spreading dangerous mouth diarrhea.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    Weight loss and exercise are anti depressants! Get off the pills.

    You are full of it. You also have no right to say that people should stop taking a medication they need.

    I am so sick and tired of the ill informed BS from people like this. When you hear people constantly say "get off the pills" or "you don't need meds" or "meds are bad" it makes a person ashamed to be on them. Well guess what? Sometimes people need them. Yet they might not get the help they need because it is stigmatized so badly in society still. It is disgusting.

    ^^ This. Absolutely and completely this.

    You need them because you've trained your brain to "need" them. Really, you just want them. You've decided life is easier with them. And that's true. Life is easier when you can take a pill to solve a problem. But it's not BS. I promise you. I was just like you, loaded up on AD's and I started exercising and got off them. I feel great now, mentally, and I will never go back. When I get down or upset, I go for a walk or a jog and it's amazing how the crap just floats away.

    You need to stop. Your comments are flat out ignorant and dangerous.

    Guess what? I have not been on meds for 11 years. Recently I have been through hell. The WHOLE time I was eating right and working out. I just got put back on meds for severe anxiety 2 days ago and the difference already is amazing. So, you are 100% wrong and uneducated on these things. So just stop the BS posts that just show how much you do NOT know.

    It's not BS. I'm living proof. And so are a lot of other people. SOmetimes it's mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter. :) Only you can let yourself be stressed out by things you cannot control. Only you can decide how you feel. YOu think it's the pills that are helping but really, it's your state of mind. YOu think the pills are working so you feel better but I'll bet you could be taking a placebo and if you didn't know better, you would still feel better. It's all in our heads. Ever heard of Obecalp? Check out the studies they did using that and you might see my point of view.

    Would you tell a diabetic to "just get over it"? That their illness is "mind over matter"? To no longer take their medications?

    I doubt it. That would be stupid and dangerous.

    Telling someone with a mental disease the same things is just as stupid and dangerous. I tried to every other way. Months and years of trying it other ways. And guess what? It did work for most of it. So I KNOW that meds are not needed sometimes.

    However, other times, it is just like another illness and meds are the best way to help someone. The fact that you are blind to this is very sad. You really should just stop posting because it is obvious you have no sympathy or real understanding of the facts. It just makes you look bad and lose any respect anyone may have had for you. I really, truly hope that those who may need real help do not see your posts and decide not to get it. That sort of shaming can kill people because they decide they do not want to be mocked for taking meds.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Weight loss and exercise are anti depressants! Get off the pills.

    You are full of it. You also have no right to say that people should stop taking a medication they need.

    I am so sick and tired of the ill informed BS from people like this. When you hear people constantly say "get off the pills" or "you don't need meds" or "meds are bad" it makes a person ashamed to be on them. Well guess what? Sometimes people need them. Yet they might not get the help they need because it is stigmatized so badly in society still. It is disgusting.

    ^^ This. Absolutely and completely this.

    You need them because you've trained your brain to "need" them. Really, you just want them. You've decided life is easier with them. And that's true. Life is easier when you can take a pill to solve a problem. But it's not BS. I promise you. I was just like you, loaded up on AD's and I started exercising and got off them. I feel great now, mentally, and I will never go back. When I get down or upset, I go for a walk or a jog and it's amazing how the crap just floats away.

    You need to stop. Your comments are flat out ignorant and dangerous.

    Guess what? I have not been on meds for 11 years. Recently I have been through hell. The WHOLE time I was eating right and working out. I just got put back on meds for severe anxiety 2 days ago and the difference already is amazing. So, you are 100% wrong and uneducated on these things. So just stop the BS posts that just show how much you do NOT know.

    It's not BS. I'm living proof. And so are a lot of other people. SOmetimes it's mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter. :) Only you can let yourself be stressed out by things you cannot control. Only you can decide how you feel. YOu think it's the pills that are helping but really, it's your state of mind. YOu think the pills are working so you feel better but I'll bet you could be taking a placebo and if you didn't know better, you would still feel better. It's all in our heads. Ever heard of Obecalp? Check out the studies they did using that and you might see my point of view.

    So I should just change my state of mind about my cancer, or the effect of the other medications that I take? You are one person, and your experience does not prove that everyone in the world is just like you. Perhaps you just got over your bout of self-pity and that's why you didn't need medication anymore...... others have more serious problems.
  • Pandora_King
    Weight loss and exercise are anti depressants! Get off the pills.

    You are full of it. You also have no right to say that people should stop taking a medication they need.

    I am so sick and tired of the ill informed BS from people like this. When you hear people constantly say "get off the pills" or "you don't need meds" or "meds are bad" it makes a person ashamed to be on them. Well guess what? Sometimes people need them. Yet they might not get the help they need because it is stigmatized so badly in society still. It is disgusting.

    ^^ This. Absolutely and completely this.

    You need them because you've trained your brain to "need" them. Really, you just want them. You've decided life is easier with them. And that's true. Life is easier when you can take a pill to solve a problem. But it's not BS. I promise you. I was just like you, loaded up on AD's and I started exercising and got off them. I feel great now, mentally, and I will never go back. When I get down or upset, I go for a walk or a jog and it's amazing how the crap just floats away.

    You need to stop. Your comments are flat out ignorant and dangerous.

    Guess what? I have not been on meds for 11 years. Recently I have been through hell. The WHOLE time I was eating right and working out. I just got put back on meds for severe anxiety 2 days ago and the difference already is amazing. So, you are 100% wrong and uneducated on these things. So just stop the BS posts that just show how much you do NOT know.

    It's not BS. I'm living proof. And so are a lot of other people. SOmetimes it's mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter. :) Only you can let yourself be stressed out by things you cannot control. Only you can decide how you feel. YOu think it's the pills that are helping but really, it's your state of mind. YOu think the pills are working so you feel better but I'll bet you could be taking a placebo and if you didn't know better, you would still feel better. It's all in our heads. Ever heard of Obecalp? Check out the studies they did using that and you might see my point of view.

    So I should just change my state of mind about my cancer, or the effect of the other medications that I take? You are one person, and your experience does not prove that everyone in the world is just like you. Perhaps you just got over your bout of self-pity and that's why you didn't need medication anymore...... others have more serious problems.

    We're talking about depression medication here. No need to drag this into a big thing. But actually it you do some research, people have gotten better from some pretty terrible diseases using only mind power.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I take Citalopram (Celexa) every day and have been for years and managed to lose the weight you see below. Good luck!