
Already losing my motivation:( I was really good the 1st day of the year and now i'm going downhill!!!!


  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    Already losing my motivation:( I was really good the 1st day of the year and now i'm going downhill!!!!

    Stop being a loser, and keep going. You really want THIS to beat YOU?!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Already losing my motivation:( I was really good the 1st day of the year and now i'm going downhill!!!!

    it's like my profile says...

    You either want it or you don't.
  • melissaka7
    melissaka7 Posts: 277 Member
    You gotta want it.
  • JenavaTS
    JenavaTS Posts: 10 Member
    Your motivation is going to go up and down...its normal and natural. This is a long journey; it's OK to take a breather when you need to. Don't be ashamed; just pick a date to get back on the horse, make a meal plan, and stick to it.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    What's your current intake at? Exercise? Why do you feel like giving up? The reason I relapsed into bad habits when I lost weight the first time was because I was being too restrictive and expecting too much, too fast. What helped me was taking a before picture and then pictures every week, same outfit, place. Over time, I could see my efforts in picture when I felt impatient or like giving up. Also, this helped me. 

    You should get a different avi. Don't beat yourself up. ♥ Remember you are human and make mistakes. Learn and grow. You are worth being loved.
  • Always_Smiling_D
    Always_Smiling_D Posts: 118 Member
    reality is we can encourage but not motivate you...

    (1) make a list of the why's you want it
    (2) set goals - daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, bi-yearly, and yearly
    (3) draw out a plan
    (4) make a personal commitment to that plan
    (5) execute

    Most important thing is that you have to want it and you have to want it bad - make sure your reasons are beyond just the mare fact of dropping numbers on the scale and keep in mind you will stumble and fall along the way of meeting each goal set but the most important thing is that you stand up and keep going because each second, minute, hour, day is a new chance to make a better choice than the one before...
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    reality is we can encourage but not motivate you...

    (1) make a list of the why's you want it
    (2) set goals - daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, bi-yearly, and yearly
    (3) draw out a plan
    (4) make a personal commitment to that plan
    (5) execute

    Most important thing is that you have to want it and you have to want it bad - make sure your reasons are beyond just the mare fact of dropping numbers on the scale and keep in mind you will stumble and fall along the way of meeting each goal set but the most important thing is that you stand up and keep going because each second, minute, hour, day is a new chance to make a better choice than the one before...

    This, exactly! You have to want this... It'll never work if you don't.
  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    You may have unrealistic goals.
  • FrancesGallagher
    FrancesGallagher Posts: 88 Member
    Why are you losing your motivation this fast? Ask yourself that and then get back to why you are motivated to do it in the first place. You may even have to change the way you were starting your program. Every trip starts with one step so keep focused and if you slip one day try not to let that stop your determination to make 2014 the year you shine. Good luck on your journey !!!!!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    You may have unrealistic goals.

  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I have the same thing, I'll be good for a week or so and then I'll have a "Blah, I just don't want to exercise" day. This is a big lifestyle change and it takes awhile before it becomes a regular thing. Remember you don't have to do everything every single day - some people can jump right in and get the diet and exercise down, and others need to tweak it or ease into it in order to be successful.

    Remember that you need to eat at a deficit in order to lose weight, exercise is for fitness. So if you're having a really tough day with motivation, keep the eating part on track and ditch the workout for the day. You'll still be on track to lose and can make the workout up on another day. Better to cut back on something and still be on the right track than get overwhelmed and derail yourself completely.
  • DeliriumCanBeFun
    DeliriumCanBeFun Posts: 313 Member
    My level of motivation changes by the day. But I have noticed that for me it is directly correlated to my activities and my diet. If I eat like crap and don't exercise, I'm miserable and not at all motivated. Sometimes you just have to force yourself until you want it, and each day is a new day. Try planning out your meals and exercise the day before and make yourself stick to the plan. A few days of this, and you'll start to see a change on the scale and and in the mirror too before you know it. There's nothing as motivating as seeing progress. You can do this! Make small goals, and please be kind to yourself. Change that awful profile pic!!!!
  • eebrocks
    Don't get frustrated and quit. Just make sure you do a little bit better today than you did yesterday. Write EVERYTHING down so you are giving yourself the credit you deserve!

    And if you fall off the wagon, don't use that an as excuse to give up! Accept it as a "day off" and get right back to it tomorrow.
  • alphabull
    alphabull Posts: 45 Member
    Tough love time!

    Quit or do it.

    That's the options. Its your body, your life and only you can find the inner motivation to improve yourself. We can praise your success and cheer you on, but we can't give you the motivation you need to get your self moving.

    I keep a very small friends group on here, they are all motivated and dedicated to improving their physical lives. They motivate me, not by voice, but by action. I see their work and diet, I see their losses. That motivates me. Also, I feel embarrassed if I don't do my best in front of them to keep up with my goals. I have my exercises and food diary open to all my friends for them to see. I expect them to see it, read it and call me out on an B.S. I may try to pull. I expect them to call me out when I have a bad food day or don't get my lazy rear end off the couch. I see how much they have lost, that motivates me. Find what motivates you, then use it. Tweak it when its not enough, and use it again.

    Also, I disagree with the above poster. I like your profile pic. If fatty is how you feel, then use that to motivate yourself. Don't let fatty win. I keep a pair of jeans hanging on my door, I have to pass them every time I move through the house. They are my motivation. They are tagged with a note that says "Not sized for your fat *kitten*!" Seven months ago that was true, but in about a month I'll be wearing those jeans! That's my motivation.
  • Masq
    Masq Posts: 191 Member
    Don't give UP!
    Record everything even if it's 'bad'. It's helpful to see what you are doing..... like my profile says 'Your body keeps an accurate journal, regardless of what you write down.'
    Today wasn't the greatest for's super busy at work, so they brought in pizza. I made the choice to partake, so I will not meet my calorie goal today. I will just eat less for dinner and get back on track tomorrow. I have already recorded the pizza that I had...

    Hang in there! :flowerforyou: