Over 40 Friends w/ 25-50lbs to lose, I need you!!

Hey All,

I'm searching for over 40 women (men too) who are trying to lose 25 - 50lbs. I incorporate all kinds of food into my diet, but I do try to keep carbs to a minimum, or at least in check.

I work from home, so keeping active is a challenge. If you are in a similar boat I would love to have some support.

Friend me!!


  • tiger_lily5
    tiger_lily5 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi! I'm about to hit 47 and I've got 25 lbs to lose, 15lbs snuck up and found me last year. Interesting that you find working from home makes it harder for you to be active. I worked from home for the last 12 years and was doing ok.

    Last year I took a 7-4 office job and put on 15lbs. Not because I changed my diet, but because I suddenly became more sedentary than ever before.

    I downloaded an app recently 24/7 by MotionX that tracks my steps per day as well as beeps at me every hour that I haven't gotten up and moved. I find it very helpful. Good luck!
  • harp15
    harp15 Posts: 2 Member
    hi there, I am over 50 and need to lose 50lbs. I am terrible at both dieting and exercise! I had never needed to do it before. Recently diagnosed with kidney disease, so now I must limit my protein and sodium which is making meals more difficult for weight loss. Open to all ideas :)
  • curt40
    curt40 Posts: 137 Member
    Over 40, want to lose 50 lbs. Please feel free to add me!
  • HI there..I just joined as well and have about 60 pds to lsoe--do I still count?? ;) I will be 45 in May. I was 188 forever and then the next few (I now weigh 204) snuck up on me over the past year.

    Let's all be friends...

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    I'm 46 and even though I have lost 80lbs, still have about another 50lbs to lose. Friend me if you want.
  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    Hello - I'm over 40 and want have 22# more to reach my goal weight. I work from home too - it's a challenge to ignore the kitchen that beckons me for a visit all day long....

    Friends request on the way...I can use the support!
  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member
    I'm 47 with about 50 lbs to lose in total. Had lost about half but then came Christmas! Back on it again, though, and happy to accept friend requests.
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 265 Member
    I'm 42 and need to lose about 30 pounds. I work at a desk job and I am trying to get moving more and clean up my eating. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • paladinmfp
    paladinmfp Posts: 18 Member
    Sent you a FR, but, others can add me as well.
    lost 40 pounds last year, and need to do that again in 2014.
    I've logged every day for nearly 6 months, so, I am active in MFP.
  • raleighgoodwins
    raleighgoodwins Posts: 68 Member
    I'm 51 and trying to lose 30 lbs. I also am friends with a few 50 or over 50 women trying to lose in the 25-50 range also. Friend me if you want. I need all the support I can get. I've been trying to lose these same 30 lbs for several years now (actually I was trying to lose 35 but I have managed to lose 4 and actually keep it off for a while now - a small victory!)
  • renee6515
    renee6515 Posts: 42 Member
    Do you get breaks? At my job I get two 15 min breaks a day and a 1/2 hour lunch, I didnt use to take my breaks but then decided if my coworkers can use it to smoke, talk on phone etc then I can use mine too! I use the breaks to be active, walk around block, clean house or even a short exercise video. For lunch I would use 15mins for eating and the other 15 to walk,etc. I do admit I slacked sometimes on the lunch walking. I no longer work at home due to internet issues but I try to do same working onsite (when weather is not in the negatives).
  • DebbieGo52
    DebbieGo52 Posts: 11 Member
    I am nearly 45, with more then 50 lbs to lose but all support is greatly accepted. I have a 5 year plan and getting healthier and fitter is one of my goals. Look forward to supporting us all. I work as a bus operator so I sit a lot, but have been adding a lot of walking to my days as a start. Need to pack the lunches so I don't get sidetracked into eating fast food.
  • I am 44 with about 80lbs to lose. Started at the gym and watching what I eat...hopefully it will start melting away.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    I'm 55, have lost 61 lbs. since Sept. 2012 here on MFP, and still have 20 lbs. more to lose. Friend me if you like! :flowerforyou:
  • nicwillett
    nicwillett Posts: 46 Member
    Hi I'm almost 47 and got started on my 28lb loss challenge on Sunday. Really glad you are all here :) I am joining a 93 day fitness challenge on there Friday, anyone else taking part?
  • Count me in!
  • laurasaintlouis
    laurasaintlouis Posts: 131 Member
    I am in. I am 46 and trying to lose 20-30lbs. My first goal is 20.
  • laurasaintlouis
    laurasaintlouis Posts: 131 Member
    Is that a free app? I use a pedometer but I can never get any that I buy to work right.
  • Rms2991
    Rms2991 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I also am over 50. Since 18 Dec 2013 I have been using MFP, eating more natural and making sensible activity changes in my life. Working in Information Management, my job is more conducive to gaining than losing weight. Regardless, with moderate activity changes and lifestyle changes, thus far, I have managed to to lose 65 of my desired 75 lbs. Using the MFP iPad app, I am just now getting introduced to these message boards. So, if you would like to share some tips, and provide each other encouragement, I'm in!
  • johnrcallaway
    johnrcallaway Posts: 8 Member
    44 / m/ Colorado here and new to the group.