Thoughts/Experience with Zumba.



  • adriennewx
    adriennewx Posts: 38 Member
    i think it can be a bit hit and miss. at my gym there are 4 different instructors and every class is totally different. two seem more like salsacize (pretty boring), another is like streetdance which is bloody hardwork haha and the last is what i would say proper zumba is, all hip shaking etc. it is taught by an african man and his wife and it is a great class!!
  • LesaDave
    LesaDave Posts: 1,480 Member
    Zumba is a FUN workout, but it really does depend on the instructor.

    I try to go to all Zumbathons that I can. That way you can try more than one instructor on the same day. Gives you an idea about how each person is.

    But, yes, the instructor has a BIG part with whether you like that class or not.
  • myfuture14
    I just went too my first zumba class yesterday and I was very nervous but I loved it had a great time. Got lost a couple Times but no one cared except for me. I agree with having a great instructor probably makes a big difference. This instructor was great got us clapping and yelling, she walked thru the group and motivated us. She really encouraged ids to let loose said zumba is what you make of it. I'm going again tomorrow will have a different instructor see how that goes. I'm excited about all the new changes I'm making. Good luck with your endeavors and have fun no matter what
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member

    Hahaha :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • Kooney30
    I love Zumba and my instructor! I like going to the classes instead of popping in a dvd because I dont push myself as much at home. Plus you meet so many different people but everyone has the same goal which is to be healthy all while having fun. Its the best cardio workout for me especially since I like dancing.
  • andreajaeger89
    I LOVE ZUMBA!!! :heart: I have been doing it for over a year now, but I agree with most that it all depends on the instructor you have. My instructor is about 4'11 85 pounds and from Peru. She is amazing and adorable. She is great at making Zumba feel like a family and not cliquey or judgemental... Well at least not to people we don't know. I've been going so long that I have a lot of freinds that a regulars and we "judge" each other when we mess up or look silly. Lol. :laugh: There is a group of us regulars about 15 or so that do GNO at least once a month. We range in age from 24 to 57 and we have a blast. Going to class for me is like hanging out with my besties and dancing for an hour. It can be intimidating and hard at first, but I always tell people to give it three tries before you call it quits. By the third class you will have learned a majority of the dance moves and some of the choreography. Zumba rescued me from a depressed couch bound life. I worked a desk job 8-4 and my then bf worked two nights a week and had nigth classes twice a week. I spent a lot of time home alone and was really depressed. :brokenheart: When I finally worked up the courage to go to Zumba I wondered why I hadn't done it sooner. I lost weight, built up my confidence, and made a bunch of new friends that have made all the difference in my life. I love them so much!!:love:
  • bf43005
    bf43005 Posts: 287
    I didn't care for it. I have burned more calories in other classes and enjoyed them more. But that's personal preference. The instructor was amazing, someone who is regually teaching classes at my gym, so it wasn't that. I think the music was part of it, not my style. I didn't feel like I got a good cardio workout. But if you are strongly opposed to other cardio this might work for you because I sure didn't feel like I was tired or anything while doing it.
    I would suggest checking out a YouTube video and trying it first before buying into a long term commitment. Good Luck!
  • bobbijodmb
    bobbijodmb Posts: 463 Member
    I love love love Zumba classes-- amazing and so much fun!

    I bought the DVDs and I hated them-- just wasn't the same for me. I have zumba on my wii and only played it twice.

    So for me, I loved it in person, but just not the other versions
  • librarygirlontherun
    LOVE IT, but only in a class with a GREAT instructor. It helped with my staminia with my running. Sadly I can not work it into my Marathon training, but will come back to it after my race.
  • Urban_Princess
    Urban_Princess Posts: 219 Member
    I love Zumba! It works all the time and I always work up a sweat. I have Zumba for the Wii but I rarely use it because I have an amazing instructor. I know it is a bit of money to sign up for classes, but I would suggest trying out a few classes with different instructors because they can be different. I have one instructor who is amazing and just kills you every time. I went to a different location and had a different teacher and I barely raised my heart rate. So it really does depend on the instructor. Don't give up after one try. If you are self motivated then I would suggest trying out a dvd or something for a game console
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    I am absolutely in love with Zumba, but I agree- it definitely depends on your instructor. My instructor is AWESOME and we do more of a hip-hop based class than salsa dancing. I am sweating every time. I first tried Zumba at college and honestly hated it. My instructor was so boring, all the music was boring, I was bored.

    I also lift weights very regularly and run, so Zumba isn't the only thing I do, and I hate when it's judged by people who do "real" workouts.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I've been doing a Zumba class about 3x a week, and I love it. It's so much fun. I've also done the Zumba 2 Wii game. Although the game is decent, and so are youtube routines... I find the actual class makes me work harder and keeps my attention more. But it's definitely pretty awesome... even for those of us who are complete nondancers. :laugh:
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I got the dvds and tried them a couple times but I didn't like them. I LOVE dancing, but hated these. I have a hard time following steps. I'm coordinated, but have a hard time following. If you pick up steps quickly than you may like it. A class would probably be more fun (or more embarrassing in my case).
  • Iwantskinnythighs
    In my opinion, zumba is the best cardio workout around. I love music and love to dance, so combining that with working out is so awesome. Depending on the instructor, you can have a moderate to extremely vigorous workout. I bought the DVD's but got bored with them pretty quickly. Many gyms offer zumba classes (24 hour fitness, Chuze, LA fitness), so you could get the added bonus of zumba classes + weights, etc. if you decide to join a gym. Good Luck!
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    Zumba is so much fun!!! Rarely do it though, I should do it more often.
    I love classes much more than at home workouts, feed off the energy.

  • justaloozer
    justaloozer Posts: 122 Member
    Also this:


    Love Zumba!

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • supergirl6
    supergirl6 Posts: 224 Member
    I love love love zumba! I feel ridiculous and also awesome at the same time. Like I'm in a movie where everyone breaks out into a dance sequence.

    I also burn about 760 calories during the hour according to my bodybugg. I use it as one of my cardio days during the week.
  • lilred806
    lilred806 Posts: 195 Member
    I go to a ymca and take Zumba there. I love it. On the days when I don't feel like doing anything I still feel like going to Zumba. The classes can vary depending on instructors and even how much I put into it. I hurt my knee , not Zumba related, and did everything low impact for a while and so it was easier. Now I am back and they switched up the routine for the next 6 weeks and I was sweating like crazy. We have multiple teachers with different styles at my y and so I can choose which styles I prefer and attend those. I prefer more hip-hop music but sometimes it is fun to do something different. I find that the more I know a routine the more effort I can put in and that way I get in a more intense workout. Oh and I never watch myself I just pretend I look as good as the instructor. :)
  • jbee27
    jbee27 Posts: 356 Member
    I think it comes down to instructor and personal preference. I gave it a shot over the summer, and I doubt I'll ever do it again.

    I did a six week beginnners course, and I didn't enjoy it. Instructor was fine, others seemed to enjoy her, but overall it's a little too "peppy" for me. I didn't even take dance as a child, so I had a harder tiem than others getting the moves/combinations down, and I just felt silly the entire time.

    All that being said, it's definitely a great cardio workout, I sweated up a storm every class.
  • Arianemarie123
    Arianemarie123 Posts: 42 Member
    I went to my Aunt's Zumba classes. It was a lot of fun, definitely worth it if you love dancing.