Bit of a rant



  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810
    I feel your pain! You feel bad because these people are not only being swindled out of their money, they are also putting their health in danger by not eating a balanced diet. I am a cub scout leader, and there are 4 scouts in our pack who go to the local doctor in town. These scouts are all on the same meds for adhd. I know that adhd is real and prevalent. I know children usually take meds to control it. I used to teach in a totally different town, so I know the names of most of the common meds. The trouble I have is that these 4 kids take one pill at night to go to sleep then have to take another in the morning to get completely awake. I hate to think about the long term effects on their health. I have talked to parents and urged them to get second opinions, but all of them love this doctor.

    ADHD isn't prevalent, but it is commonly diagnosed. They're not the same. If ADHD were as prevalent as the diagnosis rates would suggest, it would just be a low average level of functioning on the spectrum, rather than an actual developmental delay. But, parents generally feel more comfortable with a diagnosis and medication that keeps them for feeling it's their "fault." People will do what they do.
  • PaulaRicco
    PaulaRicco Posts: 35 Member
    It most certainly sounds like a Twilight Zone Episode!

    Most people are so mislead about what health and fitness is and how to get there - so many people want the quick fix. But if it was quick and easy, wouldn't we all be svelte Olympic athlete-type hard-bodies walking around in size 0 jeans? It's not quick and easy, you know the level of hard work and dedication it takes to change your body.

    Many people will spend their whole lives looking for the easy way out - but you know better. So sit back, stay focused and don't let their brain washed ways disturb you too much.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,300 Member
    I support you. It is good to read you are doing your own thing. Fresh food is always the best, just takes some people longer to work it out. Keep up your good work.
  • aldale
    aldale Posts: 118 Member
    I feel your pain! You feel bad because these people are not only being swindled out of their money, they are also putting their health in danger by not eating a balanced diet. I am a cub scout leader, and there are 4 scouts in our pack who go to the local doctor in town. These scouts are all on the same meds for adhd. I know that adhd is real and prevalent. I know children usually take meds to control it. I used to teach in a totally different town, so I know the names of most of the common meds. The trouble I have is that these 4 kids take one pill at night to go to sleep then have to take another in the morning to get completely awake. I hate to think about the long term effects on their health. I have talked to parents and urged them to get second opinions, but all of them love this doctor.

    ADHD isn't prevalent, but it is commonly diagnosed. They're not the same. If ADHD were as prevalent as the diagnosis rates would suggest, it would just be a low average level of functioning on the spectrum, rather than an actual developmental delay. But, parents generally feel more comfortable with a diagnosis and medication that keeps them for feeling it's their "fault." People will do what they do.
    I so agree, but everytime I say that it is diagnosed too often, I get told how wrong I am. I do believe that parents just want to
    medicate their kids instead of dealing with the issues in other ways. I also have noticed how these kids are very picky eaters. The paremts only expose them to hot dogs, pizza rolls, chicken nuggets, fish sticks, boxed mac n cheese, . . . Hello! Maybe their diets are causing them to have focusing problems.
  • chasky
    chasky Posts: 5 Member
    I went the direction of Herbal life a few years back. I was on so many supplements that I was experiencing black outs, cold sweats, nervous shakes and upset stomach. The distributor was telling me that I needed to take additional pills to counteract the effects I was having. I was already taking 15 pills before each meal. Stick to your guns and do it the healthy way. Peer support is the best ingredient.
  • ScottH_200
    ScottH_200 Posts: 377 Member
    "Mama always said, stupid is as stupid does..."---Forrest Gump